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March Time-Pulses

Time-pulse/Trecana: Etznab (Obsidian Mirror)

March 1, 2007 - March 13, 2007

Time-pulse/Trecana: Chuen (Monkey)

March 14, 2007 - March 26, 2007

Time-pulse/Trecana: Kan (Lizard)

March 27, 2007 - April 8, 2007

ETZNAB: The Mirror
Mayan week of March 1, 2007 - March 13, 2007

THU 3/1/07

1 ETZNAB (etz'nab) White/North

Keywords: two-edged sword, knife, blade, noble, yin/yang, miracles, suffering, mirror, sacrifice, shatter, destruction, genetic tree

FRI 3/2/07

2 CAUAC (k'awak) Black/West

Keywords: transformation, thunder, lightening, rain, storm, catalyst, cloud, electrical, shift, unexpected

SAT 3/3/07

3 AHAU (ahow') Yellow/South

Keywords: sun lord, ancestors, devoted, persistent, all-seeing, complete, fruition

SUN 3/4/07

4 IMIX (ee'meesh) Red/East

Keywords: primal mother, crocodile, turtle, dragon, protective, creative, initiation

MON 3/5/07

5 IK (eek') White/North

Keywords: divine wind, whirlwind, a window, opening, communication, mental, breath, fury, release, burst

TUE 3/6/07

6 AKBAL (ak'bal) Black/West

Keywords: home, hearth, dreamtime, night, logical, organized, abundance

WED 3/7/07

7 KAN (k'an) Yellow/South

Keywords: seed, sexual, new beginnings, lizard, dragon, fertility, opening, manifestation

THU 3/8/07

8 CHICCHAN (cheek'chan) Red/East

Keywords: celestial serpent, snake, life force, strong willed, powerful, intuitive, healing

FRI 3/9/07

9 CIMI (ke'mee) White/North

Keywords: death, rebirth, transmutation, skull, bones, spirit          

SAT 3/10/07

10 MANIK (man'eek) Black/West

Keywords: hand, deer, healing gateway, balance, the four directions

SUN 3/11/07

11 LAMAT (la'mat) Yellow/South

Keywords: rabbit, star, moon, multiply, fertility, seed, increase, growth, create, ripen

MON 3/12/07

12 MULUC (moo'look) Red/East

Keywords: river, water, moon, fire, purification, milky way, debt, karma, blood ritual, interdependence

TUE 3/13/07

13 OC (Oak) White/North

Keywords: wolf, dog, faithful, loyalty, trust, divine laws, terrestrial laws, companionship

CHUEN: The Cosmic Weave
Mayan week of March 14, 2007 - March 26, 2007

WED 3/14

1 CHUEN (chu'en) Black/West
Keywords: monkey, raccoon, magic, play, interplay, weaving the history of humanity, the energy of time/space, web of life, creator, craftsman

THU 3/15

2 EB (eeb) Yellow/South
Keywords: spiritual path, destiny, road, human, physical pathways, tooth, guide, higher mind, inspiration, wisdom, chalice

FRI 3/16
3 BEN (ben) Red/East
Keywords: reed, cane, power, staff, authority, crusader, leader, fire-starter, personal space, abundance, multiplication

SAT 3/17

4 IX (eesh) White/North
Keywords: jaguar, feminine energy, magician, shaman, inter-dimensional, time traveler, freedom, earth spirit, supernatural

SUN 3/18
5 MEN (men)Black/West
Keywords: eagle, thunderbird, clarity, insight, visionary, daring, achievement, bridges heaven and earth

MON 3/19
6 CIB (keeb)Yellow/South
Keywords: the word, aura, forgiveness, life test, sin, detached, private, lone, owl, condor, vulture, independent

TUE 3/20
7 CABAN (ka'ban) Red/East
Keywords: earthquake, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, great potential, understanding, evolution, incense, navigation

WED 3/21
8 ETZNAB (etz'nab) White/North
Keywords: two-edged sword, flint, knife, blade, noble, yin/yang, miracles, suffering, mirror, sacrifice, shatter, destruction, genetic tree

THU 3/22
9 CAUAC (k'awak) Black/West
Keywords: transformation, thunder, lightning, rain, storm, catalyst, cloud, electrical, shift, unexpected

FRI 3/23
10 AHAU (ahow') Yellow/South
Keywords: sun lord, ancestors, devoted, persistent, all-seeing, complete, fruition

SAT 3/24
11 IMIX (ee'meesh) Red/East
Keywords: primal mother, crocodile, turtle, dragon, protective, creative, initiation

SUN 3/25
12 IK (eek') White/North
Keywords: divine wind, whirlwind, a window, opening, communication, mental, breath, fury, release, burst

MON 3/26
13 AKBAL (ak'bal) Black/West
Keywords: home, hearth, dreamtime, night, logical, organized, abundance

KAN: The Dreaming Lizard
Mayan week of March 27, 2007 - April 8, 2007

TUE 3/27
1 KAN (k'an) Yellow/South
Keywords: seed, sexual, new beginnings, lizard, dragon, fertility, opening, manifestation

WED 3/28

2 CHICCHAN (cheek'chan) Red/East
Keywords: celestial serpent, snake, life force, strong willed, powerful, intuitive, healing

THU 3/29

3 CIMI (ke'mee) White/North
Keywords: death, rebirth, transmutation, skull, bones, spirit

FRI 3/30

4 MANIK (man'eek) Black/West
Keywords: hand, deer, healing gateway, balance, the four directions

SAT 3/31

5 LAMAT (la'mat) Yellow/South
Keywords: rabbit, star, moon, multiply, fertility, seed, increase, growth, create, ripen
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