Dear Friend and Reader:
We appreciate your interest in supporting Planet Waves as we begin our second decade of service. We are funded by you, our readers, meaning that we owe nothing to anyone except you. Your subscriptions and our tenacity have helped build Planet Waves into what it is today -- so let's keep going.
The most meaningful thing you can do to help is
subscribe or purchase a gift for a friend.
We are opening other possibilities for making a difference. Even small contributions help. If you believe in what we are doing, please help out as you can. You can use this link to
contribute $10.
If you
contribute $100 or more, you can direct to which project those funds go: our investigative reporting fund, our data management system or our public outreach efforts.
If you
contribute $1,000, you can direct toward which project the funds go, we will waive future subscription fees to our weekly service and if you like, add your name to our major donor's list. Otherwise, your donation will be confidential.
If you would like to give on a recurring basis, or offer an amount that falls above or below any of these numbers, please call Chelsea at (877) 453-8265.
On behalf of our readers around the world, our staff and our many volunteers -- thank you.
Yours & truly,