Wednesday April 28 2004 Daily Mirror Edition

Today's column appears courtesy of Jonathan Cainer,

Thought of the Day

I am waiting to open up a horoscope column for the first time and read something like, "ARIES -- I've been staring at this chart for half an hour and I haven't a damn clue what to say to you. Mars, your ruling planet, isn't making any aspects today, and the Moon, which is generally stirring up something, is somehow avoiding all your interesting houses at once. Check back tomorrow please. Have a good day." You never see that. Astrologers aren't politicians. We can't say, "No comment." Fortunately, charts do get more interesting one day after the next, almost perversely so. Or maybe it's astrologers who slowly grow more twisted as the years go by. No comment...

Aries (March 20-April 19)
I trust that recent events haven't forced you to move out of the neighborhood in search of a better reputation. Your tendency to be brutally honest has set the tone of recent weeks, though you can be pretty sure that people can stand up to your attitude just fine. The beauty of your current chart is that so much is a matter of opinion, and everybody concerned is aware of this. One person in your life, however, may not have such a thick skin, and if you notice they're getting bullied into an unfair compromise, you may take the chance to intervene.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
You seem to be pursuing one person but may find yourself in an encounter with another. There appears to be a natural tendency for romantic love to do what I call "triangulate" -- that is, to go from an affair of two to an affair of three. It requires a lot of effort to maintain the one-to-one when natural forces intervene. People are obsessed with the need to have options, and quite often love activates the force of attraction. I suggest that as this mysterious week continues to unfold, remaining aware of your options, and of your right to choose, is the order of the day.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
We're now in the Mercury Storm phase of Mercury Retrograde. Your ruling planet has slowed down to moving a tiny fraction of a degree per day, in preparation for turning to direct motion Friday. While this would normally create personal chaos for most people, it's more likely to open a world of options. Look for that one specific potential that has until now seemed quite invisible or impossible to reach. You will know which it is because it's likely to solve at least three problems at once. And if it seems you're never quite rewarded for a job well done, that's rather likely to change.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You seem to be teetering on the brink of a decision that you simply cannot make yet. One factor leads to another in a serpentine set of associations that link everything with everything else. It's true, there's quite the karmic network, but the good news is that it's working more or less fine. I know it doesn't seem that way; I know you've got a lot of plans on hold, quite possibly big plans. Planetary movements over the next few days will shake the tree. Meanwhile, keep what you want clearly in mind. It has rarely ever been so plain to see, plain to understand, or attainable.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
Many are called, but few choose to respond. Responding is a bother, and it means you need to be responsible. Then there's the issue of attachment. To take on a mission is to be bound to the world in some way. Many make the case that to foster true spiritual growth, we need to leave the world behind. I propose you're at a different stage of life. The world is calling you. You're being summoned into the dance of life, probably in more than one role. What they all have in common is your emergence as a leader and authority figure. But you knew it all along, right?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Continue to pay close attention to business or financial negotiations that have reached a critical point. Watch carefully for the correct moment to act or make a commitment. Despite the delays or complications you've encountered, this will feel natural and relaxed when the time comes. Meantime, it's imperative that you keep track of everyone's agenda. As the person bringing the initiative to the situation, you need to know what is motivating everyone else to be part of it. Their motives are probably benign, but they are complex -- and worth deciphering.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
Someone seems to be morphing from friend to enemy to secret ally. This is an illusion; your perspective is what's changing, and it's changing fast. Meanwhile, powerful people and events far beyond your control have taken up residence in your life, and you may feel like you're on a ride you can't get off. While you're free to leave, the point is that you're not leaving; there is something unfolding here that's compelling your awareness and presence. And you will soon see that your part in the situation is as important as those in whom you perceive power and privilege.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Astrology's most enduring message is that each day is different. At other times, it becomes obvious that each season is different. The challenges you've faced lately have involved a struggle to let go of how you defined yourself in the past. What you may not recognize is just how deep into the past your efforts are reaching. It's as if you've been the same person since you were a young child and are suddenly awakening to the notion everything is changing. For once, you can see yourself clearly, and you know exactly what to do. That is called commitment.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Mutable signs such as Sagittarius are highly susceptible to Mercury retrograde. In your case, Mercury is associated with two of your most important houses: relationships and career. Do people come to astrology for any other reason? Not that I've heard lately. Fortunately, Mercury changes directions Friday in your most fiery, creative and impassioned chart angle. The cosmic cork pops; your energy returns to something that may far exceed normal. I also see a few karmic complications working out mysteriously well. If you dare to take a chance on something, you're very likely to win.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Things are not meaningful because we give them meaning. They are meaningful because they reveal their meaning to us. Or not? Perhaps life is the way we say it is, no more, no less. And perhaps the power to ascribe significance in a way that makes sense comes as a result. Meaning can opens doors rather than close them, and more to the point, it can widen the mind instead of narrow it. You appear to face a dilemma where your judgment has been called into question. There is no point defending yourself, because after all, right or wrong, what you say goes.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
You're hopefully getting the message that a little emotional stability goes a long way. A very long way. While people tend to view Aquarians as "not very emotional," the thing is, you emote differently, and emotions have a different effect on you. While much would be revealed by the placement of your Moon, your current solar chart suggests that for several reasons you're feeling more at home on Earth than you have in a long time. Remember: this is how life feels when you feel safe. This is how life feels when you know faith is not a joke. Notice where you are and how you got here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You'll need to play along with the unbearable tension for a little while longer. What good would a game be if you knew the outcome in advance? Then, your life is not actually a game, and you're more than a spectator in its process. My sense is that you're coming to terms with your own value on a very deep level. Value is more than about money; it relates to one's most vital place in the community. While you've usually let others dictate your worth and size up your quality, the shift now occurring is allowing you to take this privilege for yourself.

Planet Waves Weekly Daily Mirror Edition
Wednesday April 28 2004, Version 1.0

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