
Dear Friend and Reader:
WE ALL KNOW how weird Mercury retrograde can be. On a mundane level, it's usually simpler than the psychological level; i.e., it's easy enough to back up your disk drives early and often. It's also wise to avoid doing anything of the kind during the few days close to the stations, and all it takes is a little planning.
With some negotiation, you can avoid signing contracts or making major commitments during the retrograde phase or during those days when Mercury's direction is changing. Conserve your cash and you'll be ready if something goes amiss. All of this becomes common sense after a while, though it's worth repeating.
Mercury is retrograde for three weeks about three times a year, and we're about to experience one between May 25 and June 19. There is a phase of about three weeks on either side of the actual retrograde wherein the effect is noticeable; this is called the echo or shadow phase. During this phase, Mercury is moving through the degrees where it's about to be retrograde, or was just retrograde. When the echo phase ends, Mercury takes new territory and continues to do so for about nine weeks before entering a new echo phase. The rhythm of this dance is meaningful to follow and you can learn a lot about astrology and life if you do so.
The retrogrades make interesting patterns; for example, focusing on one particular element each year. We are currently in a year of Mercury retrogrades in the air signs. Over the winter, Mercury was retrograde in Aquarius. It will soon be retrograde in Gemini, and later in the year, in Libra.
The pattern is not evenly distributed through the signs. For example, Mercury is retrograde least of all in the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. I've noticed that, for most people, these are the most emotionally challenging retrogrades.
Note that all planets (except the Sun and Moon, which are not actually planets) spend part of their orbit retrograde. The patterns are different between the inner planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) and the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn and anything beyond). The outer planets are retrograde part of every year, usually for about four to five months. Venus is retrograde every 18 months and spends the least time retrograde of all the planets. Mars is retrograde every two years. Mercury, which moves quickly, is retrograde three times a year.
They all have one thing in common -- when a planet is retrograde, the Earth is closer to that planet.
The Unique Psychological Trip
While the issues with communication devices, mechanical objects and agreements are what make Mercury retrograde famous, what makes each retrograde unique and interesting is the psychological and emotional material that surrounds the process. Many have noticed that retrogrades can be creatively potent, deeply introspective and reveal a lot about who we are -- to ourselves, and at times to others. Conspiracies can come unmasked. Gossip can be revealed.
We can notice things we would have missed otherwise; odd or long-concealed facts have a way of bubbling to the surface. When this happens, Mercury works a little like Chiron, revealing the weaknesses in a system in a way that helps us fix them. Mercury retrograde is particularly hazardous to those who deceive or make a habit of deceiving themselves: it is a great time for gossip to backfire. All these changes can put stress on relationships, and when you add to that the undeniable factor of miscommunication, things can get hairy.
If there is still anybody out there who judges a person's character based on one unreturned email, or even two, I suggest you reconsider your policy. If you send an important email during this phase, perhaps make a phone call to say you did so.
People who like Mercury retrograde tend to be the ones who enjoy having their ideas about themselves shaken up, and welcome the experience of new ideas being shaken loose from their minds. They tend to be artists, writers and system-busters of various stripes.
In addition to being associated with money and communication devices, Mercury is about the living spirit of our minds, the spark of consciousness that represents self-awareness and conscious intelligence. It is an androgynous god, and appears in many cultures as the archetype of the trickster. The trickster effect is particularly potent during retrogrades, and as annoying as it can be, you can also have a lot of fun playing with ideas, investigating yourself and surfing the threads of synchronicity.
In traditional astrology, Mercury rules two signs -- Gemini and Virgo. Both of these signs are mentally oriented, dualistic, and associated with language and intelligence. Of the two, Gemini is more associated with quick wits, skill with language, talent for commerce and multitasking. Virgo is associated with analysis, systematic thinking and service. It is the most self-critical sign, often taking this to excess.
Alice Bailey's system described in the book
Esoteric Astrology, Mercury is the ruler of Aries, which if you think about it makes sense. Mercury is a planet associated with ideas, and ideas represent an initiation.
Looking at Gemini
Since this retrograde is in Gemini, let's briefly review that sign. Gemini is part of the mutable cross. Mutable means changeable, and what it changes
between are cardinal (initiative or impulsiveness: to wit, Aries) and fixed (steady or hunkered down: to wit, Taurus). Bailey associates the mutable cross (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) specifically with the awakening of the Christ mind, which I will translate as a unifying spiritual principle. Even if you look at ordinary interpretations of the signs out of
Dell Horoscope, you might get this idea.
