Planet Waves Weekly | By Eric Francis
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For Friday, May 23rd, 2003 | Version 1.4

Under the Gemini Sun is in Tune

Dear Fellow Voyager:

Next week on Friday (early Saturday in the UK and Europe), there's a solar eclipse. Eclipses get the 'net buzzing and get astrologers studying the charts -- and they shake up what we think of as reality. Hopefully your astrologer has been working the chart for the coming eclipse for a while. Eclipse phases are the two main stellar checkpoints of the year. If I were limited to casting four charts every 52 weeks, they would be for the eclipses that year. Eclipses are high-energy thresholds, points of no return.

They are very important opportunities to take consciously and with a courageous heart, if possible. Astrology helps make it possible. I was just seeing a friend out to the car from dinner, and he's heading to Europe and I mentioned that he would be traveling during an eclipse. Of course he was curious and I had about a minute to make the main points. Well, just think of yourself as standing in a cosmic amplifier. Eclipses make impressions on us. The world is different during these events -- for days and weeks on either side -- and the veils that normally separate different dimensions of reality are thinner, and the openings are wider.

It's a time to pay attention, make decisions more consciously, and listen to what your intuition is telling you -- good advice any time, but here we are. Eclipses can have an edgy psychological quality to them. Just know that it may not just be you being a little frazzled; it could be cosmic.

Just to recap 7th grade science class, eclipses happen when the light of the moon is blocked by Earth, or when the light of the sun is blocked by the moon. Since space is large and planets are small, this requires a very direct alignment. Usually each kind of eclipse happens twice a year, with a solar and a lunar coming as a pair. There are exceptions. The next time we run into one of those years I'll write you a little book.

Why they are so effective as metaphysical transit points is open to some speculation.

The place where an eclipse alignment happens is called a node -- the lunar node, to be exact. Anyone who has worked with it knows that the node (properly, the nodal axis) is working all the time, even when an eclipse is nowhere in the vicinity. It's like a road sign that says 'eclipse nearby' -- but it's conceptual; it's nearby in space but distant in time, but you're still pretty close. Eclipses don't always happen exactly on the lunar node, though they're always nearby, and the most exact eclipses are often closest to the node.

Lunar nodes bring together space and time, working with the idea with which Einstein and A Course in Miracles agree: space and time are one illusion. They point to an event in space that will happen in time. As it turns out, that event is always happening, like a standing wave in a river. When the sun, moon and Earth align, we all get to go through that wave. Thanks to astronomy and astrology, we can see that it's there and prepare ourselves for the trip.

A reader wrote last week,

Dear Eric,

My birthday is on May 30th and I am wondering if I can expect anything special... or unusual... in this new year? There is a lot of buzz around the New Moon on this date at the end of this month. Thank you.


Well, Genna, the answer is yes, special or unusual is the theme. What you're experiencing is an eclipse within one degree of your natal sun. That is both special and unusual -- most likely once in a lifetime, twice in a hottie. I would add that for anyone born within a week on either side of this eclipse, and to some extent anyone with a Gemini sun, moon or ascendant, is going to get a dose of special or unusual, but with the eclipse so exact, and personal, it's like a personal message or invitation for you. (When we see the sun in a chart, we can assume the sun is getting down to issues of sense of identity, role in the world, and so on.)

Where this event occurs in your chart (particularly by house) is pretty important. In newspaper astrology, writers use the signs as houses (the solar house system, see article way way at bottom if you're really interested), but when we have your real chart out, we can see that every planet has a sign and a house. The house tells us where among the many great stages of life an event is going to take place. Home? Office? At the Mid-Atlantic Horse Show?

But since this is an event on your sun, and your sun is in Gemini, that gives a lot of information. Something about the way you express yourself in the world is changing in a big way. Other transits will give us clues. For example, your sun is in the first 10 degrees of Gemini and over the next few years, Uranus in Pisces is going to make a long square to your sun, provoking you over and over again to reinvent your life, to free yourself, and to get those two twins inside you together on some important issues long enough to take action on something.

Gemini is the capital of dualism in astrology. Astrology in many ways is a study in integrating polarity. There are about a thousand shades of black and white. One easy way to consider the polarity principle is to consider the characteristics of, and your relationships with, all the people in your life who are of your opposite sign. How do you embody their sense of reality and why are you attracted to them? What do you offer them? Can you stand them? Can you live without them?

But Gemini is especially dualistic in a vivid way, where the kind of opposite known as polar opposite shows up for work (there are all kinds of opposites in the world: inverse, reverse, obverse, converse and the next verse. Every Gemini has that distinct Other Side and it makes you guys pretty dang interesting people to hang around, both of you, even if we've learned to be a little cautious and to stay on your 'good side', which of course switches, right? One of my Gemini friends is a part-time biker dude by day, and wears this magnificent purple velvet dress to special social events. There are always two major ways that Gemini expresses itself, himself, herself or perself no matter where it is in anyone's chart. That's the place you'll express yourself in two totally distinct ways, deal with a night-and-day inner conflict, be a hypocrite, or face yourself wanting things and not wanting them (powerfully) at the same time. This happens in more subtle ways in Pisces and also any sign characterized by the horns of an animal or a gadget like a scale -- but nowhere so vividly as Gemini.

