5 December 03
(877) 453-8265 or (206) 463-7827

Foolmoon Gem, to The Tee

Coming Waves The approaching Great Attractor Fool Moon clears some of the fog known as reality through the weekend and Monday, in an impressive display of bravado and brute force, Sagittarius (Sun-Pluto) and Gemini (Moon) styled. This is a stressful chart, to be frank, but most of what is stressed is ideas (given the signs involved, including plenty of Jupiter in Virgo). The arrangement is a T square aspect, famous for imbalance and making stuff happen.

It's a kind of a mindspring, springs are based on stress and this chart is a catapult. In the world-at-large, anything is possible, and strange developments are probable. Authentic breakthroughs are therefore also possible, generally and in any endeavour that entertains ideas, beliefs, or gets out the word. There's a special message for those involved in the field of marriage: it's a time to align the laws that govern this peculiar institution with the higher cosmic order. There is as well the implication that matings, joinings and other partnerings of this era will turn out considerably strong, possess wide vision and unusual community impact.

There's a message to drop the petty obsession with keeping score and tabulating misdemeanour sins, focussing instead on what matters & using that as the basis of relationship. A time to bond and meet rather than surrender one's autonomy, the picture of what I once picked up from the Pleiades as the idea mutual independent relationship. Otherwise relationships are doomed to be a hall of mirrors rather than couplings or groupings. Mirrors are mirrors and people are partners.

Gemini-Sagittarius is all about publishing and words, which presently are a cultural obsession. In a time of too much of nothing, form rules over content, and those forms are creating us more potently than we create them. As Paris Hilton is now experiencing at full strength, we live in a world with lots of mirrors. What do we see? What do we really say on those tapes? And if you could broadcast any idea right now, what would it be?

In another dimension of mindspace, Scorpio at the South Node pastward portal called Ketu, a story continues about giving up, letting go of or ascending beyond the hand-me-down failure of faith in oneself that's been passed along as a family heirloom. Look to your grandparents for the basic ingredients of this phenomenon. This is the work of Pholus, the second Centaur planet, which is churning up all kinds of intensity in Scorpio - activity which affects all of us. Pholus helps us get to the roots of old issues, and its most important quality is CURIOSITY.

An everpresent challenge of life is to understand or even see one's own issues - not always so easy. To see the constituents of our issues, the dominant and recessive personality traits that are swimming around inside us, it helps to divide the genetic tree, then divide it again. Our parents are too close to the forest to see the trees. By two generations back, it's clearer what's going on, each of those inner personalities we possess is distinct and our grandparents typify our more subtle traits, as if in caricature. How did your four grandparents get along, if you knew them? Did they even know each other, your father's parents, and your mom's? One thing I can assure you given the powerful presence of Scorpio and a planet called Pholus is that sex is a central theme, and that any hangups identified will find a remedy in something extremely useful known as curiosity, which is the only true remedy for boredom.

Random Details
Monday, Dec. 8, Luna and Sol align across 17 Gem/Sagitt. Sol is conjunct Pluto and the axis is squared by Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) in Virgo, increasing the scale of whatever we experience and applying considerable pressure to depend on something besides rationality; it's getting old. Also adorning the sign of the Sun's current transit are mythical worlds including Pluto (those occasional evolutionary tendencies), Quaoar (planet of family systems), Ixion (original sin), Vesta (sacred whore), Psyche (faith, its struggles and rewards), Dionysus (we love you, dude) & Juno (and you, honey). This is the Gemini Full Moon, the first full lunation since the total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius about two weeks ago and hence a development in that story, which is in turn an outgrowth of the Harmonic Concordance. It's been a month since the Concordance. Interesting trip, was it not?

Oh and as for the Great Attractor part, the Sun is now crossing (and the moon is about to oppose) an intergalactic point with this name, so called because a million galaxies are converging upon it at a million miles per hour. A true child prodigy, this thing whatever it may be, is the opposite point/event/dynamic of the fabled Big Bang. Behold.