The Inner Twin. Catalina from the Book of Blue.
Photo by Eric Francis.
Many of the zodiac signs infer a reference to dualism. For example, Aries and Taurus are both represented by animals with two horns. Gemini is the first sign to depict a human being, a distinction reserved exclusively for the air signs and for Virgo. The other eight signs depict animals.
In the first sign depicting humanity, we have two people shown -- and they are twins! I appreciate this bit of cosmic wit, Gemini styled. Yes, people tend to arrive in pairs (but they do a lot of triangulating).
The twin metaphor suggests that within every individual is a kind of inner double with whom we are in a relationship, be it conscious or not. Think of this any way you like -- the dark and light sides of our nature; male and female (Mercury is androgynous); the physical versus the psychic nature; or the dual sense of mortality (ego) and immortality (soul) that follows from the myth of Castor and Pollux.
Another Gemini theme reminds us that it's impossible to name anything without also implying its opposite; any concept, like "me," also implicitly contains the concept that everything else is not that (everything else is "not me"). This is the original "fall" or separation; dividing the One into manageable little chunks and slices using mental concepts and taking these to be real, when they are all only ever ideas, imaginary dividing lines between me, you, the tree and the dog. This is perhaps the oldest reason why Mercury rules Gemini: because the mind (initially ruled by Gemini) was traditionally said to divide everything into opposites, and be the cause of separation. The first separation always being into "me" and "everything else," which instantly causes insecurity and fear that was not present before that concept. You can always see when babies develop their self-concept because they immediately become insecure and clingy.
The twins of Gemini also suggest that many human relationships are typically played out on the level of siblings: not particularly mature, operating by their own rules and -- most significantly -- subject to parental authority (which begins to take hold in the next sign, Cancer: the sign of the mother). Note the paradox: the kids come in the third sign, mom comes in the fourth. Alice Bailey suggests we run the zodiac wheel in reverse and see how well it works (it works pretty good).
One of my favorite facts about twins is that they sometimes develop a secret language, called an
ideoglossia. Here is an interesting
case study. This can be an elaborate, complex language understood only by two individuals. (If there is a linguist in the house who has studied this phenomenon, I would love to hear from you.) People who speak to one another in jargon or coded words are invoking one of the infrequently acknowledged powers of Gemini, which is to exclude others from the private partnerships that are so often formed in the world. Jargon frequently appears among people who buy and sell things with one another, and commerce is a distinct quality of Gemini.
A Rich Moment: Retrograde in Gemini
Considering all of this, Mercury retrograde in Gemini promises to be pretty interesting. Retrogrades turn inward and they allow us to reflect on the past. I think this will be an exciting phase for people who are introspective, reflective and who value their relationship to themselves on a conscious level. For others, it may feel like being led through a confusing maze.
Eric’s mom, Camille Cacciatore Savitz,
is a Gemini with Virgo rising. One of
her hobbies is putting on cabaret
performances in her hometown, New
York City --
a very Gemini kind of
thing to do.
Photo by Eric Francis.
Looking at the charts, two themes come to mind: mixed signals and brilliant ideas. Humans are famous for their mixed signals. How often do we say one thing and mean another, fully aware of what we're doing (or not)? One might dress a certain way, which seems to be a message to the world, then not appreciate what people think you're expressing. You might play a game of approach-avoid, which sends one of the most mixed signals of all. Hypocrisy is a mixed signal, where people say one thing and do another thing, or hold the world to one set of rules and themselves to another.
Mercury retrograde in Gemini can help us see these patterns for what they are, learn from them and, then if necessary, help us rectify them. They are confusing to ourselves and others, and they waste a lot of time.
Second: brilliant ideas. The retrograde takes place square Uranus in Pisces. It's dancing around in opposition to the Great Attractor; it makes repeated aspects to Chiron, Nessus and is loosely trine Neptune. This is a lot of flow.
The beginning of the retrograde phase teases a perfect square to Uranus; at the very end, the square resolves and, after a long and complex inner journey with many little, big and bigger discoveries along the way, something shifts.
