17 September 2004
International Edition

Equinox: With Love from M87

Next Wednesday, Sept. 22, the Sun enters Libra, beginning the autumn season in the northern hemisphere. The first day of autumn is the day the Sun's rays rain on the Earth square the equator and, as a result, day and night are equal throughout the world. Yet this is no ordinary equinox, as the Sun is soon followed into Libra by Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Ceres. This is the beginning of what promises to be a rather memorable autumn, even as we live deep within the age of forgetting. Maybe for once we'll forget to forget.

The obvious question is what does this mean for someone, personally. The only right answer is
something. Most of the specifics of interpretation would be determined by what you have in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) and perhaps more significantly, where Libra falls in your chart. Where Libra is, you will have action, and on the personal level it has the potential to be genuinely positive and productive. In my weekly and monthly horoscopes for September and October I have been sketching out the details as far as I can, based on the position of your Sun sign.

Meanwhile, yes, this could be stressful, but it will be a good time for action and making big moves, Year of the Monkey style. There are some people who like a lot of concentrated energy all in one place and there are some people it freaks out. I say take a breath and start paddling your canoe.

For the wide world, the one we share, we're entering a distinct era of collective events, the most noteworthy of which is the United States presidential election later in the season. The US president is not king of the world, but apparently thinking you are is enough to have an effect on the whole planet. I can hear China laughing.

The Aries Point

The beginning of Libra is of course opposite, in both time and space, the beginning of Aries -- which is the vernal equinox and the first day for spring in the northern hemisphere. In a number of recent columns, I've been writing about the Aries Point, which has been observed by many astrologers to have some unusual properties: public contact, a collective quality, the personalization of large events, and lasting effects through time among them. The example of an Aries point effect I've been using is the June 21, 2001 summer solstice total solar eclipse, which occurred in the first degree of Cancer, exactly square the Aries Point. The summer of 2001 is of course a time nobody who lived through it will forget, truly heralding the dawn of an era.

We could speculate about why this particular point has so much influence. It is, for one thing, the degree of reckoning between the tropical horoscope (the one we're all familiar with) and what's called the sidereal horoscope, or the backdrop of actual stars (used in Vedic astrology; sidereal is another word for stellar). The 'sidereal vernal point' is another name for the Aries point, meaning the place where the tropical horoscope begins. Because of precessional movement, that is, the slow wobbling of the Earth making the heavens appear to rotate, this point moves. It slides backwards through the stellar backdrop, and the calendar, so that each century, spring begins about one day earlier. This is why the sign we call Pisces, for example, is mostly located in the constellation Aquarius. In 12,000 years, assuming we survive the 21st century, you will be able to go sunbathing on Christmas in Maine. But if climate change proceeds on its current course, you may be able to do that a lot sooner.

That's all very interesting. But it doesn't illustrate much, or give us anything too tangible to hang onto in terms of understanding the unusual power of the Aries point. Like many things in astrology (such as the ascendant, to which it is symbolically related), it may derive its strength from consciousness, which is not too shabby.


Yet consider this. In the 2nd degree of Libra, that is, the point the Sun crosses each Sept. 24, there is a rather large galaxy. A galaxy is a mini-universe that can contain hundreds of billions of stars. This particular galaxy in early Libra is about 50 million light years away and called M87, the 87th item cataloged by French astronomer Charles Messier back in the 18th century. Monsieur Messier, astronomer to the astronomers, was making a list of objects for his colleagues not to confuse with comets; it was essentially a list of things to look out for. Look out indeed.

We now know that M87 is a massive, elliptical galaxy, not the kind of spiral galaxy we're used to seeing such as Andromeda (and the one in which we live). It has quite a few globular clusters, or mini galaxies, around it. And at its core is a black hole some 3 billion times the mass of our Sun, but compacted into a space the size of the solar system. Because of its enormous weight, M87 exerts gravity on 3,000 galaxies that surround it, called the Virgo Group. It is a kind of central Sun for that region of the galaxy.

For quite some time astrologers have been observing the behavior of the Aries point. Could it be that they have really been observing the effects of M87? Sure it could be. While there are many factors in astrology that require no mass to have an observable effect (such as the lunar nodes), objects with mass certainly do show up in consciousness, in events and in turning points in the history of the world. And if anything would, old Mr. M87 would.

I learned something extra interesting today, which is that Messier catalogued M87 within one week of the British astronomer Hershel discovering the planet Uranus. Uranus was the first discovery of a new planet by science; these are basically twin discoveries. This was in March of 1781. Messier discovered M87 on March 18 of that year, when it was at full opposition to the Sun (where many discoveries are made), and just two days shy of the vernal equinox. Uranus, a planet which came to signify revolution, invention, liberation and science itself, was discovered five days earlier, on March 13. Both were discovered with the Sun in Pisces. The discovery degree of Uranus, in case you were wondering, is the 23rd degree of Cancer [Sabian symbol: The meeting of a literary society, go figure.]