It is this experience of dualism that makes consciousness as we know it possible. Since we're here on Earth, we have to have things and people to relate to, otherwise we'd get pretty lonely. And imagine, no polarity, not such interesting sex. Gemini becomes dualistic so that it can experience that change, and then slowly reintegrate itself in Sagittarius, where we experience the grandeur of maturity (I'm NOT speaking of any specific individual Sagittarians here, who are, well, Jim Morrison should give you an idea.) I'm speaking of Sagittarius in the loftier sense of its desire to unite the opposites in potent ways -- and here, we have the sign of mysticism and philosophy, which does just this. If you want a really clear illustration of this metaphor, take a look at The Lovers and Art cards in the Crowley Tarot, which I've posted here, with an essay:


Gemini is signified by twins. Like wow. Sagittarius is this mysterious arrow flying through the air which happens to belong to a Centaur, a half-man, half-horse, and which sign is pointing toward the center of the galaxy, and the Great Attractor -- a kind of antibigbang point drawing a million galaxies toward it right now, as we speak. Gemini is twins, something truly mundane. But what a picture of the human experience, since guess what, we're all a bunch of twins of one another.

Back to this eclipse in specific. It happens at 9 degrees of Gemini and 19 minutes. That would be 9 whole degrees into Gemini plus 19/60ths of a degree, called an arc minute, which splits a degree into 60. The degree and minute location tells you how far into a sign an event or planet is. After you get through the 30 degrees of Gemini, you wind up in Cancer and so on through the zodiac. There are 12 signs with 30 degrees each for a total of 360 degrees and now you're on your way to being a top-flight research astrologer.

Looking at the major planets, we see that the eclipse, a conjunction of the sun and moon in Gemini, is trine Neptune in Aquarius. Trines are angles where energy may express itself easily -- flow. That which it would be expressing is the eclipse into Neptune or Neptune into the eclipse, Neptune representing some of the high and low points of life on Earth. High, in that it addresses mystical experience, compassion, the protection of spirit, inspiration and love. Low, in that Neptune has a tremendous capacity of deception, delusion, denial and abuse of substances. But does this always have to be the case? Not always but often enough to pay attention.

If I were writing the birthday report (which this now is), I would count signs and find out that Neptune, in Aquarius, is in the ninth sign from Gemini -- the ninth solar house. That's talking about some kind of long-term process of getting in touch with your spiritual side, since the 9th represents the 'spiritual side' of life without much fuss no matter what may be there. It contains a person's higher-self concept, and their god-concept and a few choice things about their mother's psychological background.

Neptune is opposite Jupiter (powerfully so, as the aspect is approaching) in Gemini's third solar house, Leo. Jupiter is the 'old Neptune', the traditional ruler of Pisces prior to Neptune's arrival more than 200 years ago, and it's more tangible, particularly in Leo, and the third house is more tangible than the ninth. It's saying: act in tangible ways on your values in your local environment. Help people, ask for help, and get with your siblings -- the third house is all about siblings, old friends, the boys from the hood, and (I say) close cousins. That the eclipse trines/sextiles this opposition is a friendly thing: Jupiter provides grounding and reality for Neptune and both are in aspect to the sun of anyone whose birthday is around this time, say, within five days on either side of May 30.

All that Neptune and Jupiter is not the kind of astrology you're used to, judging from the recent era of your life. You're used to Pluto and Saturn working you over like, well, let's skip the metaphors. This was an opposition by Pluto and a conjunction by Saturn, who are not nearly as polite as Neptune and Jupiter making an energetically accessible trine and sextile.

If I were writing the birthday report, which I appear to be doing, and this actually is kind of like the birthday report for everyone since eclipses affect lots of people, I would say: trines are nice, but you have to be sure of two things. One is that you take advantage of them. Trine is astrological shorthand for 'use it or lose it'.

That you have Jupiter in your third house and Neptune in your ninth is a) like really spiritual, and for real, and b) a perfect example of thinking globally (ninth house Neptune) and acting locally (third house Jupiter) provided that Jupiter involves action of some kid, which for a variety of reasons is likely.

The last point is the sun-moon trine to Neptune is suggesting that honesty is the best policy. With a Neptune trine, it's really easy to deceive people. In fact you could make quite a go of it this year if you wanted, strolling in and out of different areas using hacked retina scans. But as you know, much greater things are possible. And even as a truly honest person, you might want to check in with your fear of deception, however it may manifest. This is a moment of choices in these matters. Mercury is in direction motion toward Neptune and Jupiter by way of a square aspect from Taurus. And so?

