Planet Waves Weekly | By Eric Francis
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For Friday, July 25th, 2003 | Version 1.1

Martian Summer

Dear Water Brother:

We are about to experience the beginning of Mars retrograde, an event which happens every two years. Every night at about 11:30 p.m., Mars rises in the east. It's visible because it's on the same side of the Sun as the Earth. Mars is one of our two nearest planetary neighbors (Venus being the other), but our planet moves faster than Mars. What's happening now is that we're overtaking the orbit of Mars, literally going past it on our way around the Sun, and since we're moving a little faster, Mars appears to be going backwards relative to our position. This is called retrograde motion. It is apparent backwards motion.

Now, those are the physical nuts and bolts. The astrology is more complex.

Mars has personal effects that are readily accessible, which is why astrologers call it a "personal planet." Mars is about desire, passion, soul-fire, anger, aggression and doing battle. In days of yore he was the god of war. Now we know he's a bit more: in sum, the psychic fuel that propels our volition, needs and desires. But he still has valid associations with war and conflict, as we are seeing.

The sign where this performance is happening is Pisces. When a planet is in a sign, the two modify one another. The planet changes the vibration of the sign's energy field and the sign's energy modifies the planet's expression. Pisces is the sign of all the things that are nearly too subtle or strange to describe. It is the realm of dreams, fantasies, drug experiences and awareness of various astral and etheric planes of consciousness.

In Pisces, all the normal rules of the game are suspended. If you see a ghost, you're seeing a ghost, even though in our culture "ghosts don't really exist" (even though many people know they do, even though that knowledge is not really knowledge because it's not proven, but nobody cares). That's a Pisces thought process for you. Both the effect of the rules being suspended to allow a certain phenomenon, and the subtle denial of that phenomenon, are essentially Pisces experiences.

In the most mundane sense, Pisces is the quality of energy that comes with various media such as film and television. The illusion created by a movie -- that the story is real, and you are an involved observer -- is a perfect illustration of one very common aspect of Pisces. All those characters are perfectly real, but they don't exist. It's not real but it is. In the case of television, it is real, but it's not.

It works the same way with drug experiences, another phenomenon often attributed to Pisces and its two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune. We may feel one way while under the influence of something, let's say a glass of Merlot that lowers our inhibitions. We know something inherently real is coming out in the shift of personality, or at least it feels real. But the substance is involved in the invocation. Another personality, subtle or not, may emerge, with its own set of needs and desires. This alternate personality is not necessarily considered real by our normal waking state of mind. And our altered level of awareness is not so real to the normal mind.

Pisces is the sign of alternate realities. We often live with the dualism, moving back and forth between the worlds. The same effect holds true when we deceive others; we live between alternate realities. Pisces and its modern ruling planet Neptune have lots of associations with themes of deception, denial and delusion. Pisces is a truly dualistic sign -- it's "two fish swimming in opposite directions" -- or the Yin-Yang.

Pisces at its best sees the whole picture. It has the capability of embracing opposites, paradoxes and full-on contradictions. I think this is why Pisces people are so compassionate: many can identify with anything and as a result don't consider themselves separate from anything. Most Pisces I know have what shrinks call "boundary issues" but would also help out anyone who needed it. It's easy to lose your compassion if you see yourself as separate.

Now, Mars in Pisces heats this whole process up. Pisces is going to experience Mars, and everything that experiences Mars is going to experience it in a Piscean way. Mars is about to throw itself into reverse in Pisces. So the dualistic quality is magnified enormously, and the Piscean ability to see through is greatly enhanced. I imagine this event is also responsible for all manner of psychic and emotional chaos and confusion that's unfurling in the personal realities of so many people right now. If you're experiencing any of that, remember that we're talking Pisces, and Pisces allows you to move through experiences and states of consciousness as if they were illusions or dreams. If you can keep a modicum of detachment, you just go from one layer to the next, from one experience to the next.

If you're having difficulty, if you get hung up, first run through the list of issues that traditionally muck up the waters of Pisces: lies in any form; denial of what you know or suspect to be true; substance abuse; not listening to your subconscious or intuition; desire that takes precedence over necessity; clinging to a belief in the face of evidence to the contrary. One by one, factor those elements into or out of the equation. Shift your patterns or habits. Admit to something you need to say to someone. That can really make a big shift in the energy and a new reality can enter.