I thought I would put a microscope to this unusual transit and see what we discover, looking at Mercury's aspects to the more than 100 minor planets we track, as well as other interesting events that occur during the retrograde. For example, on the day that Mercury stations retrograde, Neptune also stations retrograde, with Chiron close by. So there is a triple station retrograde within about 24 hours, and all three planets are in the air signs. If you are one of those people who is looking for ways to shift your thinking, or searching for new experiences of inspiration, this is a rich moment.
We don't have delineations of all the minor planets that are referenced in the sequence of aspects below, but the ones we do have are linked each time. We are planning 16 more delineations for the next annual edition. Aspects listed below that are marked "near miss" are not the closest pass ever of the aspect, but are the closest pass occurring during this time frame. They are usually exact to one degree. This sequence covers from the beginning of the first echo phase through the end of the second one; from May 11 through Saturday, July 5. I won't interpret every aspect, though I'll leave them all in for the sake of the akashic record. It will be interesting to go through the process and take notes on events or thoughts of each day and see how they align with the aspects or not.
Note that most (not all) of the aspects repeat a total of three times on this list. This happens each time Mercury is retrograde, because it covers the same 11 or so degrees of the zodiac three times, repeating its aspects to the slow-movers.
The aspects below were calculated by
Sunday 11 May 2008
Mercury (13+ Gemini) sextile Elatus (13+ Leo). Elatus is a centaur planet that I associate with leading people on in situations that they don't understand; or don’t understand the potential outcome of. It has a touch of Pholus, "small cause, big effect" (which you could easily enough apply to all of astrology).
Monday 12 May 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini) opposite
Ixion (14+ Sagittarius Rx). Ixion is a study in amorality. I attribute the key phrase, "anyone is capable of anything," in the best and worst expressions of that potential. In the
postmodern era, we know the difference between right and wrong quite well. But we tend to concern ourselves with petty matters and skip over the big ones. It is easier that way.
Mercury (14+ Gemini) opposite
Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius). This is an aspect with a polarizing effect on the mind. Things that are not a big deal can become a very big deal, in one's own mind, but there seems to be a faux quality to the controversy. The Great Attractor is a curiously Sagittarian point, vaster than anything known, bigger than millions of galaxies, and which nobody really understands. Therefore, it can represent our relationship to, and how we relate to, who and what we don't understand -- typically, we make up stories. If you make up stories, take them apart and see what they mean before somebody else does it to you.
Mercury (14+ Gemini) trine Atlantis (14+ Libra Rx). Atlantis is an asteroid about the use and abuse of technological power, and how we handle that quality. It is also associated with doomsday-type thinking, such as the notion that the end is near. Remember, on the collective level, this is an idea. But we might want to ponder our use of technology as individuals and as a society. Forget right and wrong; do we do anything productive, really? Do we make beauty, or do we mostly chatter?
Tuesday 13 May 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini) trine
Nessus (14+ Aquarius). Nessus takes the abuse of power on an exceedingly personal level. Nessus can point to the causes and the effects of karma. A trine opens up a mental window and an easy dialog.
Mercury (14+ Gemini) trine Rhadamanthus (14+ Libra Rx).
Thursday 15 May 2008
Mercury (16+ Gemini) opposite Crantor (16+ Sagittarius Rx).
Saturday 17 May 2008
Nessus stations retrograde (14+ Aquarius)
Mercury (18+ Gemini) opposite
Quaoar (18+ Sagittarius Rx). Quaoar is a really interesting point just beyond the orbit of Pluto. I believe it's associated with the power of our personal creation mythologies (everything from how we were created, to how we 'create ourselves' in the process of life) and family patterns that we enter unconsciously from birth. Mercury opposite this point is like a dialog with these ideas.
Monday 19 May 2008
Mercury (19+ Gemini) square
Logos (19+ Virgo Rx). I consider Logos a kind of super Mercury. I think it's one of the most interesting of the objects beyond Pluto. Preliminary research indicates a connection to computer programming (among other things), and I associate it with the phrase, "the search for the soul of technology."
