Bamberg, Germany, 20 August 2004
International Edition

Before and After Chiron

Virgo is what's called a human sign, being one of the few regions of the zodiac represented by a person, specifically a young woman. According to Fred Gettings in his Arkana Dictionary of Astrology, the symbol for this sign has, among its sources, "been derived from the merged letters of M and V (Maria Virgo) as part of the important Marian symbolism associated with this sign." Maria, or Mary, is the living vestige of goddess-worship within the Catholic church and indeed all of Western civilization, after Catholicism took over the more gender-balanced, nature-oriented Celtic religion.

The Sun enters this sign each year in late summer as the harvest approaches. Like the other earthy signs Taurus and Capricorn, Virgo is associated with stability, sustenance and nourishment. In the northern hemisphere, the shift from Leo to Virgo is one of the most visceral sign changes we experience; the quality of light changes distinctly, there is a different feeling to the air, and late summer is very much a season of its own. The sweet touch of melancholy associated with summer's end is an important part of the emotional signature of the Virgo soul.

William Lilly, the great horary astrologer who wrote the first astrological text in English, Christian Astrology (published in 1647), says that amongst physical locations in the world, Virgo signifies a "study where books are, a closet, a dairy-house, cornfields, granaries, malt-houses, hayricks, or of barley, wheat or peas, or a place where cheese and butter are preserved and stored up." This sign, in its worldly expression, is about food and its preservation, and food for the mind.

Traditionally, its ruler is the planet Mercury, the closest to the Sun and the messenger of the gods, which shuttles back and forth across the sky during its many retrogrades all year long. This is symbolic of the mutable nature of Virgos: they can change and adapt.

Apropos of Mercury, Gettings, in his excellent dictionary, describes Virgo as a sign "deeply committed to the intellectual process." Those of us who know and love Virgos are familiar with intelligent, clever, somewhat nervous people who can never seem to do enough. But this is not mental activity for its own buzz; there appears to be something inherently spiritual, transcendent of ego and dedicated to world service that is apparent in who many Virgos are and what they represent.

Virgos had best put these qualities to good use. They have a lot of energy to burn and have an inherent need to be of genuine assistance to the world. When they are fulfilling this role, they are generally quite happy and involved; when not, they can become annoying, particularly to themselves. Many astrologers feel that the keywords of Virgo are I Serve, and many born under this sign know exactly what they're talking about.

Alice A. Bailey, in her 1951 book Esoteric Astrology, addresses some of what may be going on beneath this impulse.

"The sign Virgo is one of the most significant in the zodiac," she writes in her introduction to this sign, "for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process, which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended."

I think the first sentence of that statement is pretty easy to grasp, but I had to read the second one a few times. Remember, she is writing from an esoteric or occult viewpoint, which takes the view that the physical world is like drapery hung over the inner life. One could just as easily reason that all of nature, including human nature is the living expression of divinity at every moment. She is saying, essentially, that every form in nature veils the inner life of spirit; that the soul is hidden within what we see every day. But there is something in the human form (represented by Virgo) that is in a position to make divinity tangible in a way unique in all the world, and which is the intent of the entire evolutionary process. This notion rates the human experience as the most important on the planet (debatable, yes?), but maybe if we took that seriously, we would be kinder to other living things and the planet herself.

Next, she adds a bit of interesting, ancient data. "The word Virgo itself is a descendant of and corruption of the ancient Atlantean root name which was applied to the mother principle in those far off times. This Virgin was the founder of the matriarchy which then dominated civilization and to which various myths and legends bear evidence and which have come down to us concerning Lilith, the last Virgin Goddess of Atlantean times."

In other words, the sign Virgo represents the feminine principle of divinity in its entirety. We might think of that as the spirit that animates mater-mother-matter, our entire earthly life, our bodies, and all we do and create within the material plane.

Bailey also associates Virgo with Mary, "who carries the [evolutionary] process down to the plane or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and there gives birth to the Christ child." She adds that "Virgo is, therefore, the opposite pole of spirit and stands for the relation of these two after they have been brought together."

I would offer the idea that the urge or impulse to serve that each of us encounters where Virgo is in our charts is the impulse to give birth to something intended to heal the world.

