London, 28 May 2004 International Edition

Neptune in Aquarius Rant

Today's Long Essay is Brought to You by the Letter D.

I have had a number of conversations about astrology here, but I've been surprised to hear a few people suggest that I am somehow deceiving the public with my work as an astrologer. One person asked me how I "justified" being a newspaper astrologer in the context of being a research and counselling astrologer. Another guy, very nice, recommended a great Thai restaurant, patted my tummy and reminded me that I, too, have to eat; therefore naturally I would resort to the fraud of astrology if I could.

I asked him my usual question: "Have you ever read an astrology book?" No. Nor had he encountered a word of my writing; I am learning not to take these things so personally. But he was adamant; astrology was a sham. (He also told me how when he was younger he used to lure girls into bed by giving them fake palm readings.)

For many, astrology, which stands outside the Church of Reason*, is by definition a profane thing: beyond the sanctified walls of truth and justice, outside the temple of modern enlightened thought. Off-campus, if you will. That is the issue. It cannot be supported by the normal lines of rationality, which make up the New Order, imposed on the old. Astrology's thinking is elliptical; its ways are complex and often occult; there's a lot of room for interpretation between those planets -- a gulf of empty space into which you can write anything you please. Besides, astrology hasn't been proven. To most people this is pure anarchy.

I was thinking about how certain people interpret the Bible in very literal terms. Imagine doing that with an ephemeris, astrology's equivalent to the Bible. You would be reading a bunch of numbers, with the occasional word (Mars, quintile, Pisces) tossed in. A literal reading is impossible.

Yet as someone who dances with both the sacred and the profane, as I endure various legacies with science as well as with mysticism, I can tell you that science is not always as well-received as many people might think. Typical case, maybe you read about it here: I spent several long weeks earlier this year working on my old story involving toxins in the air vents of a college dormitory complex. In February I personally got into the vents with two witnesses watching (yes, wearing a respirator), took samples, had them analysed in a reputed laboratory, and produced scientific results that said there was contamination. Then I produced a current federal government policy that said any contamination is significant. These results could have been, and still could be, and still should be, verified by additional testing. But the answer I got back from anyone to whom it should have made a difference was that I was not an expert and had no business collecting dust. This basic turn of events was absolutely not novel and has been repeated at the scene of just about every toxic contamination in history.

Science was suddenly not enough. To be qualified to do fill jars with crud from radiators and vents, it turned out I had to be a scientist -- a very minister of the Church of Reason, whereas I am merely an ordained minister of propaganda in the First Church of Common Sense (true).

Belief will always get its way, and people will always believe what they want to believe. Whether something is true rarely makes a difference; it is usually the last criteria by which most people evaluate reality. Nobody wants cancer; many people smoke. Reality is very much a matter of personal preference (to a point; cancer once you get it is a tough recovery). Preference is often based on convenience, how much money is involved, or how badly manipulated you are. Addiction often plays a part. Or, we believe what we think other people want us to believe; that is how precious social acceptance is. We will live together in this contaminated dormitory inhaling dioxins rather than break consensus and live someplace else. Why? A guy in a suit said it was safe, it's convenient, it's easier and I really don't care anyway. Magnify that up to the biggest scale you like.

But there has always been bullshit and there have always been bullshitters. People have for long centuries believed what was false and failed or refused to believe what was obvious and true in the simplest sense of that word. As long as a dude in a frock or tie blesses an idea, it's generally held to be brilliant.

Day One of 5,118**

However, when Neptune entered Aquarius on Jan. 29, 1998, the modern world with it entered a phase of truly impressive mass manipulation and perpetuation of fraud on the public. Every bit of it has been waged by and through the mass media, particularly broadcast media, very Neptune-Aquarius in imagery and feeling. The sequence of events from 1998 to the present day has certainly been beyond the pale, off the scale, over the top, under the bottom, unbelievable, incomprehensible, ridiculous, absurd, obscene and reprehensible. If you stop and notice it, that is. I speak mainly of United States' antics, politics and policies, which were and remain at the epicentre of world military and economic activity, and which are driving the world toward an unfortunate environmental destiny.

The key turning points of Neptune in Aquarius era:

- Fraudulent presidential impeachment, digging into the petty private affairs of the commander-in-chief irrespective of their impact on his abilities in office. Let's just state it clearly for the record since it's been a while. President Clinton, who was actually elected and could really read, was impeached because he lied about whether he had consensual sex with someone. The impeachers knew there were not enough votes to convict; this was a staged diversion.

- Fraudulent presidential election, wherein the loser became the winner, and so many other shenanigans were foisted. A Supreme Court packed with Reagan-Bush appointees stopped the Florida recount and certified the election in favour of the loser.

