London, 18 June 2004 International Edition

Also in this fabulous issue: Chiron in Capricorn news timeline, Gates of Humanity: Summer Solstice, Esoteric Capricorn, and the Friday horoscope.

Living with the Truth:
Chiron in Capricorn

Surely there are those among you to whom it's occurred that what we are witnessing in Washington D.C. is a healing process. I know this can seem like a real stretch, while the boys make war as the polar caps melt. True, it all gets uglier every day and compared to other healing processes (for example) it doesn't smell nearly as good as my massage therapist's office. In fact, it reeks.

Many, many people are suffering and having their lives shattered. But slowly the layers of denial are being peeled back from before our eyes. Into the collective consciousness and our individual minds are being poured photographs and videotapes of atrocities and war crimes being committed under United States and British authority.

High-level memos that rationalise and even attempt to legalise these crimes are appearing in newspapers and on web pages. As the days go on, we find Mr Bush's fingerprints all over critical documents and policy choices, particularly his full awareness that unusually brutal tactics would be and were being used on prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and at Guantanamo.

At the same time, smiling politicians are telling us everything is okay and that they are making the world better, safer, and friendlier. In lots of churches the virtue of the war is being preached from the pulpits. But the reality gap is widening and the fog is clearing. It's not only becoming apparent that something is wrong; it is clear that quite a few folks are doing their best to play it off or see it as part of a supposedly righteous and predestined plan for the apocalypse. But apocalypse really is a Greek word that means disrobing or unveiling.

Though most people don't know it, what is being unveiled is business as usual; the way things generally are in the Black Budget imperialist military department. The horrendous misconduct of this occupation includes the same basic conduct as in Vietnam, as perpetuated by the CIA-backed Contras, the U.S.-backed coup in Chile, U.S.-backed genocide in East Timor, what happened during the Panama invasion, numerous unreported atrocities during Bush War One, and many covert wars. Mass graves paid for by Western tax dollars are all over the world. It just happens that now we are finding out about some new ones. And we are becoming familiar with the methods governments have of lying.

Lots of people fell for the whole "weapons of mass destruction" and "Saddam is a threat to the Free World (and was behind 9-Eleven)" rap. In fact, a survey reported today by Sky News says that two-thirds of Americans still believe that Saddam was behind the World Trade Centre attacks even though this has been personally refuted by George W. Bush (even as other members of his administration spread the lie).

We fell for it because the best way to sell people something they don't want is first to scare them and, then to wrap the product in their ideals, and that's what was done. Americans are an idealistic bunch, so it was pretty easy. Think of it. Sen. Hillary Clinton, who is no fool and who has been involved with the executive level of government since before Watergate (and has participated in two presidential impeachments), not only voted for the war but also made a big dramatic speech in favour of it. Rep. Henry Waxman, the legendary Democrat from California, voted for the war. There was a massive, terrifying sell job for what has turned out to be a massive, vicious fraud. At the time, hardly anyone even blinked. [British leaders are an easy sell on matters of expanding empire as old Britannia once ruled the waves, and India, Australia, Canada and tons of islands around the world.]

Empire is always spread not just by guns but by lies. Yet we know about the lies today, and we are continuing to find out. And we know about them not 10 years later but while the situation is happening. We know about Halliburton's six billion dollar contract to run the war, and from one nifty little email, we know about Vice President Dick Cheney's office co-ordinating the deal with his former company. We know about Abu Ghraib prison -- and more from that nightmare is on the way. We know that there were a thousand scams, scandals, ignored warnings, daily briefings and presidential vacations that led to the "intelligence failure" of 9-Eleven and how that was then fictitiously pinned on Saddam from day one. It is really quite amazing how much we know, or can know by clicking a few links. If people don't get it, or would rather believe something else, I'm not surprised; the truth is ugly, denial is a beautiful, useful thing.

Chiron is the antidote for denial, and this is the core of the healing process that is unfolding. The awareness that we gain through the phase of Chiron in Capricorn may be the only thing that stands between the Western World and true, authentic fascism once Pluto reaches this sign in 2008. Chiron is now running vanguard for Pluto and acquainting us with the many possibilities for what can occur when authority is allowed to run amok. Chiron, just like the old bumper sticker, says Question Authority, but it also says pay attention to authority and do what you must.