"The big world" is not necessarily so pleasant right now, nor is it so easy to change. Those of us who are following news of the war in Iraq are being confronted with an eminently unpleasant experience of consciousness, and with a lesson in being helpless. True, it is far worse to be under the bombs, or to be US military personnel getting shot at. But people here who can feel what is going on but also feel powerless to stop it, and those with families there who want their loved ones to come home, are also struggling every day.

As Mars has slowed down in Pisces, news of the war has increased both in intensity and in volume. The developments are coming faster, and are more difficult to believe, or rather, they test our beliefs and test the credibility of those offering them. The illusion game is being played at full-bore. I have noticed, for example, that in the past 48 hours since the two sons of Saddam Hussein were killed, news of that fraudulent uranium dossier from Niger has disappeared.

On one day, we have the whole basis for justifying the war coming under international scrutiny. The next day, the issue evaporates. The violence of the war becomes justification for itself. And -- Pisces theme here -- what the media presents is what becomes reality. The Piscean properties of one reality melting into the next, and of the illusion becoming what is real, are being used rather intentionally as a manipulation tool.

It's as if there are two different wars. One is the righteous liberation of the Iraqi people from a dictator, for which we can be proud of the Red, White and Blue. The other is an illegal bombing and occupation of a country that posed no threat to us or, apparently, anyone outside its borders. Which do you believe is true?

More to the point, how does one actually decide? I don't think what we believe is as simple as "based on what is true."

The two possibilities are not equally weighted in terms of the values they involve. One is neat and simple, the other is complicated and messy. One affirms the American Dream. The other challenges all we've been taught our country stands for.

Let's say you have a psychological, spiritual and financial investment in American being a "good country that does the right thing" (which is by far the dominant belief system in our culture). In such a case, you're a lot less likely to allow facts into your consciousness that would challenge these values and beliefs, and a lot more likely to accept any rationale that seems potentially plausible if it supports them. In other words, what we believe is largely based on the values we possess.

I did not say what is true is based on the values we possess -- but rather what we allow ourselves to think is true. Belief in this sense acts as a kind of defensive shield over one's belief system or values system. For this reason people can look right at something and not see it, and then miss the experience of that whole process of looking but not seeing. This is amateur Pisces. On this level, Pisces says, "Give me a good lie to believe, or even a bad one."

This experience does not lack its personal impact; it is distinctly personal, because this function of what we call belief is a direct connection point between the individual and the collective. Taken on the individual level, the karma of this choice belongs to us personally. One does not simply deny reality and its effects without a cost attached to the process. The cost may be paid by one's soul, one's heart, one's sense of integrity, or one's sanity.

Now, in the next few days we're going to see some dramatic shifts in this whole process. The Pisces realm of awareness is going to come under the full activation of Mars seeming to stop in its orbit, turn around and go backwards -- while we watch. Mars may be the strangest of all the retrogrades, and Mars in Pisces (accompanied by the highly unpredictable energy of Uranus, which has been in Pisces since March 10) really says anything goes. But as the Course in Miracles says so many times, be careful what you allow into your mind, because everything has effects. Those effects are generated based on the fact that the most powerful force we are working with on this plane of reality is our beliefs about ourselves and the world. What we believe shapes our lives and our experience of living, probably more than anything.

Events that immediately precede the stations of fast-moving personal planets often represent unfinished business or conditions wherein there will be a kind of "turnabout." What is in one state of affairs today may take surprising turns of events tomorrow. They also represent a reminder of what has come before; their past-life, or past experience, resonance can be very pronounced.

August 1 marks the six month anniversary (solar opposition) of the shuttle Columbia disintegrating over Texas, which seemed to be an omen for the royal family if there ever was one. August 15 marks the six month anniversary of the Leo full moon worldwide protests of February 15. People gathered by the tens and hundreds of thousands in more than 600 cities and spoke up against the atrocities we are now witnessing. Their collective voices were dismissed by the powers that be.

As these events happen, let's watch and listen carefully for echoes of truth, participate meaningfully, and use what we know. ++

Current Astrological Highlights

Mars retrograde occurs July 29, 2003 at 12:36 a.m. PDT and 3:36 am EDT -- on a clear night one can literally watch it happen, though you (probably, this is Pisces) won't see anything special -- but you can be there under the rays of Mars as it stations, if you like..