Minor Planet Aspects

This eclipse makes two really interesting aspects to minor planets. The first is Ixion, who was the forefather of all the Centaurs except for Chiron, and who came up with the scheme to rape Hera, the Queen of Heaven. Hera gets hip to this jive and makes a kind of visage of herself out of some clouds, which Ixion proceeds to have his way with; Hera is safe. Ixion represents the more or less natural instinct to rape the goddess. If it were not natural (that is, a documented phenomenon in nature, in this case, human nature) we can be sure that the Greeks would not have a myth about it.

When an archetype shows up in astrology, that is, when astronomers sight and name something and then astrologers get hold of it, that myth is up for review, investigation and acknowledgement. This eclipse is opposite Ixion. We're getting a look (if we want it) at this impulse in our relationships. Since it's in Sagittarius, it's presenting us with something we are in the process of integrating. As the Sun opposes this point over the next few days, we'll be learning more.

Next, and last for today, is the presence of Pelion in Pisces. Pelion is the seventh Centaur to be named; the naming was just announced. The eclipse squares Pelion, which is the mountain in Greece where Chiron lived and taught. The mountain is a fine symbol of both aspiration and achievement -- and of challenge. In a square aspect to the eclipse, it's presenting an inner challenge relating to what is likely to appear as an outer situation.++

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Planet Waves Weekly by Eric Francis

Birthdays This Week

A solar eclipse near your birthday suggests that you're becoming a very different person than the one that you knew previously. Eclipses mark points of what you might call radical discontinuity and sudden progress. If they're taken unconsciously, they can be rather difficult -- so the message is to pay attention to your own need for change and progress.

The sun in any charts represents how a person expresses their vital force, how they seek glory and freedom, and what they define as sanity. An eclipse is an exact meeting of the sun and moon, and this always offers the reconciliation of opposites. That's an appropriate enough Gemini theme, but mapping out just what those opposites are may require an investigation. You may see them play out in your relationships at different times -- and then it's fully appropriate to stop the show and ask people about their agendas, and reveal your own.

If at any point during the coming year you find yourself facing some kind of threat, there is no need to panic. You possess the skill, the awareness and ultimately the power to deal with it. That may come in the form of being a shape-shifter, and with the strength of both Neptune and Jupiter in your solar chart, that's quite a resource. It's as if at any point you have the ability to change forms or just disappear.

The real challenge you face is an internal need to aspire to greater things within yourself. Be leery of outside battles. The chances are they are a mirage of some kind, or a pure distraction. The real objective, in the style of a true spiritual student, is the need to feel the greater aspect of who you are express itself in the world. And this you can do -- even if you've done nothing of the sort in the past, or even if all your best efforts have left you feeling less than what you know you are inside.

With Uranus so powerful in your 10th solar hose in your anniversary chart, you can be sure that new and greater things await you -- if not at this moment, then in the very near future.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Your cash situation should be loosening up thanks to Mercury returning to direct motion in one of your money angles, and Venus arriving there last week. But hold onto your funds for now, because you’re going to want capital for an upcoming project. Which project? That remains to be seen, as you juggle your priorities and make several key decisions that determine the course of your creative life for the foreseeable future. I do suggest that technology would be a good investment. Not the NASDAQ but, for example, a good fast computer to do some very excellent and well-paying work on. Give your imagination some room to fly.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
So much has changed so fast. Just a few weeks ago you were a stranger in a dry land. Now you feel like you know yourself again. It’s beautiful how that works, when the planets pick us up and lift us out of a kind of nowhere/no how space, which is exactly what’s happened to you. I don’t give the planets the credit for your diligent work and your willingness to faithfully endure what has, at times, seemed like the impossible. There’s a reward coming, an opportunity to release one crucial deeply held negative belief about yourself. You may have forgotten that you’ve read this by the time it happens, though that hardly matters.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Next Friday, May 30th brings the last solar eclipse in your sign for nearly a decade. Eclipses are traditionally viewed with mistrust by astrology, but I take them as the storms that cleanse and revitalize the land, without which life would be a swamp. Speaking of land—planetary positions for this event will help you face the various challenges of truth and lies in your life. But what you need is grounding. The shortcut to solidifying your emotional state is to hold no grudges; that will get you out of your head. Give people a lot of leeway. You’re changing fast, and happen to need it yourself. What you give, you receive, and what you teach, you learn.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
As the peaceful, sensitive person you are, the inner demon of a stalker you sometimes face must be quite challenging and at times scary to deal with. You might call this entity fear with a personality. It’s not you; you are safe. But he aware of its existence. Mind your own sensitivity now. Next week’s eclipse in the ever-sensitive 12th solar house is face-to-face with Ixion, father of the Centaurs. There’s something you must heal in your inner relationship to yourself, and the eclipse presents an opportunity to see exactly what. Even if the coming shift doesn’t resolve things, you can be sure a seed has been planted that will turn the pain of distant loss and longing into the flower of awakening.