Lighting the Shadows

Shortly after the 9-Eleven attacks, in the days of anthrax and the war on the Taliban, Chiron changed signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn, beginning a four-year phase of history that takes us through early 2005. Chiron cycles our Sun in an egg-shaped, comet-like orbit that crosses into Saturn's sphere and reaches out into space almost as far as Uranus. It is now on its way to Uranus, with its orbit slowing down steadily as the weeks progress.

Chiron's function is to raise awareness. Or rather, to raise awareness at all costs. This is why it gets a bad reputation; quite often we don't like to have our awareness raised, we don't like what we see when this happens, and most of all we don't like what sometimes must occur in order to get our attention. Too often we deny what is calling for our attention until we get sick or hurt. But Chiron is persistent. Under the influence of Chiron, anything necessary will happen, in graduating degrees of extreme, until we offer our attention to something.

Chiron in Capricorn defines an era that is different than that of the stolen election of 2000 and different than the attack on the World Trade Centre; those were both Chiron in Sagittarius events and they worked very well, in their day. In other words, they got our attention and are documented for future reference. (Reviews of those events are scheduled for coverage in two future essays, and a complete Planet Waves Sept. 11 archive is in the works.)

Capricorn, the 10th mansion of heaven, is the sign (or energy field) whose subject matter includes official institutions, government, high office and the human qualities of materialisation and ambition. It is the sign of manifested worldly power, a cardinal sign (suggesting initiative) and an Earth sign (mastering resources). Capricorn is associated with the mighty Saturn, the lord of structure, of building, and the connection of the past to the present.

Saturn is also the ultimate parental influence. Both Capricorn and Saturn can serve as limiting or rather delimiting influences, where definitions strive to be tangible. We need these definitions in order to grow. In this respect both have much in common with Chiron.

Taken on the cultural (rather than individual or birth sign) level -- that is, as a resource for all of society -- Capricorn contains the methods and programming by which our society and its high institutions are run. This information, as we know from how intelligence agencies work, is usually kept secret or at least filed away where nobody is likely to see it. In order to run a society, you need to keep official secrets. If people knew what you were up to, you couldn't get away with it. If they knew you knew you were killing them (with your dioxin waste, for example), they might get annoyed. And besides, the prevailing thinking goes that the masses are asses and don't deserve to know much about anything important anyway. Keep them in the dark and throw them a little bullshit.

We the people are very helpful in this process; for example, most earthlings could not care less about what is happening on the top echelons of power in their companies or nations and are glad that someone else with more experience is taking care of it. Most of the time we deny the existence of the government until the time comes to pay a parking fine. Interesting, too, that most people don't care about what is buried underneath their house. This wilful ignorance is called denial. It may be the most powerful force on Earth.

Now enter Chiron, which began its transit of Capricorn on Dec. 12, 2001. This was a mere 12 weeks after the 9-Eleven attacks, deep in the days of grief, shock and anthrax.

The 9-Eleven episode itself possessed an awareness-raising quality. It also possessed a pattern-breaking quality, which is critical to many forms of healing. Whether we think we have gone back to "life as normal," that is not really possible. We have been infused with the images and the emotional experience of a mass-scale disaster, and the world has undergone a shift in energy, no matter how subtle it may seem today. We now live half-expecting such an event, as well as aware that we can survive it -- two factors that were probably worth the price of admission. As scary as it was, we faced the fear and we know we can do it again. (Of course, it was not a nuclear disaster. That would be another matter entirely.)

Then came the aftermath. Chiron wasted no time once arriving in Capricorn beginning the process of the apocalypse -- the unveiling or disrobing. No aspect of officialdom has been spared. The unveiling reached through corporate institutions, the church hierarchy, the government, and finally the military [please see timeline, below]. At this point, the only reasons we trust any of these organisations are that we have to, or by habit, since we were taught to in the Boy Scouts.