Leo new moon happens just a bit prior, at 11:53 p.m. PDT and 2:53 p.m. EDT.

Recipe Corner

Eric's Totally Pure Grain-Free Pancakes

3 lbs. ground psyllium husks
1-1/2 lbs. brick dust
4 lbs. flax powder
1-1/2 lbs. talcum powder
12 Tbs. baking powder
10 Tbs. gun powder
6 Tbs. baking soda
19 Tbs. Ever-dur cider yeast
8 Tbs. activated charcoal
7 drops picric acid (catalyst)
44 cups water
225 cups hydrogenated fat, at 602 degrees

Mix ingredients a little at a time in a thick vessel with proper ear and eye protection, far from any airport.

Load mix into a high-propulsion pancake dispeller.

Suspend chef over fat using USAF regulation harness and tackle system.

Fire individual pancakes into the fat one at a time. Let cook exactly 4 seconds. Remove promptly.

Drain over high-absorbency filter paper.

Enjoy with your favorite syrup, organic fresh fruit, etc.

Webcasting Comes to Planet Waves, or Vice Versa

Every Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. PST or 11:45 a.m. EST, I do a live webcast at hosted by Susan McCabe. Please spread the word.

Planet Waves by Eric Francis

July 25, 2003

Leo birthdays this week are under the influence of the Mars station retrograde, which, along with Uranus in Pisces, are associated with your recent efforts to negotiate your way to more reasonable commitments in life. We seen to be born with anything but a clean slate on this planet, and spend much of our time trying to assess what we owe to whom, who we are expected to be, and what we can expect from others. A prevailing theme of your life this year has been calling a big time out on all such issues and examining them objectively and with little attachment to outcome. You know it's time for you to be a free person, and that sane commitments are the way to freedom.

Any frustration with partnerships that you encounter needs to be put to a few simple tests. What are the expectations on both parties? Are they reasonable? Are both parties coming through with what they have promised? What role does fear play in the arrangements? And -- perhaps most challenging -- are the parties to the agreement on relatively equal footing? If you are in any kind of agreement where one person is substantially more powerful than the other, then it's likely to be time for a renegotiation. As you do this, the less attachment to the outcome you have, the more powerful you will be.

It's reasonable that you'll experience a major review of your sexuality, including questions about marriage and reproduction. If you are considering having a child, the stars are suggesting that you need to put that desire to several important tests as well, including carefully examining the nature of the relationship in which you plan to do so. Reassessing sexuality can also mean exploring the concept and the reality of sexual orientation. Desires that were more dominant at an earlier time in your life may be surfacing again now.

Jupiter and Mercury in your own sign, supported by Pluto in Sagittarius, suggest that powerful influences are working in your favor, and that what seems like luck will hold you up at every turn. Really, it is a combination of your persistence, your good nature and your inherently spiritual orientation. It is obvious that you are taking your lessons of life to heart, and can count on people to respond to your needs with a measure of true integrity and benevolence that may feel like something new under the sun. But it is nothing less than you deserve.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
While on the one hand you are being reminded who you are in the best sense of the notion -- an assertive, creative and trusting individual -- on the other hand you are questioning yourself on some of the deepest levels you've ever reached. However, don't slip in too deep because some questions don't have answers. You've always survived by translating life's experiences into concrete terms that you or your grandma could understand, and I suggest you apply that principle now. Either that, or let the great mysteries stand, and relate to them like you would an enormous mountain or canyon. They have their life, you have yours.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
You must now begin making sense of your complicated emotional condition in verbal terms, particularly as it pertains to a partnership situation that's coming to a head. Feelings don't lend themselves easily to words, though that is the point. But the change of heart or mind that you're experiencing should provide sufficient contrast to entice you to speak clearly. And your desire for emotional renewal is now clear enough to speak about openly. Now that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, you can afford to be honest. But honesty is always worth a risk.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Certain factors may seem to be beating you into retreat on your more adventurous goals, but don't let that dampen your process of creating ideas and possibilities for the future. Recently something unusual occurred to you that included an idea for transforming your life without going very far or doing too much, and that's the plan to develop. It's possible that a female sibling or the approximate equivalent will be very influential in making your life a lot happier, if only by setting the example that you have no need to ever be stuck or run in circles. Find those people and study them.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
While you're investigating every philosophy and spiritual teaching you've ever allowed into your mind, don't forget to inquire about the nature of who you actually are beyond all those complicated concepts. Though most spiritual teachers would be loathe to admit it, we do exist beyond the ideas they give us. In truth, we're a lot larger and more beautiful than most of those notions or models. You now get to translate between who you are and your ability to thrive in this world. The closer you come to understanding the real value you possess, the more tangibly that value will be manifested in terms you can understand, such as cash.