Now, black holes are interesting birds. They are extremely dense, as in a teaspoonful would weigh as much as the Earth; not a good sweetener if you're trying to lose weight. According to Wikipedia, the classical definition of a black hole is a "concentration of mass with a gravitational field so strong that its escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. This implies that nothing, not even light, can escape its gravity, hence the term black. The name black hole is very widespread, even though the theory does not refer to any
hole in the usual sense."

No, not the usual sense. The super duper bizarre sense.

Alberto Einstein's General Theory of Relativity does not speculate about black holes, but its mathematics allow for their existence. Tracking down this bit of science, Tracy (on fact checking detail) writes: "Apparently he didn't exactly theorize black holes, but his General Theory was later used by others to do so. Their existence was therefore considered a form of proof for the General Theory of Relativity. It seems to be debatable whose idea black holes were, as everyone built on one another's theories, but Pierre-Simon La Place proposed something along their lines in 1795, well before Einstein, based purely on Newtonian physics."

Thank you Tracy. Hello Pierre, this is the first I've heard of you. We must have coffee some time.

The existence of black holes was not confirmed until fairly recently; observations of M87 were critical to the process. What we get with a black hole is something so heavy and so massive that it warps the fabric of spacetime. Sorry to sound like Scotty warning Kirk not to go too fast on the way to Romulus for a pitcher of ale and a good brawl, but that's the way of it. I propose that anything that can warp the fabric of spacetime can warp anything it pleases. These early degrees of Libra (where there's a lot more than this going on) certainly have impact. The only thing I can think of with equal, equivalent or greater impact are the 15th degree of Sagittarius (the Great Attractor, which could, and would, eat M87 for a snack) and the 27th degree of Sagittarius (the core of our own galaxy, also a kind of cosmic bonbon).

Now, for the practical effects. Through late September and early October, a lot of planets are going to align, one by one, with M87 as they cross into Libra. They will oppose the Aries point, and as discussed recently, square the degree of the June 21 total solar eclipse, which you could view as one of the birth charts of the 21st century. The season will change; then Jupiter will follow the Sun by about three days beginning its one year journey across Libra. Jupiter magnifies things. Then comes Mars, which can instigate action; then Mercury, which sends a message or two; then Ceres, which is about emotion and nourishment, and in particular, mothers and what they go through.

Alice A. Bailey emphasizes that the central theme of the sign Libra is decisions. It would seem that, like it or not, we will be making some of those as the next few weeks progress, and they will no doubt be experienced on an individual level; that is to say, we're all going to feel this, whatever that feeling happens to be.

But with a Sun-Jupiter-Mars-M87 (Aries Point) alignment, incidentally, leading right into the Aries Full Moon on Sept. 28, we are also talking about something big, international, fiery, impressive, historical: collective. Something that may well tip the scales. With so much in Virgo in the sky right now, I recognize that this seems like a lot of abstraction, like a puppy with an astral chew toy. By contrast, and we're not there yet, Libra is sensory, aesthetic, and oriented on action (despite the reputations of some Librans for thinking things over as they watch trees grow, but this could be the influence of Virgo).

The mutable signs have a tendency to be slow; things born there develop very gradually; they are not generally the times to commence projects you want to develop rapidly. But they are the spaces, people and times in which things, events and ideas do germinate and develop. Soon we go cardinal; puff. The cardinal signs, those that begin the seasons, emphasize action, intensity, impact -- and, again, choice. So be it. ++

And In Conclusion: Virgo Birthdays

At a business networking meeting the other night, I was pulled aside by a Virgo and asked, approximately, if she was going nuts and would finances get better? The answers were no, and yes. I can say this confidently, knowing that there is not 100% accuracy to any astrological, scientific or mystical statement -- but there is so much pressure on Virgo right now, so much energy shooting through those circuits, that I am sure a lot of you are inclined to dunk your heads in a bucket of water fairly often, are processing overtime in your dreams, and are feeling quite unlike yourselves.

Unlike, but exactly like. At the time of your birthday, particularly after the arrival of Mercury back into your sign on the 10th, Virgo has the following additional residents: Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, and the Sun. There was also a vastly meaningful New Moon, so we have lunar energy there as well. There are asteroids, too, and they give two notes of caution, with which I will conclude this year's Virgo treatise, just for practice at using the Virgo side of my chart.