Tuesday 20 May 2008
FULL MOON (29+ Scorpio). This is the second consecutive Full Moon in Scorpio, so I'm counting it as the Scorpio Blue Moon. It takes place across the last degrees of Taurus (Sun) and Scorpio (Moon), so it has an edgy feeling, with the sense that everything is about to change all at once. Full Moons tend to break deadlocks in discussions and relationship situations, and this one seems to be particularly pregnant with this effect. One month ago there was a Full Moon exactly across the first degree of Taurus and Scorpio. This was followed by the New Moon
exactly on the cross quarter (Beltane). This is a potent and very unusual sequence of lunations.
Sun enters Gemini, joining Mercury and Ceres. That is a lot of Gemini. Note that Ceres was the first minor planet; that is, the first-ever discovered asteroid. It appeared in 1801 and has minor planet number 1. One of the unusual interpretations of this point is that it's associated with the process of compromise and the seemingly eternal struggle for balance.
Wednesday 21 May 2008
Mercury (20+ Gemini) conjunct
Ceres (20+ Gemini) - near miss only. It's a near miss because Mercury is stationing and is not going to get all the way to the exact conjunction for a while; Ceres is moving too. The way it looks when you run the animation is that Mercury moves toward Ceres and seems about to catch up and overtake her; but instead, hangs out for several days within one degree, never quite getting there. Then Mercury stations retrograde while Ceres keeps moving in direct motion. For anyone trying to understand Ceres (newly designated a dwarf planet), we should have some interesting opportunities to see her effects here.
Mercury at this point is also about one degree away from that square to Uranus, which feels like being on the verge of an inner breakthrough or perhaps in a sustained state of breakthrough. There is still a development or exploration process indicated by the coming retrograde to work through, because in a few weeks, Mercury will reach this position again by this time making the exact square to Uranus and moving into new territory.
Friday 23 May 2008
Mercury (21+ Gemini) trine Chiron (21+ Aquarius). There is a stroke of genius to this aspect, though it may be unrecognized and unexpressed. It could seem obvious or easy; but the seemingly apparent is worth stating and documenting. Make sure the genius element does not become frustrated genius. This aspect feels like a beacon reminding us to keep a more careful diary than usual during this time; some very good ideas are brewing. Mercury to Chiron is also a portal between the individual and the collective. This would be a really great day for teaching and for meetings. I didn't notice this until now, but I'm teaching a
weekend-long Chiron class at Omega Institute starting Friday night.
P.S. on Mercury trine Chiron: I knew there was something else here, and I just checked Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron in the UAC conference bookstore. She says this aspect (in a natal chart) brings in ancient occult healing gifts. People who have it tend to love books about Atlantis and Egypt. She notes that the gifts may remain latent or like a background interest until you pull out the main thing you need to get a trine going -- discipline.
Saturday 24 May 2008
Venus enters Gemini. If you ask me, Venus is very well placed in Gemini. Her freaky side starts to come out, and she brings an element of emotional awareness to a sign that always benefits from such. Venus brings depth, and Gemini brings movement. Venus is one of the most intelligent planets, mainly because she navigates by feeling, sense and intuition. Gemini gives us a chance to put that quality into ideas and words.
Sunday 25 May 2008
Chiron stations retrograde (21+ Aquarius). Chiron in Aquarius, to me, has always signified the awakening of the public after the long sleep of Neptune in this sign. We may not see the best results until the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius in 2009.
Retrograde Mars. Credit & Copyright: Tunç
Tezel (TWAN).
Monday 26 May 2008
15:47:34 UT - Mercury stations retrograde (21+ Gemini). It is closely trine Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius at the time; Mercury is still moving very slowly and holds its position for a few days. Neptune also stations retrograde the same day. Mercury retrograde covers about 11 degrees of Gemini (most of the second decanate or "face," which is ruled in Old-time traditional astrology by Mars. So on one level, we have what may feel like a long Mercury-Mars conjunction trine Chiron. Mars-Mercury is able to think fast and it has to train itself not to be as conclusive as it wants. Trine Chiron seems like vivid inspiration.
Mercury (21+ Gemini) square Uranus (22+ Pisces) - near miss only. We are working up to something here.
Mercury (21+ Gemini) sextile Eris (21+ Aries) - near miss only. So Eris is in the dance too, adding some psychedelic personality chaos to the equation, which Mercury reassembles and makes perfect sense out of, as long as you're only explaining it to your twin.
Mercury (21+ Gemini Rx) trine True Node (21+ Aquarius Rx) - near miss only. The North Node of the Moon is one of those points that brings in public contact. Maybe we are all twins.