Under the traditional system of rulerships that was codified (but not invented) by Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century C.E., Mercury rules two signs, Gemini and Virgo. Ancient astrology describes Mercury as being neither male nor female but some of both, so we have an unusual planet to be associated with the sign of the Goddess and the matriarchy. Bailey, in her system of rulerships, associates the Moon and Jupiter with this sign. The ancient Celts felt that Venus was the spirit of Nature herself. Venus is, in my experience, by far the most intelligent planet, which feels rather like what we're talking about here.

In terms of traditional astrology, one of Mercury's two signs, Gemini, has the quality of relating to abstract thought, whereas Virgo seeks out much more tangible, solid reality that you can ponder out loud, put into print and footnote, or squish between your toes. Mercury seems to represent one distinct aspect of Virgo, the mental one. As we have seen, there is far more to the reality of Virgo than this.

And then came Chiron. Discovered in November 1977, Chiron is physically a massive comet. At 160 to 180 kilometers across, it is thousands of times the size of even the largest comets we can typically see -- but too far away to resolve even for most telescopes. Chiron orbits our Sun in a 51-year egg-shaped path that crosses Saturn's orbit and goes out nearly as far as Uranus. The discovery of Chiron, and considerable early enthusiasm about it, raised much speculation about what sign this new planet might rule. This notion was based on an assumption that new planets rule anything at all. But by 1977, the modern planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) were said to rule Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio respectively. So when Chiron came along, astrologers were ensconced in the dubious habit of thinking that something new had to rule a sign.

While this issue is debatable, Chiron certainly has a lot to say about Virgo. Chiron's dedication to healing, service and perfecting the human experience are related to Virgo rather impeccably. Chiron always seems to be struggling to bring something from a 'higher level' into the physical plane. Chiron will do whatever it needs to do, again and again, until he gets it right. It is not easy integrating the energy of one level of experience into the other -- anyone who has tried to bring loving vibes into their place of work might know what I'm talking about -- but with persistence, it can be done. And Chiron is persistent if nothing else.

Chiron of Greek mythology was a surgeon and the primary teacher of Asclepius, the god of medicine. There is not a lot of room for error in these distinctly human fields of work. The roles of both teaching and nursing have long been associated with Virgo.

The mental obsession that Chiron can bring helps us see through Virgo in a way that's helpful. As Barbara Hand Clow has pointed out, this obsessive quality is one of the most important links between Chiron and Virgo, something that tricksterish, often annoyingly neutral Mercury could not really explain fully. Chiron is no messenger, and he's not neutral; he is someone with a mission, who speaks through action.

That mission has been likened to the Christ from the earliest days of astrologers interpreting Chiron, so we might speculate that Virgo has given birth to the Christ energy in the form of this new planet. Many of the early astrologers who considered the mythology of Chiron, which involves an immortal who experiences death and resurrection, have made this connection, particularly Zane Stein. But what exactly does this mean, in a world where the mythology of Jesus is twisted in ways that are used to preach intolerance, hatred and mass murder?

It means that a) we had better start thinking of Jesus a bit more compassionately, and b) that Chiron is going to push us to become whole, authentic people, whatever it takes.

By 'push' I am referring to the events, experiences, transitions and life circumstances that surround Chiron transits. Chiron transits often come with a good bit of suffering, but that struggle always serves to clear away the old personality shell so that the essence within us can emerge. Study your Chiron transits and you'll see what I mean. (For example, look at Chiron's squares and oppositions to itself; look at when Chiron crossed your ascendant; and when it made conjunctions to your Sun and Moon).

Even astrologers who don't use Chiron will tell you that there's something really, really intense happening when Chiron shows up, though for many astrologers it's difficult to put their finger on. Many astrologers have difficulty discerning the qualities of Chiron from those of other planets which are making major transits at the same time. This difficulty is understandable enough. Chiron is entering the field of experience from an entirely different level than we're typically used to. It will, in turn, make use of anything and everything available in your current reality to raise awareness. Its mission is to help us see and feel beyond the edge of what we thought of as reality, and what we thought of as ourselves, and experience ourselves as something entirely new.