Chiron has a characteristic of providing documentation of whatever it is attempting to put into awareness. This is one marker by which you know that Chiron is the energy in action. What occurs is documented (in the media, in photos and tapes, and on letterhead). The connections are generally obvious. We are not talking about the vague conspiracy theories that you might see under the influence of Neptune; we are talking about issues documented by journalists with the weight and brains of Seymour Hersh, Robert Scheer, and Robert Fisk.

Documentation includes a date. What we know now, we know before Nov. 2, 2004, the presidential election. The truth is out, and it's postmarked. That makes us responsible for it. "What did we know, and when did we know it?" By next March we will be asking ourselves that question, in disbelief.

Living with the Truth

One of the signatures of Chiron is that its processes can take a long time. That is one way to work with awareness; drag it out and give people time to make up their minds. My sense is that we will be living with this truth, while apparently unable to effect any change, for quite a while. I sense that many people who are actually aware and wish they could do something also feel that they are powerless to do anything. This is an illusion, and it is part of the illusion that Chiron in Capricorn is here to teach us not to accept.

I think a lot of people are counting on their vote to make a difference, but to the extent that an election is a game of "us" and "them," the "them" people are working morning, noon and night long before the election and the "usses" are basically hoping for the best. The "them" people also control the forces and resources of government at the time of the election, and their friends control the electronic voting process in many states (as documented extensively by Paul Krugman of The New York Times).

There is some worthwhile psychology to consider here. It involves who will take responsibility for the world when the people who are supposed to take responsibility for it do not.

The people, institutions and cultural processes that are making world war are doing so in the face of mounting evidence that, at the same time, major climate change is at large. The atmosphere is heating up; the oceans are losing salinity; this is threatening the Gulf Stream, which warms the Northern Hemisphere. If the Gulf Stream collapses, it gets very cold up here. And nobody in a position of actual power seems to care. This is not surprising since (for example) the Bush administration is made up of oil industry magnates and it is for the most part the burning of fossil fuels that is heating the planet and melting the polar regions. (I suppose this is what George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall fame referred to as "honest graft.")

Now, this is a rather horrendous breach of responsibility and it will come at the cost of much international suffering. We are only seeing the warning signs of climate change at this point, not the actual disaster. The war, meanwhile, is really a distraction thrown in the way of what is not happening that is supposed to be happening. In a sense, the war in Iraq is not so much a scandal as it is a denial trip or cover-up. Those who support such politics need do little other than go into denial and do nothing except keep consuming, or set about some exciting work -- often the Lord's work.

Those people, alternately, who see what is happening, sense the urgency of the need to take up the responsibility for saving the world. It is exactly the condition in which abused or neglected children find themselves: faced with the misconduct of their parents, of having to "save the family" even though we may think such a thing at three years old, when it is obviously a ridiculous prospect. In this sense, the abuse dynamics of the government match the abuse dynamics to which we have been individually exposed as children. They feel like "natural" emotional conditions.

To emphasise this theme, another Centaur, Nessus, has been working its way across Capricorn since early 1999 and enters Aquarius around the same time Chiron does, late in the winter of 2005. Nessus is like Chiron only it specialises in these very dynamics of abuse. Centaurs all raise things to awareness, provide direct experiences and offer opportunities to grow and heal. If you happen to have noticed that you've done an unusual amount of personal growth work around your parents, or the abuse patterns in your family during the double-track Capricorn transit, perhaps this offers some insight.

Also in the discussion is the asteroid Juno, now in Capricorn, whose domain includes the psychology of marital relations, often from the perspective of women. Our society is currently experiencing what I can say with confidence is a disaster of marriage. Another thing I can say here is that women are way too discerning about who they will go to dinner with and not discerning enough about whom they wed. The presence of Chiron, Nessus and Juno suggests that we need to dig deeply into what we think of as traditional expectations and bring some consciousness to those factors of relationship. People still marry because their parents expect them to, or to make their parents happy! Many of the more mean and insidious requirements of our society are encrypted within the marital contract, which from a historical and legal standpoint is essentially a licence for slavery.

That we may feel so powerless in our private relationships then extends to the collective level. The feeling is, "If I cannot control my own life, how can I pretend to control society?" (The other side of this is pointing the finger at a person involved in social progress and saying, "He should get his own life together first.")