Thursday 29 May 2008
Mercury (21+ Gemini Rx) trine Chiron (21+ Aquarius Rx). This is the second repeat of this aspect. Remember what you were thinking on the 23rd. It could come in handy now.
Saturday 31 May 2008
Mercury (20+ Gemini Rx) conjunct Eros (20+ Gemini). This is a happy day for anyone who thinks that the brain is the most important sex organ. This aspect lends itself to nearly infinite interpretation. The retrograde quality of Mercury, taken on an erotic level, is kinky on its own (particularly in Gemini, which I rate as the kinkiest sign) -- we might be inclined to think, say or do those things that would ordinarily be out of access. We have access to the other side of the mind. Add Eros to the equation and the
erotic mental nature is enhanced. The retrograde will make it possible to express some profound inner truths to yourself about what you really think, feel, need and want. The last 10 seconds before orgasm will grow exponentially more interesting by the hour. I would declare it Intergalactic Cybersex Day; however, the conversations would be a lot more fun in person. If today is your birthday, start a chi-chi porno site.
Tuesday 03 June 2008
Mercury (19+ Gemini Rx) sextile Vesta (19+ Aries). Does everyone know I think Vesta is a very cool asteroid? Well, her symbol is fire, so she's hot as well; the morph of the virgin and the whore.
Mercury (19+ Gemini Rx) square Logos (19+ Virgo). This is a day to solve very intense mental problems, logical issues, programming problems and let's throw in marketing issues. The answer was staring you right in the face all along.
NEW MOON (13+ Gemini).
Friday 06 June 2008
Mercury (18+ Gemini Rx) opposite Quaoar (18+ Sagittarius Rx)
Saturday 07 June 2008 - 11:27 am EDT - Mercury makes its interior conjunction to the Sun, marking the midpoint of the retrograde phase. This is Mercury passing between the Earth and the Sun. Notably, Venus is also making an exterior conjunction to the Sun the same day. This is the Sun with Venus on one side: aligned with the Earth on the other. This event marks the midpoint between the 2004 and 2012 Venus transits of the Sun. An "interior conjunction" is when Mercury or Venus is retrograde and conjunct the Sun. An "exterior conjunction" is when they are direct and conjunct the Sun. Remember that; you will need it another time. I covered this sequence of events in last week's edition,
The Shape of Time.
Mercury (17+ Gemini Rx) conjunct Venus (17+ Gemini). This, to me, feels like taking the whole introspective erotic journey even deeper; and like a meeting with someone from the past. There is a good bit of coming and going to the arrangement as it's set up, as if the gods are trading partners and swapping sexual orientations. There are odd and, it would seem, unusual encounters possible at this moment and it looks both daring, a bit fated and a lot of fun. I would say pay attention to who you meet, but the whole thing seems to be so fleeting as to make that impossible. Passing encounters could lead to some truly unusual places.
Sunday 08 June 2008
Mercury (16+ Gemini Rx) sextile Mars (16+ Leo). This conveniently adds some yang energy to the equation.
Tuesday 10 June 2008
Mercury (15+ Gemini Rx) opposite Crantor (15+ Sagittarius Rx).
Thursday 12 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini Rx) sextile Elatus (14+ Leo).
Friday 13 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini Rx) trine
Nessus (14+ Aquarius Rx). This time, Mercury is retrograde, taking the discovery process inward to a much deeper level. This aspect will repeat one more time, with Mercury in direct motion. I view this as the arising of the necessary shadow material associated with the awareness of erotic energy that is written in these aspects. Increasing Eros in nearly any form usually pushes its various opposite factors to the surface: repressed memories come back; we see the old patterns; we may fear the effects of our actions. The thing to do with shadow is bring it to the light of awareness. It has much less disruptive power there, and much more healing power.
Mercury (14+ Gemini Rx) trine Rhadamanthus (14+ Libra Rx)
Saturday 14 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini Rx) opposite Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius). This is the second pass of Mercury opposite the Great Attractor. One property of the GA is that ideas and events have impact beyond what is seen, felt or known. They can ripple out into society and across time. A lot has been happening, it would seem; the effects could be unpredictable. Better to be aware than to predict, anyway. Awareness is always an option.
