3 May 2004 Monday Edition

Monday, May 3 Horoscope
(courtesy of Jonathan Cainer,

Thought of the Day

We've arrived at a key juncture in the astrological story of the year, marked by a total eclipse of the Moon Tuesday evening. This occurs with the Moon in the passionate sign Scorpio, as the Sun moves through the middle degrees of sensual Taurus. With clear skies, this event will be visible from throughout England just as the Scorpio Full Moon rises in the east at about 8 in the evening. By 8:30 the Moon will go totally dark and over the next 45 minutes or so it will slowly return. Dig out your binoculars and bring the kids. Lunar eclipses are a treat. (Note -- unfortunately this eclipse will not be visible from North America).

In understanding the symbolism of a lunar eclipse, think of it this way. Because the Full Moon disappears, it's a New Moon at the exact moment of the Full Moon. It's as though a month of experience is packed into two hours of real time. In computer terms, it's a full restart of the system. That this eclipse happens at the Pagan high holiday (sabbat) Beltane is both unusual and auspicious. Hours later, Jupiter stations to direct motion in Virgo, ending a retrograde that began January 3. And the effects of the recent Mercury retrograde are still working themselves out.

This is a chart that comes with a flashing yellow warning: slippery when wet. Neptune, the planet of fog and dreams, is an influential player. Scorpio can pump up the emotions. And the Full Moon is a bit wiggy in any event. Drive with your lights on, test your traction and take it slow on the curves. In a dream such as this, one small gesture means a lot. Today's column is the first of two looking closely at the effects and meaning of this eclipse.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
I suggest you start responding to the present moment as if it were now and not the past. You could account for certain tendencies you seem to be experiencing as caution, shrewdness or playing a good game. However, as long as you consider certain people or circumstances to be material property rather than a contractual arrangement based on free will, you'll feel like you're getting cheated by life. In this world we should consider ourselves grateful when we can move on from the past rather than having it haunt us perpetually. You are free. You may as well act that way.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
To understand the present events of your personal life, follow the thread back to autumn 2002. This may not be an entirely pleasant exercise, but it will help you untangle your perception that you're a victim of circumstances. I did not say "false perception." You owe yourself an accident investigation. You also owe yourself some credit for the ways in which you've accessed one of your deeper and lesser-known skills: the ability to adapt to rapid changes. Astrologers generally don't go around pinning medals to Taurans for this gift, but it's something of a magic ring you possess. Put it on now.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
The question of who is in service to whom may be irritating you. You have a right to know what is expected of you, but only limited privileges to expect others to behave in perfectly predictable ways. It may not seem fair, but that's the way life is for now. It's an adequate arrangement because it leaves you in the role of setting the example rather than being a cop, boss or slave driver. And it will focus your efforts where you really have power. Most of what people suffer from is not lack of commitment but rather lack of creativity. At the moment this is your most abundant resource.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
If there's an eclipse of the Moon that's not making you a little nervous, check yourself for a pulse. But tomorrow's total lunar eclipse in sympathetic Scorpio provides you with nothing but an opportunity to focus on your idea of a good time. Being the serious and devoted person you are, I'm tempted to send for a car to take you out to the seaside so you can get your mind off of the many stresses that you've been handling so well. But I doubt that would be any fun for you right now. You have a job to finish, and you are in rare form. Today or tomorrow, you will have a hunch. It's the real information you've been seeking.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
You must be left to your own devices. It's a waste of energy to micromanage (or even regular manage) you because your own sense of ethics and your unusual depth of intelligence mean you function best on your own, going at your own speed. And while you may be feeling less than confident in your authority at the moment, a little hesitation is good for you. Even if you're feeling on top of your league, take a few days to pause and ask yourself what you could be doing better, and how. There are some obvious sources of wisdom you have not tapped but which are readily available.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
While Mercury is getting its systems back online, you're still sorting out the consequences of unexpected developments in a situation involving shared resources or commitments. Contracts are meaningful only to the extent that they are negotiated in good faith. That's another word for genuine honesty and fully expressed intentions. Rather than deciding whether you won or lost this round of the game, I suggest you size up the situation from the standpoint of integrity. Remember, it is reasonable to change your mind when you have to, and it usually pays off properly in the end.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
What shows up as a loss in one column of life's ledger must appear as a profit somewhere else. And sometimes this is in one of your own accounts. Still, the situation is still too tentative and lacking certain critical information about the motives, values and resources that are involved. The issue seems to involve your money, but you know that your money is never just yours alone. All energy is shared, and all things are interconnected. The resource most easily shared from person to person is feeling meaningful and worthwhile. Your love for yourself opens doors for many other people.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Tomorrow's total eclipse of the Moon in your birth sign represents a total reassessment of some kind. While you're never the type to let mould colonise your brain, it would appear you've discovered an aspect of your most personal affairs where there's more work to be done. Something hidden has come to light. Yes, you should have seen it coming, but in any event, take the prerogative and set things right. Under the influence of the approaching eclipse you will be able to accomplish a month of work with an hour's effort, more than making up for lost time, but also reaffirming your faith in miracles.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
If you have one error in your ways, it's that you expect people to see the same big picture that you do. But recent events, in recent weeks and recent seasons, are likely to have taught you that you must convey the details in a specific and articulate manner and check with people to see if they get the idea or feel the creative spark. In this world, creativity alone is not enough, and visions must be painstakingly translated from notion to idea to vision to plan of action. Every dollar spent at the architect will save two in construction. But it's the spark that counts.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
That you may have certain ruthless qualities to your nature is apparent enough, and I trust you've got the wisdom and maturity to keep them in check. Some would say that the more vital question is their origin and true nature. What you're really doing is desperately concealing your compassionate side because this is where you feel most vulnerable. You've also been put through a life where you were taught you could expect nothing and had to scrupulously assess everyone. Events of the next few days will offer you something new without compromising the power or influence you've dearly earned.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
While certain people with high opinions of themselves may want to squabble over the details, you have the ability to keep the discussion on a sensible track. To do this, you merely need to think for yourself and remember that you are more responsible for your destiny than are those who try to influence you. There are also a number of tangible points that everyone has in common, and you would do well to keep those in mind. As an Aquarian you know that this world is far too concerned with differences, and this is one chance to teach it about common ground.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You need to forget everything you thought you knew. That should be too difficult since current circumstances give rise to entirely new responses within unfamiliar situations. Beware of old knowledge that works like a crutch ("Oh, I've made hamburgers, therefore I know a few things about how to run this laboratory"). You are far better off not knowing and investing energy finding out. Alternately, certain points of experience will prove invaluable as presently developing events unfold. But in your world of mystery, faith in your guidance is not merely an ally; it's your best friend.

Planet Waves Weekly Monday Edition
Monday 3 May 2004, Version 1.0

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