Yet moving our thoughts and actions into the collective sphere is inevitable, and is going to require considerably more discomfort and what may feel like accepting overwhelming responsibility. This will demand more than voting. We have yet to see the worst of this transit yet, speaking on the governmental level; America has no idea how much trouble it's in right now, but we will know by October. The incumbents directly admit by their words and their actions that they are above the law. Do you think they are going to submit passively to an election? And if, by whatever mechanism, we get to live through another four years of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, the opportunity will be given to practise very special kinds of Buddhist meditation, or Karma Yoga. Until that time, we are likely to be in a strange position of living with the truth and thinking we can do nothing about it.++

For an interesting article on Chiron in Capricorn written before the fact, with an interesting artefact from the document vault at the bottom, check here:

Abridged Chiron in CapricornNews Timeline

Compiled by Tracy Delaney

December 2, 2001 -- Enron File for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

"Enron's loss of credibility in the market stemmed from revelations that its chief financial officer was running partnerships that allowed the company to keep half a billion dollars in debt off its books."

Full Enron story here:

February 14, 2002 -- Enron -- First Testimonial to Congress by Whistleblower Sherron Watkins

"On Feb. 13, the day before she gave the first of two damning testimonials to Congress, Enron vice president Sherron Watkins ... "

March 2002 -- Catholic Church Paedophilia Scandal

"In sermons across America this morning, hundreds of Roman Catholic priests will address the most explosive issue to hit the faith in the US in years. Hundreds of cases of alleged sexual abuse by priests have rocked the denomination over the last few weeks."

May 21, 2002 -- The Rowley Memo

"It is obvious that the agents in Minneapolis... did fully appreciate the terrorist risk/danger posed by Moussaoui and his possible co-conspirators even prior to September 11... So I think it's very hard for the FBI to offer the '20-20 hindsight' justification for its failure to act!

"The FBI supervisory special agent (SSA) most involved in the Moussaoui matter... seemed to have been consistently, almost deliberately thwarting the Minneapolis agents' efforts..."

Story here:,11209,723422,00.html

Text of memo here:

25 June 2002 -- WorldCom Story Comes Out

"The fraud is far bigger in money terms than Enron's misdeeds, and will further undermine the trust of investors in corporate America."

"The scandal broke on Tuesday, when the company said it had not actually made the $1.4bn of profits it reported in 2001, nor the $130m stated during the first three months of 2002."

December 22, 2002 -- Time Magazine's "Persons of the Year:" The Whistleblowers.

Cynthia Cooper (WorldCom), Coleen Rowley (FBI) and Sherron Watkins (Enron).

"They took huge professional and personal risks to blow the whistle on what went wrong at WorldCom, Enron and the FBI -- and in so doing helped remind us what American courage and American values are all about."

February 6, 2003 -- British Government Plagiarised Dossier Scandal

"The government's carefully co-ordinated propaganda offensive took an embarrassing hit tonight after Downing Street was accused of plagiarism.

"The target is an intelligence dossier released on Monday and heralded by none other than Colin Powell at the UN yesterday."

June 8, 2003 -- White House Admits Iraq "Yellowcake Uranium" Claims "Not Credible"

"In January 2003, the president used his State of the Union speech to argue for war on Iraq. He said: 'The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.'

"Those allegations has turned out to be false, and now the president is facing one of his biggest political challenges since the war on terror began."

December 11, 2003 -- Halliburton Overcharging Scandal Begins

Pentagon audit concludes there has been "substantial overcharging" by Halliburton for fuel used in the Iraq war.

Timeline here:

April 28, 2004 -- Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse Photos First Made Public

"The CBS news magazine program 60 Minutes II broadcasts pictures that show leering American soldiers taunting naked Iraqi prisoners who are forced to assume humiliating poses."

June 1, 2004 -- Cheney's Involvement with Halliburton Iraq Contracts Exposed

"A newly unearthed Pentagon e-mail about Halliburton contracts in Iraq prompted fresh calls on Capitol Hill on Tuesday for probes into whether Vice President Dick Cheney helped his old firm get the deals."

"The March 2003 Pentagon e-mail says action on a no-bid Halliburton contract to rebuild Iraq's oil industry was 'coordinated' with Cheney's office. Cheney was chief executive officer of the oilfield services giant from 1995 until he joined George W. Bush's presidential ticket in 2000."