Leo (July 22-Aug 23)
The elements and energies are arranging themselves for you personally in a truly brilliant way, but stress in the partnership and shared resources angle of your chart needs to be monitored closely. Difficult decisions need to be made, but fortunately you have more than adequate resources to effect or at least influence positive changes in a number of situations. From time to time we all need to be reminded that without a significant level of cooperation, affairs of the world would fall apart pretty fast. Part of what you have to offer is teaching people not just to get along, but appreciate one another as well.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
The erratic and perhaps childish behavior of a partner may have you wondering about the meaning of life, but if you were to relax your expectations just a little you would see that you know as little about what you want from your own existence as he or she does from theirs. So you can afford to be generous in terms of allowing for a bit of flexibility in everyone's process. Anyway, you're about to have a few interesting revelations of your own over the next few weeks, though they will not be as cut-and-dried as you like, mainly because rethinking the past is rarely an orderly process.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
By all rights this should be an awesomely social time for you, though certain work frustrations may have you not wanting to leave the house. Forget it. What's unfolding at work will untangle itself in time, and most of it does not really involve you. But as I've said several times recently, you do need to set your sights higher. You are far likelier to connect meaningfully -- in a variety of forms -- at a social gathering than you are in front of your computer. Certain contacts you make now could prove to be very influential in your long-term happiness. Just keep a light heart about it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Events of the next few days might stir up a bit of childhood anger or creative frustration, but your life is set up excellently for presenting opportunities to play both artistically and professionally. You just need to track your inner and outer worlds separately, and carefully, because they're rather different places. But more to the point, don't forget to live like it's the present, not the distant past. The biggest mistake you could make now is expecting people to act like your parents, old lovers or old bosses when they actually have no such agenda. The time is now, and this is very much your moment.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Like so many people, spiritual questions are the most important ones in your life right now. At least you have the gift of translating the mundane into the celestial, and taking mental frustrations as lessons that point to far more meaningful possibilities. It's wise to question whether your desire to travel is just an impulsive desire to run away from certain very specific difficulties that appear to have taken root in your life, but I would propose that a journey would offer you a fresh point of view on yourself. Your problems are not as large as you think, and the possibilities awaiting you are not as small as you think. Perspective is everything.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Right now the world is offering you gifts you are unlikely to be expecting, as if lead were turning to gold. In every instance these gifts will come through relationships with other people, and they are likely to be in the form of large deals and business arrangements rather than small ones. You have no reason to doubt the veracity or integrity of the people with whom you're dealing, but it's still imperative that you read the fine print and get clear about what people mean by what they say. Take nothing for granted until the arrangements are sealed and the goods are delivered, but let faith lead the way.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
It may seem that so many have it so much better. Yet we never can fully understand the struggles of the people whose lives we only see from the outside, and even within the context of intimacy there is so much we don't know about the people closest to us. If you make the gesture of offering a little more of yourself, both in terms of insight and anything else you have to give, you will find that the world offers you a lot more back. Relationships derive their value from what is exchanged between the people, be it love, wisdom or something of material value. Let it start with you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Reversing yourself suddenly is not the best strategy right now. While you're having your doubts, mainly about yourself, the overall planetary picture is still uniquely supportive of your goals and objectives. But you seem to be putting a lot of energy into determining just what they are. That alone could frustrate you out of your gumption. No matter what questions you have, or how intangible they may seem, I suggest you ease into the awareness that there is a solid world beneath your feet. You also have two good legs on which to stand up and walk on that ground. Try forgetting your doubts for a change.

How do newspaper horoscopes work?

Planet Waves Weekly and are edited by Eric Francis, with help from Chelsea Bottinelli and the Vision List. This newsletter is $49.95 per year and published 52 times per year plus the monthly horoscope. We encourage our readers to contribute their artwork and writing to the Planet Waves project and to cultivate themselves as creative forces in the unusual and socially formative times in which we live.

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