Leo (July 22-Aug 23)
Who was it that said art is dangerous? You understand that intuitively, of course, especially these days. Art is dangerous because nothing can get in its way, but more so because art is not just a force for change, it is change: the embodiment of the progress of consciousness. Art is ballsy. It takes nothing and makes it into something. It takes worthless bolts and rusty metal and turns them into vast fortunes of economic capital. Art smears and blends hard reality like the acrylic paint that it really is. Art changes the artist, it is changing you, and this process is fully at work in your life. The resulting process spreads life force, at times, like thunder.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Starting in the ancient 70s, there was an old astrological habit of assigning rulership of the asteroids to Virgo. Then came Chiron and some people thought, oh, that’s really Virgo, like the real thing we never noticed before (it’s a compelling argument, actually). Right now the planets are arranging themselves around this wise mentor of yours, and that means you have choices. Do you see how many you have, how near to yourself they may bring you and how far into the world they may take you, all at the same time? An old story is starting to work itself out. Those stories never end, but they do stop in interesting places where we get to take off in other directions.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
Venus rules two signs, yours and Taurus. Different. Very different. Yet both possess the property of dualism—the scales of Libra and the horns of the bull in Taurus. Those scales are tipping in your favor right now, and it may have you feeling a bit shaky. But I’m not sure you’ve figured out that this is about making your life better. Not the ‘I’d hate to see worse’ kind of better, the actual better. Because Venus is in Taurus, you’re stuck in a kind of false dilemma. There is no actual issue you are struggling with except a need to stand clear of your true intentions and let yourself get a taste of a better life. Of course, one bite and you’ll want the rest.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
After the events of last week, you may be wondering what’s next. The emphasis of your solar chart now shifts to shared resources, agreements, partnerships and negotiations. But you have reason for caution, and to take a wait-and-see position and let the sky work it out. There’s quite a bit that’s shrouded in mystery and fog right now, whatever you may think. True, partners are doing their utmost to expose their motives and needs, and their affection. Yet there’s quite a bit they don’t know. Aggressive investigation isn’t going to work at this point. The most active thing you can do is take a seemingly passive tack. Whatever you learn you’ll use to your advantage.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
In loving, your job is to just love. How one feels ‘back’ toward you or whether your love is accepted, or affects the person, or in some way changes them, is not your purview. There are powerful metaphysical reasons for this, mainly that love itself does not care about anything but love. Love is perhaps the only comfort in a world of necessities, laws, rules and requirements which make one demand after the next. It’s also a potential weapon. Love allows vulnerability and moves energy. When we just love, we greatly reduce the potential for harm and free ourselves from the unfair demands of perfection. Just ease on in.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
What you’re experiencing is very much the dance of your own existence with itself. There’s a difference between sitting and listening to music alone, and dancing alone. That’s because when you dance, you always dance with yourself. Existence moves on the brink of nonexistence, or it seems to. Consciousness defines itself by this relationship, and moves there. To be or not to be, that is the question, but being is not whether we have a pulse, but rather how we define awareness. Right now, be aware of what nourishes you. Be aware of what provokes you. Most of all, be aware of what is larger than you and has no name.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
There may be a sense of anticipation in the air for you, the impassioned force of imminent awakening. Yes, you are letting go of something, but you’re gaining something else that you’ve wanted for a long time. Be aware of distinctions between form and content. After many shifts of shape, size and method, you are now experiencing significant changes in what is contained within your experience. The most powerful currents of life are bringing you to an inner state where you can actually be closer to people and seek genuine understanding. Just remember that understanding is rarely of the mind. It’s intuitive, and at this point in the season of life, it’s about playing. As in with kids, musical instruments and adventures.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Trust is a delicate game. I’m reluctant to use the word game, but that’s the closest word in our somewhat approximate Earth-language for the sorting-out and balancing process associated with developing lines of communication and lines of separation. Both kinds of lines are necessary to thrive on the planet, even to survive. We need walls and we need bridges. Upcoming transits will make the deeply dualistic aspect of your nature clear to you. You’ll be able to see both sides of your own story. You’re not a hypocrite, you’re a person whose two aspects are seeking distinction and clarity within yourself. This will help you on your path of trusting yourself, which is the only trust there is.

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Planet Waves Weekly and are edited by Eric Francis, with help from Chelsea Bottinelli and the Vision List. This newsletter is $49.95 per year and published 52 times per year plus the monthly horoscope. We encourage our readers to contribute their artwork and writing to the Planet Waves project and to cultivate themselves as creative forces in the unusual and socially formative times in which we live.

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