Wednesday 5 May 2004 Daily Mirror Edition

Today's column appears courtesy of Jonathan Cainer,

Thought of the Day

It's going to take a while for the muck to settle after last night's total lunar eclipse shook things up so effectively during the past couple of weeks. Such intense activity in Scorpio dredges up everything people don't want to see, feel or think about. Have you noticed? But Scorpio is also famous for saying you don't have a choice in the matter. As challenging as it may be, and as elusive as 'truth' may seem, I suggest you keep a focus on speaking from your heart and mind about what's real for you. The Sun's square to Neptune today may have a lot of people sliding all over the place. And even if they want to dash around the ice like pro hockey players, it would be prudent to move one foot at a time, taking one step at a time. In fact, there is no rush.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
If you don't find an original solution, it will find you. You've managed to consume vast mental energy going more or less nowhere, and I hope you've figured out that you're not going to convince the one person you want to convince the most of the thing you want to convince them of the most. You could have started by going nowhere and saved yourself a lot of calories. I get the feeling you're dealing with an obsession over appropriateness, which is odd enough because that's never seemed to interest you before. Who or what has got into you? It's not an issue. This will be clear within hours.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
The beautiful thing about delusions is we don't know about them until we find out about them. Then we discover we were perfectly deluded when everything seemed clear and solid. Written in marker on my desk is the phrase, "Fraud is based on trust." It could just as easily say, "The truth comes out." It always does, every time. The deeper issue is whether we care, and what we do with it when it arises. The upshot is the moment you have enough information to make a decision, then make it. While your mind may be obscured by beautiful clouds lately, listen for the thunder.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Say what you think will clear the room, or at least the brutal truth. If you put the bare argument to a family member, you're likely to convince them of something they've long known but long resented. Even if they don't budge, you'll have untangled and resolved a complex and nagging emotional issue, which is a fine beginning. You're too old and have lived through too much to be offended by your own opinions, or to live entangled in the fear that people aren't going to accept you because of what you believe or what you know. Push the issue and you'll make a lifetime of progress.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Sort out creative considerations from business matters and the world will seem a simpler place. There is a difference, though in the pressures and confusion of recent days they have gotten mixed up in one another. Similarly, there are times when a touch of formality gives the iconoclastic effect you are looking for. If you've got something truly radical going, and you do, that bit of camouflage can take you a long way toward keeping your adversaries off guard and your colleagues reassured. You've tried quite a few approaches to the question at hand, and this is not a time to experiment.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
Events surrounding last night's eclipse have shifted around the weights that usually keep you steady. Keep your balance and you'll keep your confidence, and both are rather critical at the moment. You're cruising straight into an emotional state that will unravel the truth about how you feel in ways you didn't dream were in you. Release the mental habit of sorting out how messed up you are; if you're emoting, that's a sign of health, progress and ultimately of freedom. The only really messed up people are the ones who don't give themselves the flexibility to flow, squirm and grow.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
It may suddenly be obvious that you've come a lot further than you think, which is to say that what you think matters a lot less than facts pointing to the truth of who you are. Good fortune is not something you can add up using math or even philosophy. And it's not dependent on whether certain desires surrounding another person are fulfilled. Now that you're done festering on the past, call yourself in to the present moment with full strength. The past has done a good job of telling you what you don't want. A new day has dawned; the difference today is that you can actually feel it.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
All the normal rhythms of your life are off. Something within you is slowing down to a stop, shrinking to miniature or coming into tight focus. But if you look in another direction, you'll notice that a particular highly attractive option still exists. This is a time in your life where learning about making choices is the primary lesson, if you want to equate life to school. I prefer not to, but setting things in moral or ethical tones may help you think more clearly. You seem to need a mental basis for a momentous decision that is rapidly approaching. Think a thousand times till you get it right.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You've succeeded at giving plenty of yourself away. But you've still got plenty. How exactly that's happened is one of those cosmic mysteries, but then, so are you. Meanwhile it is becoming extremely -- some would say painfully -- obvious how powerful a close partner is to you, and how important that relationship is to your well being. I know you'd have certain factors be vastly different than they are now. Despite how strongly you feel, it would feel very good to be in a lot closer contact. People have always taken time to catch up to you emotionally. This situation is going to take time.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Jupiter in Virgo has been forcing you to think of yourself differently, to act differently and ultimately to change your ways. By all accounts your ways have changed, and all of a sudden much has changed with them. Yesterday's eclipse is likely to have revealed to you to just what extent you've been driven by fear, and an obsession with rectifying something in the past. You have not merely put effort into the solution, you have invested thought, feeling and deep consideration. These things pay off, and sometimes when the stars align they pay off rather quickly after an excruciatingly long delay.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
What comes out over the next 24 hours may have you asking some deep questions about your role in the community and your devotion to certain professional ideals. At times there is no getting around the need to dabble in darkness, but sometimes those shadows can stick to you. You're asking a lot of questions, and those questions may involve whether you're being told the truth, and what to do if you are not. You may also be wondering how deep a certain injury is. In fact, it will become a source of power if you attend to it with the same honesty and focus you're rightly demanding of the world.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
While the world around you is moving like a teacup ride, you're in a fairly stable place and on a steady course. If others don't see you that way, it's their delusion and you don't need to buy into it. Keep that distinction straight in your mind. While you're not normally given to believing everything you're told, people have a certain penetrating quality with their words and feelings right now. Be wary of the feeling of being at the edge of disaster. It's an illusion. Anyone who actually lives life lives close to the edge, and that's risky. But at the moment, what you've been dreading is in retreat.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Jupiter, one of the full-time employees of Pisces, switches directions today in your opposite sign Virgo. And Mercury, the ruler of that sign, is just coming out of retrograde -- both of which are indications of life, progress and revelation. Much that was tied up or invested in other people is about to come pouring out; you'll likely be surprised what was in there and what it adds up to. Whatever anyone else may say, your opinion still counts for more. And while you've long kept a policy of earning your own good graces at a very high price, I suggest you relax your standards a bit.

Planet Waves Weekly Daily Mirror Edition
Wednesday 5 May 2004, Version 1.0

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