Imagine Chiron's orbit piercing the ego-boundary of Saturn. It plunges into our reality like the comet that it is, often guiding, prodding or stunning us to awareness -- always gently first, then in escalating degrees. Like Virgo and the 6th house, Chiron brings the message be here now. Stand in your true nature. Be who you are. Remember that you are part of nature and cannot escape from it. For those accustomed to living a life of escape and diversion, this is not always a pleasant message, but ultimately it both sets us free, and leaves us free to do what we came to the Earth to do. ++


Early Virgo Birthdays

With so many planets in your birth sign at the time of your solar return -- including Mercury, Mars, Ceres and Jupiter -- there must be plenty happening in your life, and a lot to live for. Yet I'm seeing a story unfold wherein you are swimming upstream against the main current of your existence, looking for something deeper within you, something vital that you cannot define, but which you can most definitely feel. How this plays out may be through physical actions such as an urgent project or errand, or as an inner quest of which you may be aware at every moment. And it could be both.

This story is described by Mercury retrograde in Virgo, now heading for Leo. Leo represents the inner fiery essence of Virgo, as is always the case with the sign before our own. What exists in one sign finds expression in the next, and anyone curious about just where Virgo gets its endless energy, its optimism, its persistence and its constant impulse to give would do well to consider the influence of Leo on this sign. Now consider that Mercury, a planet which has a lot to say about your identity and sense of self, is on course for Leo, as if you are attempting to reach the headwaters of your psyche.

The image is a kind of secret quest that you may not have spoken to another living person. So what if everything else is happening at the same time, including some rather large projects and dedicated ambitions? The soul follows no schedule but its own, correct? So it would appear that no matter what else you may be up to, no matter what is demanding your attention, or how successful you are in your worldly endeavors, you seem more than ready to do what you need to in order to fulfill your mission.

Meanwhile, in the mundane world, the past year has been influenced with great emphasis by Jupiter in your sign. This is a relatively rare event, coming every 12 years. We are now in the last six or so weeks of this phase, after which Jupiter heads into Libra -- where it will continue to influence your life both positively and powerfully. One of the things Virgo struggles with is focusing so much on the small things that the big ones can vanish or seem pointless. But Jupiter has certainly done what it can to make you aware of greater truths and ideas that extend beyond your own limited experience. Its watery nature has fertilized your earthy being, and if you are patient, something new that is growing within you will soon poke its head out of the garden.

The presence of Ceres in your sign suggests that this is not exactly a time of perfect happiness, but that you are likely to be accepting what comes with deep feeling, making room for all your emotions. Whatever Ceres represents, you could say it is food for the soul, and along with what Jupiter has brought, you may have a sense that you have grown deeper, more wise and able to accept the challenging twists and turns of life with grace and poise. Yet I don't think you're experiencing any kind of passive acceptance of your lot in life; far to the contrary, your greater maturity and breadth of vision have somehow given you permission to create the life you want with more determination than, perhaps, any time you can remember in the past.

There have been many influences that have worked to temper and transform you, most notably that of Pluto. Each year a new crop of Virgos goes through the exact square of Pluto to their natal Sun, while Pluto continues to exert its influence on everyone born under your sign. The drive to evolve, to become, to completely transform yourself are so urgent under the influence of Pluto that they literally cannot be stopped. Because Pluto is working its way through your 4th solar house -- your sense of security and your base of operations -- the drive to be evermore and evermore effectively established on the planet has been extremely potent, a kind of subsuming reason for existence.

Like Jupiter, Sagittarius seeks the widest possible vision and looks for answers far away from the familiar or the mundane. Pluto in this sign to me represents the long-term effort to draw your life force from the deepest philosophical wisdom you have been able to find, but in more natural terms, from a place within you where you already know the answers. And that is one thing; what you do with this information, how you make it real and give it life, is another matter entirely. This has been no easy task, and it appears that you've gone through many incarnations of 'highest goal' or 'most important thing to do' in the past year alone.

