Brussels, Monday, September 18, 2006

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Monthly horoscopes are delivered one each Monday beginning with the first Monday that the Sun is in the new sign. The Sun goes into Libra Saturday, which means Monday we will distribute the October edition of Planet Waves monthly, followed by Inner Space the next Monday, then Lemonade, then Flaunt.

(March 20–April 19)
Is there ever enough progress? You are certainly pushing the limits, and by the time of a solar eclipse later in the month, you will break the boundary on an issue related to work that's kept you fenced-in since puppyhood. But this is not a time to pussyfoot. Be direct and sincere, like the dog you are.
Taurus (April 19–May 20)
You certainly have a rather cautious way of being daring. I know everyone has to respect the boundaries of others, lest the Spiritual Correctness police come to the door. But do you really have to respect your own boundaries? Anyway, they're pretty tough, and will endure some additional wear and tear just fine.
Gemini (May 20–June 21)
Even if a partner insists on getting caught in a psychological trap, you don't need to. You also don't need to rescue them. Daring to be yourself is indeed a choice, and is actually the most daring kind of derring-do in existence. This is always done despite what others believe, perceive, or deceive.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)
You have the beginning and the end of the story; now you need to write the middle. This part is the journey itself, and along the way, something happens: you change. You gain an understanding of your thought process. You transform from self-conscious to self-aware.
Leo (July 22–August 23)
With the right plan, you can make a lot of money this month. You can start a smart, efficient business. You can also make up your mind to feel infinitely better about yourself. If these things are going brilliantly for you, you can either save for a rainy day, or help the rest of us figure out how to do this stuff better.
Virgo (August 23–September 22)
I suggest you spend as much of this month doing rather than planning what you want to be doing, because whatever actions you take, or choices you make, will be multiplied. You are standing in the holographic amplifier, which can turn thoughts to decisions, decisions to action, and action to results with speed and ease. So do, don't plan.
Libra (September 22–October 23)
Between the two entirely odd personalities that seem to have taken up residence in your mind, you have many options for how to see and relate to the world. This is a brilliant time to assess how much success you have trying to be someone else other than yourself.
Scorpio (October 23–November 22)
Take it easy on your friends and they will take it easy on you. Try doing everything by mutual agreement, instead of by ambush. Make an effort to carefully talk out any disagreements, plans, and desires. This way you can turn a potential disaster into a blockbuster of a success.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 22)
This is a time for several big leaps: of faith, of progress, of awareness, of recognition, of freedom and of getting what you want. The important thing is, don't skip the details, despite what may be an overwhelming desire to do precisely that. Lead by example. Read the fine print.
Capricorn (December 22–January 20)
There is no turning back from circumstances that have compelled you to re-evaluate a certain partnership, and you finally seem to be seeing clear through your own illusions about life. However, if it seems there's little you can do, don't worry -- this month, you will have plenty of opportunity to go with the rather brisk flow of events.
Aquarius (January 20–February 19)
You can trust yourself, but sometimes it's great to have the very strong opinions or feelings of others just to make sure you're committed to your own cause. Close partners and loved ones seem determined to help you find the same strength of character that comes so naturally to them.
Pisces (February 19–March 20)
One way to see who you are is to see who you are not. It works pretty good, actually, as long as you use a little logic and don't spend too much time arguing with idiots. Stupidity is contagious. Intelligence is also contagious, but unfortunately, much less so.

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