- Fraud-riddled terrorist attack on New York City and an even more blatantly fraudulent attack on Washington D.C. This has been the source of ten or twenty separate scandals, each of which has been forgotten in turn. Let's remember the Aug. 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief, the Rowley memo, the lack of scrambled jets once the hijackings were known, and so on. Many books have been written about these frauds.

- Weapons-grade mystery anthrax appearing in media offices, Democratic congressional offices and the Supreme Court, which issue also mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again. Investigation? Arrests? Recurrence? Developments? Follow-up story?

- Fraudulent "War on Terror" supposedly (but not really) focused on Afghanistan because bin Laden did business there. This, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi nationals.

- Fraudulent activity of Enron and Arthur Anderson, its accountant (dating back to 2000 and before), causing billions in losses to everyday people, in the wake of the fraudulent California energy crisis from which Enron's executives profited massively -- and most of whom got away with it. Remember that Kenny Lay and Dick Cheney are good buddies -- remember the Dear President Cheney email.

- Fraudulent war on Iraq based on non-existent connections to Sept. 11, fraudulent documents about non-existent weapons of mass destruction and a non-existent threat to the safety of the world. Remember David Kelly, the British WMD expert, "committing suicide." Remember, remember, remember.

- Arnold Somebody, an Austrian actor, gets elected governor of California on bullshit pretences; evidence has been produced that he cut a deal with Enron years ago to side-track the state's suit to recover its losses, once elected. You may not think this is a big deal now, but wait till 2008 and the self-ratifying "progressive" constitutional amendment allowing non-native-born citizens to run for high office.

Environmentalists could point out a lot more: the broken treaties, the gutted anti-pollution laws, and oh, a bunch of big tax cuts for the wealthy, the fake Medicare reform, all supported by so many lies they vanish into the fog of more lies and on it all goes. The United States has spent $200,000,000,000.00 allegedly fighting terrorism (somebody got that money) and Ashcroft is warning of an attack. We live in an ocean of deception.

This is an unusual, deeply unusual, constellation of events, and it is not over. In fact, it's about half over. Anyway it is unusual if you ask me. It is an unusual constellation of television events, particularly, but television and our minds have melded, Vulcan style. And each has been coloured or cast as glamorous with the light of Neptune in Aquarius. Each has been foisted by evoking the ideals of truth, justice and the American way. We will leap tall buildings and get the bad guys and free the people and spread feminism in Iraq and it will be quick and cheap and good for business.

Welcome to Multi D

My old astrology teacher David Arner once gave me some Neptune pointers a while back, one of which involved remembering that the best keywords for this planet begin with the letter D. There are at least nine of them, which you are supposed to write on the wall:

- Deception
- Delusion
- Denial
- Dreams
- Diffusion
- Dissolving
- Drugs
- Drink/Drunk
- Drama

Oh, might as well go for 10 and add "drenched." When you think of Neptune, think, "Someone left the cake out in the rain." Or: "How did all that Prozac get into the reservoir?"

Neptune is involved or rather invoked in all forms of film, advertising, music, theatre -- anything where inspiration, illusion or imagination is involved. It shows up at times and spaces where reality most dependably melts away, and that is to say that marketing culture is very much a product with Neptune as a significant ingredient. Study ads carefully and you will see that they push hallucination past all limits, twist us emotionally and inject their poison. And basically everything is marketing these days: every nanosecond of politics, TV news, and at least in the United States, TV programming.

Sure, Neptune is the "higher octave of Venus," meaning that it can represent unconditional or impersonal love. Neptune experienced from the correct angle can be an ocean of mercy. It is one of the most tangible energies that we think of as being on the spiritual level: not involving matter; somewhat beyond the mind; acting invisibly -- that kind of thing. (Venus by contrast is tangible, visceral, material -- sensual rather than extrasensory.)

With Neptune in Aquarius we also have a new level of functioning of the Internet, which was created or incarnated under the influence of Uranus in Aquarius. Aquarius could be another word for Internet; Rick Levine has an idea that it's this entity called Aquarion who has incarnated on Earth. Neptune, operating invisibly as it so often does, is changing the nature of the 'Net. And it could be changing it for the better, who knows. Certainly a kind of invisible community is evolving, presidential candidates have begun to take it seriously for the first time; it has served very well to keep many stories alive that would have died an early death -- but they grew up and made the networks.

The Gods Must Be Lazy

Let's presume for the sake of discussion that "the gods" are essentially neutral forces and what we do with our minds polarises them one way or another. (I am by the way speaking not of God or Prime Creator but rather of the gods as manifested planetary energies in constant interaction with the human family; I propose that the planets are closer in nature to us than they are to Prime Creator or God. I learned this in school on Alcyone.)