The Situation
Things will not be necessarily continuous.
The fact that they are something other than perfectly continuous
Ought not to be characterized as a pause.
There will be some things that people will see.
There will be some things that people won't see.
And life goes on.
                                -- the poet D.H. Rumsfeld
Oct. 12, 2001, Department of Defense news briefing


Last Week's Keeper By process of elimination, you can figure out what love is. When you're feeling defensive, that's not love. When you're feeling anxious, that is not love. If you feel like you have a need that can't be met, that's not love. If you expect a negative outcome for no special reason, that is not love. If you are judging yourself or someone else, or expecting to be judged, that's not love. Loving yourself as you are has a strange way of going from the most difficult thing there is to the easiest thing there is. You want to project that ease to the world, because if you do, you're going to create a lot more of it, and it's about time. - Planet Waves Pisces 28 Nov. 2003

Aries (March 20-April 19)
It's funny, when you were younger, you weren't given to such fits of religious fanaticism. Bringing home sixty self-improvement books from Borders, getting an A in Zen meditation, tossing about mantras like phrases in French class. You've managed to stay vegan since 1995. Okay, I'm getting carried away. But just what is inspiring your inspiration, and why is it so fabulously raging at this moment? And who cares? We shall see. Please take my advice: get yourself some job interviews scheduled for this week. Aim about three rungs higher than you think you can achieve. The ultimate religion is faith in yourself.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Venus is approaching Chiron; the two are about to make a conjunction in Capricorn that's exactly trine Jupiter in Virgo. These two earthy signs work together and create a familiar dialog, and your natal Sun is in the discussion, completing a grand earth trine from Taurus. This is actually a really great aspect for everyone, but you've got the sweetest part of it as both Virgo and Capricorn illuminate you from either side. You bring with you the emotional sensuality, the child's burning curiosity, and touching the edge of pain that makes pleasure so much more beautiful.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
It's not so easy conceiving of other dimensions outside the ones we normally experience, but the Internet provides a very excellent example. Some people can get there. Some cannot. It's not that some people lack the ability to see the screen and type on the keyboard; obviously they could. Once reached, another dimension is entered, an entire universe of customs, laws, ideas, many private languages (code, which excludes whole classes of code-illiterates). So there are different levels once one is inside that space. And the more imagination you have, the better it is, the further you can go, the more interesting choices you can make. Just like your life right now.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You are growing accustomed to situations that call on you to demonstrate what feels like infinite strength and psychological stretching capacity, and perhaps saint-like patience. This obsession around work, or more accurately its obsession around you, seems to have altered your deepest nature and shifted your priorities away from many aspects of life that you value. There is an evolutionary message here, however, a process which you must go through eventually, so you're going through it now. You know deep down that you're meant to play in the big leagues. That takes practice, and it's best to start young.