But let's talk about money, again -- I think I went over the whole financial planner bit in a prior report or horoscopes. What you must know is that you are about to experience a surge in what I can call your resourcefulness. Some of you will experience this as feeling better about yourselves; some will notice that your investments have done very well, including your investments of time and energy in your talents; and some will notice that you are feeling better, less doubtful, more clear and easier-going about who you are.

Your job is to organize the energy as it arises or comes in. Gradually put it to work. Allocate your resources consciously; keep inventory and know what to do with what you have. Keep plenty in reserve, but not too much. Be the G4 processing chip in the middle of the fancy computer; make the decisions nobody sees, assess the situations nobody knows about, and work with the sense of working toward a goal. You are doing so -- I would not be surprised if you feel that but can't give it words -- but you will have a lot better idea come early December what you've been up to. I think you'll be fairly well stunned at how much foresight you had, and how well the results have come, and how soon.

The most vital pulse to measure is how good you feel about yourself. This is the sense of positive existence. Virgo has a strong tendency to measure the world negatively; to consider how bad things are; to work in contingencies about what might go wrong. This is no way to build a bridge. Yes, problems arise, but you must trust your engineering so that you can move onto the more creative aspects of your life, which are your true nutrients.

At this point I recognize it may be difficult to keep healthy mental patterns going, as you are likely to be in overload, and Mars is not helping your state of serenity any more than a yapping bull terrier in the library's reading room. Mars is also pushing you to fix yourself and fix everything, and the fixer mentality is fixated on what is wrong. Not, for example, on what is possible, necessary, true, beautiful or happening at this moment. And though healthy mental habits don't happen all at once, and they are difficult to create in times of extreme challenge, this is the time.

This is the time to get the big view, the wider perspective, and to measure your progress since last summer, when Jupiter entered your birth sign and you finally began to get yourself free and have some of the opportunities you were seeking. The big view may provide you with a perspective on what you want to change in your life, and from there, you need to work with tangible, manageable aspects of a plan, mainly a plan to manage your resources: of all stripes, from your real estate, to your ideas.

Practicing the art of managing your resources is going to make them multiply. As you put them to use, as well, they will increase. The most important of these resources is who you are, and what you have to offer the world. The coming four seasons are a very good time to experiment with generosity, of soul and materially. They are an equally good time to experiment with charging a fair fee for your services and for dealing with the world on the material level in clear, organized ways that remind everyone of the conscious exchange of energy. This will do you good and it will do everyone around you good.

Now: those asteroids. I won't name names. But the first one is about making deals when it comes to telling the truth. The truth is not negotiable. Bearing false witness is not an option, and when the time comes, bearing true witness is not, not an option. You must simply dedicate yourself to living in the truth of your world, whatever that is. The important thing to remember is not to make deals; I will say this is if you do that kind of deals. Not that this is your thing, but if you cut out one paragraph and stick it in your notebook, let it be this one.

Second. Why you might be inclined to temptation as indicated above may include the mentality or emotional posture of rescuer, of saying things that are inclined to make people feel better about themselves, or to save them from themselves. Within family situations there is a lot of deal making that goes on as regards what is allowed to be true within the family system, what is spoken of openly, and what is simply denied, i.e., "We never spoke about it again." Keep a list of those things. And please notice how those patterns have followed you into the present; you can move on, but only if you see them.

Last, a final comment on the Chiron-Nessus conjunction in Virgo, of interest to all born in this sign, with Virgo rising and many others. Chiron and Nessus in Capricorn are urging you to consider the nature of your relationship to your inhibitions. Chiron in the 5th house region often lives and thrives on inhibitions, keeps them as pets, and so on. But for the past three or so years, the presence of these two formidable energies, working together, has unraveled much of that, and you may have seen the extent to which inhibition is merely about holding down your energy.

Whodunnit? Who taught you to do this, for their own convenience? For whom was it necessary that you not be a kid, that you repress your talents and lust and happiness? Whoever it was, it was none of their business. Your life is your business, your property, your process: but it is meaningless unless you express, share and celebrate yourself and this, my dear Virgo cousin, is the year it can be as easy as you like. ++