Pluto enters Sagittarius (retrograde). Pluto ventured into Capricorn in late January for the first time since Ben Franklin flew his kite. This now commences the last little stretch that Pluto will be in Sagittarius for this cycle, which will remain in effect until November 26, 2008. Then Pluto goes into Capricorn to stay for a while, remaining there until 2023-24, when it transitions into Aquarius.
Monday 16 June 2008
Mercury (13+ Gemini Rx) opposite Ixion (13+ Sagittarius Rx). This aspect repeats in a few days, indicating that the station-direct is in an opposition to Ixion and notably, Ixion is working over the Great Attractor. This is going to stir up some interesting news and potentially some interesting revelations; for example, can there be such a thing as a holy war? Just keep asking that. Given the proximity of the solstice, and with Mercury slow and powerful dancing around over the Great Attractor, it could have some big ripple effects. It's a fine moment to look into the face of hypocrisy and see what you see; to investigate motives; and to see good and evil from a new perspective. How about: realistic?
Wednesday 18 June 2008
Venus enters Cancer. Warm and cozy. All women will spontaneously start lactating.
Thursday 19 June 2008
Mercury stations direct (12+ Gemini). This happens the same day as the Sagittarius Full Moon, conjunct the Galactic Core. This feels frantic, exciting, a bit outrageous and it is all over the Aries Point because, in a little while, the Sun enters a cardinal sign.
FULL MOON (27+ Sagittarius)
Friday 20 June 2008
Mercury (13+ Gemini) trine Atlantis (12+ Libra) - near miss Only
Sun enters Cancer. Solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. In Australia, Santa wears blue and arrives on a surfboard.
Sunday 22 June 2008
Mercury (13+ Gemini) opposite Ixion (13+ Sagittarius Rx). Meditate for five minutes on a portrait of
Dick Cheney and you'll get the idea.
Tuesday 24 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini) trine Nessus (14+ Aquarius Rx). Keep the dialog going. Pop the champagne cork and toast
Alice Miller.
Mercury (14+ Gemini) opposite Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius)
Wednesday 25 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini) trine Rhadamanthus (14+ Libra Rx). Judge of mortal souls, intransigent, letter-of-the-law kinda guy (the phrase a "rhadamanthine judgement"). Libra is a good place for him. He's also precisely on the 9/11 ascendant there.
Thursday 26 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini) opposite Crantor (14+ Sagittarius Rx).
Friday 27 June 2008
Uranus stations retrograde (22+ Pisces). Don't repair the hot tub's wiring while you're in it. Instead, rent the five weirdest films you can think of, drink a pot of coffee, watch them all in a row then play with your digital camera.
Mercury (15+ Gemini) sextile Elatus (15+ Leo). Make sure everyone at the party is at least 18.
Monday 30 June 2008
Mercury (17+ Gemini) opposite Quaoar (17+ Sagittarius Rx). If your mother calls and tries to give you a guilt trip, tell her you're late for parachuting and have to go.
Tuesday 01 July 2008
Mercury (18+ Gemini) opposite Juno (18+ Sagittarius Rx). Ditto for your husband or wife.
Mars enters Virgo (direct). This makes me want to take up trigonometry.
Wednesday 02 July 2008
Mercury (19+ Gemini) trine True Node (19+ Aquarius Rx). Imagine your computer is connected to the big TV in Times Square while you're writing the most private email of your life. How would you feel?
Mercury (19+ Gemini) square Logos (19+ Virgo). By now, your computer has a mind of its own. You type something and it answers. It's telling you who to vote for. You try disabling Javascript but it still keeps talking to you.
Thursday 03 July 2008
NEW MOON (11+ Cancer). This is an Aries Point event.
Psyche stations direct (11+ Scorpio). She's been retrograde for most of the year, and that feels heavy going in Scorpio. It's nice that she goes direct the same time as Mercury, should be a relief. Most of us associate Mercury with our "psyche".
Mercury (20+ Gemini) trine Chiron (20+ Aquarius Rx).
Mercury (20+ Gemini) trine Mean Node (20+ Aquarius Rx).
Friday 04 July 2008
Mercury (21+ Gemini) sextile Eris (21+ Aries). I love Eris.
Saturday 05 July 2008
Mercury (22+ Gemini) square Uranus (22+ Pisces Rx). The moment we have all been waiting for...