Leo (July 22-Aug 23)
If you're lucky, every now and then you hear someone say something like, "I tried to be who I was, but I failed, so I went back to being someone else." I say lucky because we all need to see these really dumb ideas exposed for what they are, because we all have them. As for the case in point, this is a moment of breakthrough for precisely who you are, a time when you have the capacity to express your most deeply held and unspeakable beliefs in a way that validates you and brings you closer to them. That's worth whatever risk you feel you need to take, and it would appear that there is a risk involved: for example, challenging the fear of being guilted out of existence.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Are you starting to figure out what that raging adolescent who's taken up residence in your heart really wants and needs? In a word, experience. In two words, sexual experience. Most people never get to work out their transition into adult desires and feelings, and eventually (for most people) the desire to do so is lost over time. You're likely to be getting a hot burst of what may feel like ravenous craving for just exactly what you want the very most. You're also in a good position for that to be emotionally and psychologically safe. But you will need to take the chance if you want the experience. And it may have the effect of bringing up something old and unresolved that you finally get to heal.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
You are not merely in an excellent position to resolve a potentially painful situation at home; you are also in a good place to completely redefine the concept of home. It has to do with where you feel your best being the most emotionally open, sensuous, and in all respects free to love. You remain, ever and anon, something of a true traditionalist. But there is a tradition to the sanctity of the home as a space where love is welcome. You wouldn't know it from most modern households, which are under the thrall of strictures and rules that are secretly taught in marketing classes. At a certain time in life you must become the king of your own castle.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Creative ideas are one thing, and creative action is another. Ideas are great because they cannot fail. They simply are. Actions are more challenging; the potential for loss and failure is very much a reality, and one's confidence is tested. There is a good analogy in that delicate game of parlaying erotic fantasy into erotic reality. As we all know, they are two very different things, for which reason many people propose fantasy is best left as such. That all having been said, the time is fast approaching for you to begin converting your creative ideas into daily routines. To do so, you will need to begin. Beginning is easier than you think, and it's half the job.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Question whether you're being asked to give something up, or whether you're confronting an old belief that you cannot conceive of love without the idea of sacrifice included. In either case, you hold the power to make a decision. Breakthroughs come in many forms, and they don't always look like what they are. Events of the next few days promise to break the impasse in one particular relationship so that a real exchange can resume. While you're almost certainly coming from a position of devotion, it may not appear that way to others, and you need to make your feelings clear, and not take on outer perceptions that are simply not true.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Beware the double edge of pleasure, and let it take you that much deeper into your experience of being alive. True emotional vulnerability brings up every feeling along the spectrum, which is why deep erotic experiences need to be grounded in a space of trust and compassion. But which comes first -- the depth or the trust -- is never assured in advance. There are times when it's necessary to plunge into deep experiences and hope for the best. Of course, it really helps if you gain a knack for assessing how close people are to their humanity. At the moment, you are very close to yours.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
You've lived through a rather prolonged period that could be titled "What Words Can't Say." I know some people make what words can say look easy, though it rarely is. But as the worlds orbit and your mind turns, the right words are becoming available. That accessing them may still be a bit difficult is a reassuring sign, because finding the right words for the kinds of challenges and situations you have experienced, and for the feelings you are currently processing, requires careful thought and experimentation. That is a growth curve. That is you becoming one more shade of real.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Worldly power is only occasionally bestowed upon those who possess a shred of ethics. That's because power is usually taken rather than given. You are at a peak moment along a rather long journey toward finding your correct place in the world in a way that honours what you could call the higher principles of life. It takes extra effort, thought and reflection to do things right and to actually contend with the necessities of fairness. Just remember that a lot of good work and high-minded conscience can be sold out easily. Make every decision count, and do what you trust.

Soul Returns: Sagittarius Birthdays This Week
As a Sagittarian, it is undeniable that you value your independence. And it's undeniable that you are committed to ideas that are larger and, in a sense, more important than what this world usually offers. You have a perception of scale that few people understand, and which creates some unusual priorities when you find yourself involved in relationships with others.

Even those people who have come to appreciate and respect your autonomy are going to get a run for the money this year. You are possessed of an agenda, and it would seem that only those who come along with the plan are going to get the benefit of your attention. I don't recommend this policy. While you may question the ability of others to have your penetrating insights and social visions, you need their company, support and cooperation, and they need you. Count them in; you know who I'm talking about. As the one with greater vision, you need to see the way around  the impasse.

'Independence' is a relative term. It does not really mean being strictly non-dependent on the ideas and companionship of others; rather, it means coming from your viewpoint and seeing the viewpoints of others clearly. Thus, independence is a direct result of communication skill. Most people do the opposite: clam up when they want to take over an aspect of their life. The stars will not reward such a program in the coming four seasons.

In fact, as those seasons develop, you will be counting evermore on your political and social skills to win the day, so start cultivating those ties now. The sooner the better. The more you interact with others now, the more you'll be able to refine your ideas and your reasoning process to a clear mode of thought that everyone can understand and appreciate. And the more you engage in constructive dialog, the more hidden impasses will be brought to the surface for resolution, and so the less hidden resistance you'll meet from those around you. It's no great mystery.

You have come a long way toward learning to resolve conflicts and come to the truth of the matter where certain domestic and emotional situations are concerned, and you've likely learned that you can't really be secure when you're afraid of the anger, repressed or otherwise, of the people with whom you share space. You have learned that your sense of security is based largely on not clinging to security. As with all other aspects of your life, keeping the air clear and issues out in the open will be productive in the long run and the short.

If you let your ideas guide your actions, you'll have no trouble conveying your message the most effective possible way, which is by example. And if you can do that, you'll go a long way toward making your world, and the world, a better place for everyone.

For a full solar return reading, you may contact Eric's office at the numbers below.

Planet Waves Weekly for December 5, 2003 V.1.05
International Edition. Published by: Planet Waves, Inc. (
877) 453-8265 or 206) 463-7827
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