Planet Waves Horoscope
for the week of Sept. 17, 2004
by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Get your work done. The Sun moves into your opposite sign Libra next week in grand style, followed by about half of the traditional planets in the solar system. This movement is very likely to keep you as busy with people and relationships as the current setup is keeping you busy with work and projects, and some new ones may have just been added to your agenda. And tempting and productive as work may be, as the emphasis shifts you're going to really want to be with the people who want to be with you. So get a grip and keep your life in balance. And know when to delegate.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
You seem to face many important decisions on the work front, but I suggest you view them as one decision -- what some call a life decision. The most practical issue is whether you truly like what you're doing, and you need to be a lot more honest about that than you've been in the past. The second is more of a psychological or spiritual matter as regards your higher calling in life, something beyond the world of work-a-day. This has been nagging you much of the year, and if you've been wondering what's bothering you, I would offer this as a candidate.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
The past week has certainly taken you into new territory, though it doesn't exactly look like you're lost. You've been planning for this trip for a while, and it almost seems like you've been here before. But don't get too caught up in the familiarity of it all, because it's going to do strange things to your creativity and sense of adventure. I recognize that you're currently in a somewhat heady space, where reasons, reasoning and concepts seem to have all the clout. But within a few days, all that starts to change, as ideas give way to miracles, and words yield to feelings.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Projects that get their start this week and next are being born under particularly auspicious astrology, especially if they fall in the realm of technology, writing, small business or community activism. Stick to the planning and development stage now and soon enough, the screen will come into full color and three dimensions as the creative aspect emerges. You may not think you have it in you to be a technocrat or project manager, but I assure you that you're doing brilliantly. At the core of every artist is a craftsman. The art aspect involves the personal flourish and being in tune with the times. Stay tuned.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
The more gusto you apply to a certain situation, the deeper of a bog you may find yourself in. Or, looked at another way, if you find yourself getting caught in the quicksand, ease off on the throttle and focus on steering. There is a clear path to where you are going, it's just that a great many options exist along the way. You need to consider each seemingly small choice to be an actual decision, with implications downstream in time. Remember, there is no way to make perfect choices, only conscious ones. But fortunately the pressure for perfection eases off any minute now.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Virgo tends to like things in small, manageable bites, and whether you go back a year, a season, a month or a week, we find neither nibbles nor bits in your life. Rather, there are Cadillacs and elephants everywhere, and they seem to have cost you more in the way of money and effort than you could ever stand to gain. But as the world turns during the next seven to 10 days you will begin to see that you've been investing your energy and funds rather than merely expending them.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
You must be ready to take a leadership role in whatever you endeavor. It may not seem like you have adequate support at the moment, or even deserve the responsibility or authority. That you deserve to get a job done well is beyond question. And that you will soon find yourself with all the support you need is beyond question from an astrological standpoint. We soon begin a year of Jupiter in Libra, which for you is a time of expanding the scope of your enterprises, your ideas, and most important, your concept of who you are.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
An unusual climate is developing in your life, one that will seem to reduce the number of factors you have to deal with and leave you with a few key pieces on the visible chess board. One of the factors that will remain in plain sight is the role of a relationship, and in particular, the way a specific person fits into your world. You have quite a few ideas about who you are and how others are supposed to fit in with you, but you have not done enough to assess their role objectively, outside your own experience. That should be a lot easier as the next weeks progress. The right decision will follow.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Career pressures have been overwhelming, and no matter how much of a "big picture person" you are alleged to be as a Sagittarian, you've been caught in an immense number of details and practical issues. But any job worth doing is worth doing right, and clearly this has been your choice. Fortunately (I'm sure you'll agree about the fortunately part) there are plenty of opportunities on the way that will help you spread your responsibilities around. It won't hurt your social life, either, as long as you give up being the boss and go back to being the friendly guru.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
You're about to embark on one of the most enterprising times of your life. If there was ever astrology that would bring out the true nature of your professional life, you are heading for it now. Over the next year, you can expect a series of substantial achievements, combined with making deep corrections to what you've been involved with over the past 10 to 12 years. If you happen to be one of the younger readers of Planet Waves, this is the time to dream a little, to explore the possibilities, and to dare yourself to try something you never imagined you could ever do. No matter what your parents may say.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
If you're involved in making agreements right now, make them carefully, and make them flexible. You might want to review everything you've committed to during the past week or two and keep track of it carefully. As well, keep track of what others have committed to. These arrangements have been made during an exceptionally potent time for you in the aspect of your life involving business and financial relationships, and it's likely that you're standing on top of a gold mine. The trick will be getting the gold out of the ground -- but just remember it's there.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
You're in the midst of many mysterious changes, most of which involve other people making approaches or proposals to you. This may have you feeling some combination of appreciated, visible, and vulnerable. But there's no way to be under the radar and still make your way in the world, and the world is calling you. And there is no way to maintain the status quo and still be the beneficiary of the many changes that are on the horizon. So, get ready to live your life with a higher profile, a more intense level of interaction, and with somewhat higher stakes. You will learn about life when you play the game of life. So remember to play.

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