Dear Prospective Intern:
Planet Waves is seeking two volunteer astrology apprentices for a one-year commitment. These are positions for people who wish to excel in the study and practice of astrology and are willing to dedicate themselves to this process while working in public service. A minimum commitment of 10 hours a week is required.
This commitment
will extend through the 2009 holiday season, exclusive of actual bank holidays, because work on the 2010 annual will be underway during that time, and I will need you the most then. At the end of the first year, I will provide you with a letter of reference; but not before.
Applicants need to be highly self-motivated. You need to be someone more likely to write an email saying, "This is what I think we can do next" rather than "What do you want me to do?"
You need to be low maintenance, because Planet Waves is high maintenance. Our approach to both astrology and publishing is meticulous, and attention is paid down to the last details.
You need to be a natural writer and someone devoted to your writing as an act of dharma. Regardless of how skilled you are as an astrologer, Planet Waves' main product comes in writing. I am an extremely tough editor. I do not like to give instructions twice. I want writing that is alive, clean, accurate and conforming to style. The reason Planet Waves is as well written as it is can be summed up in one word: rewrite. I think nothing of sending work back to a writer, and I may question the source of any or all facts. You need excellent research skills, and be able to present the work clearly and efficiently.
You need to have a solid basic foundation in astrology, which will be demonstrated in a proficiency test. This includes knowing how to cast a chart (by computer) and the basics of reading one. The test will have questions, like, "Please describe the condition of the ascendant ruler," which is a technical question, not one of interpretation. You need to have and know how to use your own astrology software (such as Io or Solar Fire, NOT an account on Astro.com). And you will need to be the competent owner and operator of a traditional book-style full-century ephemeris.
You need to be familiar with commercial astrology products like WeMoon, Witch's Almanac, Maynard's appointment calendar or similar publications, so that you understand we are offering retail services to the public.
Your application will be weighted in positive favor for having done at least two years of therapy; and for for having a skill that is parallel to astrology (such as homeopathy, herbalism, tarot, or proficiency in any science or mathematics).
The initial application will consist of your CV or resume, one writing sample that is focused on astrology, one writing sample that is not focused on astrology, and a cover letter and a photo of yourself clearly showing your eyes. Once we receive the application materials, and you are cleared for the next step, you will receive your proficiency test materials. Please send your application to editorial (at) planetwaves.net with the subject header: Internship.
Thank you for your interest in Planet Waves.
Yours & truly,