Esoteric Capricorn

A few quotes from Alice A. Bailey:

"The polar opposite to Capricorn is Cancer and, as you have been taught, these two signs are the two great Gates of the zodiac -- one opening the door into incarnation, into mass life, and into human experience, whilst the other opens the door into the life of the spirit, into the life of the kingdom of God, and the purposes of the Hierarchy of our planet. Cancer admits the soul into the world centre which we call Humanity. Capricorn admits the soul into conscious participation in life of that world centre which we call the Hierarchy."

"A study of the characteristics and qualities of the [person] who is born in the sign Capricorn will reveal a great deal anent the human family because the Capricornian can express all the worst of which a [person] is capable and all the best. It is a sign of extremes, and this because at the time there were only ten signs, Capricorn was the first on the ordinary wheel and the last on the reversed wheel."

"Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically true, for only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountaintop to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life."

Gate of Humanity: Summer Solstice

The Sun enters Cancer at 1:56 a.m. GMD Monday, June 21. In the United States this occurs on the afternoon or evening of the 20th. On this day, the Moon is in Leo and waxing. Jupiter and Saturn are moving into a sextile aspect, spanning 60 degrees from Cancer to Virgo and serving to offer some stability in the world right now.

Summer Solstice happens when the angle of the Earth shifts the angle of the Sun to its northernmost declination, and thus it squares the Tropic of Cancer. That is, the rays of the Sun meet the Tropic at 90 degrees this day. It is the longest day (like Full Sun) in the Northern hemisphere and the shortest day (New Sun) in the Southern Hemisphere.

If you are curious what an "energy shift" feels like (if you're new to the territory of energy) and would like to experience some actual, physical astrology, sense the next few days mindfully, and observe the subtle feelings and changes. Watch the news in a conscious way and see what changes.

When in Cancer, the Sun moves into a trine with Uranus in Pisces and advances toward a conjunction with Saturn about two weeks later. At the time Mars is also in Cancer, which is keeping a hot vibration on the emotionally-centred water signs.

More exciting still, the Sun's ingress to Cancer is a quadruple conjunction. It involves the Sun, Mercury, Pallas Athene and the transneptunian point Kronos. The emphasis on government is formidable, with both Pallas and Kronos dealing with this theme directly, and Mercury and the Sun incidentally.

Summer Solstice is the exact degree of the pre-Sept. 11, 2001 total solar eclipse, and in my research this eclipse has shown direct associations with turning points in the history of Sept. 11 scandals and their associated wars. We can expect to see just such a turning point once gain -- the last was when the Sun entered Aries and a wide variety of effects ensued, particularly relating to the Sept. 11 commission. Michael Moore's film is coming out with excellent timing to have a massive impact on the national consciousness.

One of the more important charts for the United States, the Sibley (Declaration of Independence) chart has the Sun in Cancer, as does George Bush, and the Sun's transit of this sign is likely to set off some of that astrology.

"Nine-Eleven" by William Rivers Pitt

"9-11 Panel Says Iraq Rebuffed bin Laden" by A.P.