Yet the Venus transit of the Sun earlier this year, in your 10th solar house of achievement, at the very least planted the seed of correct action and at best gave you a clear vision of what you need to accomplish. The rarity of this event sends a direct message not to worry about whether your goal seems difficult or even impossible. We are in a rare moment in history and this is a rare moment of your life. To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, there is no time to hate; there is no time to wait. You simply must accept your calling and begin to make your moves, in tangible ways that you can see, feel and explain to yourself.

There is something genuinely unusual happening in your personal relationships. Among all the other factors that have entered the picture of your life in recent seasons, Uranus moving into your 7th solar house has been a kind of confrontation with the unknown, the unexpected and the highly unusual. The inspiration of Uranus often comes from what we thought was most alien to us or seemed the most shocking. But once you grow familiar with this energy, you will recognize that its mission is to liberate you from all the structure and ideology within which you can so easily become entangled. The influence of Uranus may seem like a bull in a china shop, but if it's breaking dishes, it's the ones you never got around to eating off of. You simply cannot afford to waste your time and energy on what is small or meaningless, or overly bound to earthly values.

The people who come into your life are teachers of freedom, whether they teach you to be free by their example, or whether you learnt to be free of their oppressive tendencies. While in years past it was possible to play the game of being hung up on circumstances that did not work but were supposed to work, or which fulfilled the ambitions you may have had in a greatly compromised way, Uranus is compelling you to rise to the occasion of your life and meet the people you encounter with full energy; with decisiveness; and with willingness that comes from deep within your soul.

Mercury, the mighty god Hermes or Thoth, who represents the sense of self you possess just inside your personality, will make sure you pump pure fire out of the inner well of your being and find a way to express it in the world.

I will close with a mention of Chiron, one of the planets that bears a close resonance to Virgo, and continue on that theme next week. Next spring, Chiron and its close cousin, centaur Nessus, both change signs and enter Aquarius. Aquarius is the 6th sign from Virgo and thus your 6th solar house. It gives a little clue as to the highest ideal a Virgo might have to express their Virgoness. In recent years you may have experienced a strong humanitarian urge, and a sense that people need to get together and solve our collective problems collectively. As the ongoing, slowly building conjunction of Chiron and Nessus helps you heal many of your childhood hurts (in Capricorn) you will gradually begin to clarify your working method in the world, and make some truly significant discoveries about how you can help people far beyond yourself.

You of all people know the truth that we are never healed alone. And while it's possible to have a good time on your own, it's a lot more fun to save the world together. ++



In Monday's late Leo birthday report I referred to the Saturn-Chiron conjunction. I really meant the Saturn-Chiron opposition, which has begun in Cancer and Capricorn and which will continue next year in Leo and Aquarius.

In an edition a few weeks ago on the evils of lying and believing lies, I reported that Linda Ronstadt was kicked out of her own concert and her hotel room in Las Vegas. This was based on unconfirmed news reports by reputable mainstream entities. In fact, the hotel management had issued a false statement about the incident. Ms. Ronstadt had in fact left on her own after refusing to talk to hotel management when they repeatedly summoned her for a spanking. This occurred after she reportedly endorsed Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9-11 at the end of her concert. The hotel has reportedly since been sold, and the new owners have reportedly welcomed her back. Sting and a lot of other people reportedly sent her flowers. We have not confirmed this with FTD. ++


Planet Waves by Eric Francis

Friday, Aug. 20, 2004

Aries (March 20-April 19)

To do it right, you may need to do it twice, which is not such a bad idea. Along the way, pay attention to what you're learning. It seems that getting things right is less a matter of technical detail and more a matter of applying creativity and bringing a sense of play to your responsibilities. At the moment there's little escaping a sense of necessity, and you may find yourself far from whatever recreational experiences you love. You'll get a chance to relax soon enough. The important thing is that you enjoy what you're doing, and remember that your work spreads the energy you put into it.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

If you seem to move through life with a sense of longing, you may want to ask exactly what you're missing. And in the tradition of the Buddhists, it would be wise to meditate on the impermanence of all material and social bonds. This is one sure way to bring yourself into the present time, which, if you have not noticed, is a moment rich with opportunity. But opportunity is nothing if you're not free to explore it. I suggest you experiment with very short periods of time; see what it's like to have an absolute ball for a single hour. That will make a day seem a lot longer.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)

