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2005 Birthday Report Samples About the Birthday Report Each edition, Eric writes a detailed report for those born that week. The birthday reports work as a story; the four or five that cover a sign tell a story that is applicable to everyone born under that sign. But your week is likely to contain additional information you can put to good use -- a total of about 3,000 words just for you. This, combined with the extended writeup in Bridge to the Core (the 2005 annual) means you get a LOT of personal astrology with each subscription to Planet Waves Weekly. Here are some samples of recent birthday reports below. ![]() Chart for noon, March 11, 2005, Paris Pisces, Week Beginning March 11, 2005You don't need an explanation for the developments that are quickly coming into your life; you need, I think, to breathe every breath and meet every person you encounter with your eyes open -- and let any possibility be real. Existence certainly has a larger-than-life feeling at the moment, or stranger than life, or more beautiful. Or perhaps more fragile. All of this is true.Yet what you are living is only and always life; your life. Though it may seem strange to think of yourself as the source of all this experience, that is a far more natural way for you to relate to the genuinely extraordinary times that are ahead than any other. What is happening is intimately connected to your responses. Your responses create experiences, to a real degree; and your perceptions allow you to see certain things and not others. At this point, all you need to do is make your decisions one at a time, and remember that each 'major' decision is really a series of smaller choices that add up to the larger ones. Those born during the last week of Pisces will be moving into the peak of their Pluto square the Sun transit. Pluto is now in the late degrees of Sagittarius; your natal Sun is in the late degrees of Pisces. So, if you're born around March 11 or 12, you are currently in the peak of this transit; if you're born from March 14 through 16 you are going into the peak, and if you're born later, you will reach the peak over the next few years, but are most likely feeling the intensity build, and there is much you can do to synchronize yourself with the changes that are coming. This transit is what, during my last astrology reading, the astrologer working with my chart called the 'ultimate transformation'. True, it's not quite Pluto conjunct the Sun, which people born in late Sagittarius are going through. But it's not exactly a fair match, since most Sagittarians have an indomitable strength of constitution that most Pisceans parallel with overwhelming sensitivity. This sensitivity is your strength, it's your safety net, and it's your most dependable vehicle for relating to the world -- but sensitivity it is, no matter how useful it may be. Pluto square the Sun is has a kind of get-tough message, but Pisces-styled, tough means flexible, strong and willing to see the possibilities. Such a powerful aspect to the Sun falls in the category of 'coming to terms with yourself' developments and that, for a Pisces, can be challenging. You could say, 'coming to terms that you are a self' or 'that you have a self'. There is certainly an energy of definition, of peeling back the layers, and of taking a true evolutionary step. When in doubt, though, I suggest you retreat to a space of ease rather than a space of intensity or labor. The New Moon trine Saturn on March 10 suggests that gentle is the way to success. This is a powerful omen that what you focus on will grow, and that there is a direct blessing of some kind of authority -- perhaps a reward for having come to terms with your inner authority figures, such as having tamed the voices of your parents and having seen them as the people they are. Yet there is a real measure, for all Pisces, of official sanction. You are recognized as a fully legitimate member of society. Some of those do manage to pull off being quite rebellious which, needless to say, is a high priority for you in these years of your life. Just make sure that everyone in your world gets the same message: that you are you own person, who makes decisions about your own destiny. No Pisces needs to be reminded that he or she lives at the mercy of the oceanic universe, which you of all people must respect; but every one needs to be reminded to break out the charts and boldly sail the ship.++ Aquarius, Week Beginning January 28, 2005Many changes are happening in your life; some you see, but some you don't. Some you have heard about; others remain perfectly hidden. They will emerge in time -- perhaps not so long at all. I can, at minimum, promise that the coming four seasons represent a time of radical awakening; of being born into an entirely new reality and concept of reality. In the coming weeks and months (emphasis on 'weeks') you're likely to be presented with a great many options that are, at this point, concealed.Yet one quality that should not -- by all astrological indicators -- be particularly hidden at this time is that you want something different from your life. There are some people who dream a little easier than others; Aquarius can find himself or herself involved in patterns that don't really allow much in the way of sweet visions of life's potential. Much can seem to be withheld. And for many Aquarians there can be an odd sense of detachment from the flow of life and from the warm pulse at its core. But a lot of this is a trick of the mind. We are all equally human. And what your human sensibilities are now guiding you to do is envision the life you want. This is daring work, to delve into the architecture of existence. But you're an inventor at heart, and what you need to begin inventing is what you want your life and your world to be like. These discussions are often governed by what we think is possible. It's an inventor's job to get over that little hump, and start with what is necessary or desirable and work in that particular direction. At the moment, what you are capable of hoping for and dreaming; what you feel is the best possible solution; what exceeds your current hopes -- all of these are possible, if you agree. Events and developments of this year promise to change your ideas about some of the more subtle points of perception. What is true and what is not? What is the relationship between your personal truth and the larger truth? What is your relationship to substances that change your consciousness, and is there any time when these may be used with integrity? Is the person you present to the world the 'real you' or is it a made-up personality? Last and certainly not least, what is the meaning of relationships in your life? What would be mean, to you, to treat relationships with infinitely more respect than you've ever known, or than this world calls normal? These are questions that will come to the surface in small bits and, at times, in sweeping moments of self-inquiry that will leave you a more solid, confident and authentic person than you've ever been before.++ Capricorn, Week Beginning January 14, 2005The world is a strange place these days, and there seem to be few reasons for hope. But nature is full of surprises. One theme of 2005 is suddenly becoming clear: that despite all odds to the contrary, the truth comes out, and it matters. You're likely to find yourself in many situations where you become the source of that truth: the provocateur, the maverick, the one who is not afraid to speak up.But it gets much more personal than this. There is such a thing as integrity, and it's available to everyone who chooses it as a way of life -- and that is a choice you seem to be making as if it really mattered. It does. In the end, it's up to each of us to feel honest within our own souls based on our actions and words -- and to know this is changing the world. Nothing else can. What did your father teach you about integrity? Your history and relationship with him become important growth points this year. I see a situation in which you may be wondering whether the minuses add up to anything that makes the advantages worth it. If so, I suggest that it would be healthier not to think in this kind of polarized way. Chiron, very active in your chart in recent seasons and through this year (as it works the last degrees of Capricorn) is about seeing things holistically, rather than in black and white. There is a also a reminder not to view your past problems as the way you define your personality. You have, in truth, so much more going for you. This week's stunning, long and languid conjunction between Mercury and Venus evokes a reminder of a time when you were simply content with yourself, which once again you have the freedom to me. The question is where you choose to invest your identity. It would be healthy to make contact with your father, if possible. See if you can get a little philosophical perspective and use the opportunity to get an understanding of his whole life; the trajectory of his journey here; and where it has led him today. If he's not available, you can work with family history, talk to his relatives, or just consider your relationship to him. In any event, you need firm reminders that you are not him. You don't need to be; you are you and that is quite enough. In your most personal life, there seems to be a paradox brewing between having boundaries that don't work, and responding by retreating into yourself, which leads to a sense of loneliness and isolation. I suggest you be mindful about this issue, and recognize it for the false paradox that it is. You are likely to be responding from old information and not new information. In fact, you are a sensitive, deep and emotional person, and you need both space and human contact. If you can gently recognize the potential obstacles to both of those things, you can gradually move them out of the way.++ |