Planet Waves Friday Horoscope
for June 18, 2004


Summer Solstice Readings

Aries (March 20-April 19)
By now it may be clear that the restlessness you were experiencing was an idea that was screaming for expression. Ideas can wreak havoc if we don't give them a job to do, or provide them with a mode of expression. Meanwhile I trust that by the time the Sun reaches your 4th solar house with the Solstice, you'll be feeling like your personal resources are much more enriched and you can then afford to express yourself with more confidence. This season brings many changes to your home, even the touch of passion.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Circumstances are compelling you to pay attention to your family, but this is not in the usual mindless spirit of reverence. There is a question of ethics at stake; there is a behaviour pattern that you are seeking to discern the nature of. Venus retrograde is pointing you toward the past, toward the moment when you made up your mind about your value as a person. Like most people, you short changed yourself, but if you search your family patterns with an open mind, you will see how that happened -- and discover what you can finally do about it.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
By next week you will notice that the Sun and two planets have flocked from your sign and have headed across the Solstice into Cancer. This should provide you with some additional and deeply needed emotional resources to get you through this unusual test of Venus retrograde in your sign. All indications suggest that despite your sense of scarcity, you are enormously resourceful at the moment, and can have some efficient ideas for how to apply your time and energy well. But what of these seemingly eternal doubts you harbour? You need to sit with your questions and lack of insight for now, but I assure you, not for much longer.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This is the season to take up the advocacy of your own cause. By every indication, you will be highly effective, as you've learned so much so recently. One of the rare gifts of this time is being able to express ideas and experiences that have so far proven elusive, or have been percolating in the hidden realms of your awareness. So much happening in Gemini has represented what you wanted to say, or would say if you could -- and now you can. Remember that you need to embody the discipline being offered by Saturn in your birth sign. Part of this is being absolutely real about who you are.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
Mars is about to journey into your sign for the first time in two years, and this marks a cycle of development in your life. It has been an interesting time, full of surprises, has it not? You can have some confidence that arrangements, commitments and relationships that have lasted this long can stand the test of time. Others will go through their series of adjustments as you work to balance out your life with the lives of the people around you. This is a work in progress; in getting to know yourself, you are but an egg.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Friends are in the perfect position to help you further your goals and enrich your life, though you need to decide these things are important to you. I can see you may be experiencing some insecurity of whether you really belong, and the only way to find out the truth of that is to experiment. It would appear that the divine plan has something very specific in mind for you; it could never be that your awesome gifts were bestowed only to be wasted. You merely need to be a little dauntless; to remember that you're bigger than you feel.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
You may be of two minds about whether you want to take advantage of certain prospects on the work front. I don't blame you for not wanting to scoop any more responsibilities onto the burrito of life, particularly while you are facing so many questions about the decisions you've made in the past. But there's a way to keep your options open for the future without weighing yourself down in the present. Before long, I think you're going to be very happy to have certain professional outlets and opportunities for leadership. An alliance with a mentor helps your timing enormously.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You have two basic modes, negotiate incessantly and take charge. You have done enough negotiating to tire out the NYPD hostage situation team. It is time to start taking charge. Make sure you track your thought process, keep a chronology and answer any ethical questions long in advance of anyone thinking of them, but basically, I think you'll soon hear the cue that it's time to get the job done. Once you make that commitment, you will, I am sure, see how much support you have, both from highly innovative types and those who know how to count paper clips.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Finally certain arrangements have moved to more solid earth. You had your doubts and you had your reasons for them. You were wise to test the ground and then spend some time building a foundation, which is likely to be a long-standing relationship that nourishes you well. This week you may discover that a certain point of the deal is up for renegotiation and if it is, you can be certain that you will create a better situation for yourself and likely for everyone. But you will have to take the lead; this won't happen by itself. Just remember that the resources you need are there.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
You are being given a new chance to renew contact in certain important partnerships, and the key to getting there is going to be insisting on a level of clarity that many people find challenging. This is true for new relationships as well. Fortunately, it would appear that those around you are willing to be as clear as you are, and are working with a concrete strategy toward that end. You might want to find out what it is, this way you can cooperate with the sincere efforts of others to cooperate with you. This is a very bottom-line time in your relations with people; not a time to do the pussy-foot.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
I would say we're learning a lot when we don't make the same mistakes three times. This is about where you're at right now; twice feels like enough. The issue of life is that you have to make mistakes in order to get anything done; in anything that may succeed, there is a risk. The beauty of your current position is that you have so much experience -- and you're so willing to learn from it. This is teaching you a degree of faith that you can actually surrender to the part of yourself that knows what is right for you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Certain emotional matters are likely to feel simpler today than they did yesterday, though it's clear that you have not come to a state of equilibrium. At least your needs are exaggerated enough now that you can actually feel what they are. It would be helpful if you put some energy into sorting out what is a need that you had in the past, and what is a need that you have in the present. The two can often be confused. Your own clarity can do much to shift the world and create the awareness of availability -- both your own and that of other people. These are the days of miracles and wonder.

Planet WavesInternational Edition
18 June 2004, Version 1.1

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. of Seattle, WA.
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Copyright © 2004. All rights reserved.

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