Now that you've resolved several problems that seemed to arise out of nowhere, you can go back to setting your house in order. Focus on the details, and on making a few major improvements that have proven resistant in the past. Just remember that your living space is merely a vehicle that's designed to get you somewhere. Where would that be? I see it as a state of mind that is itself a kind of doorway to the future. Your life is not merely an exercise in nuts, bolts and technique. There's an energy you can express -- it feels like creative passion -- that's finally liberating itself from all your old ideas about who you are.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun's move into Virgo should prove extremely helpful in a number of regards, particularly your ability to focus on a financial or business project that requires your attention. Other aspects suggest that you're finally beginning to view your role in the community more realistically, as something that can connect you with a great many people in places and roles you had never considered. It is one thing to think outside your own box; it's another thing to get inside the boxes of others who have something significant to offer or exchange. Count yourself in and they will too.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)

If you're seeking innovative solutions to financial or contractual situations, you're going to find them this week, particularly if you look. By now you've finally got the idea that everything is subject to the creative process, and that when you apply energy and attention to a situation, it has an odd tendency to respond. Now, someone you respect is seeking your wisdom and clarity, though they may honor your talents more than you do at this point. You can trust fully that you have something productive to offer and that no problem or puzzle is beyond your abilities.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)

You're not usually someone who does things with outrageous style, but we're living through some strange times. That should give you the perfect excuse to sign your name with orange spray paint on just about anything you want. You are free to completely ignore the fact that some people have you pegged as an over the top idealist who has no concept of reality. These people would laugh if they discovered you're a Virgo, but what they don't quite get, is that you're intelligent enough to dare creating what they only dream of. Keep these people busy and they won't be so annoying.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)

Certain professional activities may be at odds with situations in your home that require close attention. As if the timing of this were not bad enough, you're moving into that space of consciousness where the entire fact of the material world is something you'd rather not deal with. You have two choices, basically. One is to pretend that everything you see, touch and talk to is an aspect of your own mind. The other is to go full-bore into the pressing matters at hand and worry about your spiritual or artistic life later. The serious approach looks like the one that will get the best results.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)

The cosmic joke of Scorpio is that you of all people know that you can't really control your own life, much less the entire universe. The Sun's movement from Leo to Virgo brings a release of a pent-up emotional block that will help you move megawatts of energy through your mind and body. With that comes a transition you'll only be able to guide, not actually direct. So get your mind out of the way and trust the process of your own life. You're in very good hands, and if you've grown tired of the delays, I suggest you have a little faith in the larger plan.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Professional matters remain at the forefront of your life, but I strongly suggest you maintain the utmost sensitivity in the process of attempting to reach your goals. In particular, pay close attention to anyone who is a mother, or in the role of mother, or caretaker of children. They are likely to be a bit edgy this week, and if you can pre-empt their sense of need with some authentic caring, you'll go a long way toward avoiding a difficult circumstance and creating a productive one. And what if you are that mother? Hmmm. Easy does it, and politely remind the boss that kids are people too.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Please be vigilant in a relationship situation, and make sure you don't count out the feelings of your partner. They are facing a particular stress that you can neither see nor feel, and in fact it may be a week or two before reality sets in for them. But your assistance and support will make all the difference in the world. Though it's far from the rage in relationships, I strongly suggest you check in once or twice a day and ask what's happening, how life and work are moving along, and if there's any way you can help. Small gestures count for a lot.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

It's not like a particular person to renege on a deal, but you might want to let them. The timing is likely to be off, and certain aspects of the arrangement would be better left out, as far as you're concerned. You can pretty much count on the fact that they will be back. In the meanwhile, you'll somehow be put in a position to communicate more effectively than before, so take advantage of this while it lasts. One last advantage is that you will have some additional energy to devote to another endeavor that might well be calling your name.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's been about six months since your birthday, and what began then is beginning to come into manifestation. At the moment you're in some reasonably tricky territory where your most intimate or business partnerships are concerned, though based on certain factors you have the strength to be strong without being confrontational. Part of how you can express that strength is to insist on clarity from the people around you. Remember, they have a right to change. The standard you're supporting involves everyone communicating what is so, not what anyone wants to be so.

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