Now let's think of Aquarius: idealistic, intellectual, inventive, innovative, ingenious. They all begin with I, but Aquarius is really about We. Aquarius involves collective groups and spaces, the public, the public airwaves, intellectual property, and our shared social life. Aquarius is a good sign to symbolise "the culture" as an entity. There is within Aquarius considerable tension between individuality and conformity. (That is the dualism of this sign. This dualism is exploited in advertising by the way when products promise individuality through conformity.)

Aquarius is one of two signs traditionally ruled by Saturn. The first is Capricorn, which is the sign associated with structure and tradition. Aquarius takes us a shade or two beyond this; it is the expression of energy patterns. These two fall under the domain of Saturn. It is a less dense energy than Capricorn, being an air sign rather than an earth sign. As an air sign it reaches into the realm of the mental, the ideological, and the expressive. The waves of Aquarius are the waves of transmission of ideas, broadcasting, belief, light, sound and concept. Aquarius has a lot to do with inventions (this was the sign rising in the Kitty Hawk chart, to give one example, and Thomas Edison's birth sign). But Aquarius is also about groups and is therefore about collective mental patterns.

When you run Aquarius through the energy of Neptune or Neptune through the energy of Aquarius, you can add all those D words to the experience of collective ideology. Aquarius is the sign of "isms" that exist as fixed patterns or what I call standing waves in society. Republicanism is a good example; fundamentalism; science; the political system itself. And with Neptune in Aquarius, there is a message to look at the extent to which we are a culture that is all about drugs and drug-like energies, including religion.

Now, I'm certain most astrology students are thinking at this moment: this sounds like it has something to do with Pluto in Sagittarius. Yes it does, because Pluto, which represents obsession, mass consciousness and the focus of evolutionary process, is moving through a sign that has a lot to do with religion and ideas, Sagittarius. The two placements are quite analogous, but one seems to be a yin energy system (Neptune in Aquarius) and the other a yang system (Pluto in Sagittarius). Sagittarius is like the brother of Aquarius: exactly the same and completely different, as brothers often are.

The rise of intense ideologies was promised to us at the beginning of the Pluto in Sagittarius transit in the mid-1990s, and now we're seeing the full expression of that in the form of the Islamic world in a war with the Christian world (stick a lot of quote marks around Islamic and Christian please, because both sides are faking it and using their religion as ideological garb -- advertising and packaging -- to justify their existence). There is a relationship between the processes of Neptune and Pluto in their respective signs; they are working together, with Neptune in Aquarius acting like a drug that makes people sleepy or highly unrealistic and Pluto in Sagittarius doing the psychic surgery: adding very specific ideas that can be extremely destructive if taken unquestioned.

Both Pluto and Neptune tend to work unconsciously, that is, with effects, but beneath awareness -- until we become aware of them, a task with which astrology itself can be enormously helpful. This has been fairly easy with Pluto in the fiery, expressive sign Sagittarius. Yet Neptune is particularly insidious in this respect -- that's why Dave Arner suggested I write the meanings of Neptune on the wall of my studio. I have spent long sessions looking at many client's charts and only at the end noticed that something extremely interesting was happening Neptune-wise; but I could not see it or did not notice. I've noticed no other planet behave in this strange way, going so far as to vanish from perception and reappear.

From 11-D to T-D

Pluto's process in Sagittarius became obvious around when Saturn opposed it for the first time in the summer of 2001. It was quite a television program (obviously created as such), and while something happened, what we were told happened was a lie. It was not, for example, a surprise to the U.S. government or any of our friends. Consider that most people are plugged into the television dimension, what I will call T-D. This is a whole unreality all its own, driven not by information but rather by marketing. Marketing, too, is a lie. Every advertisement is a false advertisement because through visuals, emotional cues, music and subliminal messages, each promises something it cannot deliver -- such as total fulfilment from a hamburger, multiple orgasm from shampoo and so on. We may feel "immune" to these messages, but imagine that since childhood we were growing up swimming in this world. We are immune in many respects because we have become this unreality. Scary.

Then between the ads, we see in T-D the display of extreme viewpoints, mass death and destruction, and so on. Then we get Bush trying to look serious. But seriously. He is such an obvious liar. He does not open his mouth except to tell twenty lies; how is it that so many people fail to see this? Because it's working on the level of a drug, as dark Neptune so often does, and that drug dictates that most people will believe what suits them.

This is using image to create a version of reality at the total expense of substance. As Rob Brezsny has suggested, "Images are dangerous." The power of image can work many ways, however. And as Neptune reaches the midpoint of its trip across Aquarius, we've begun to see image work differently.

There is the possibility that the spiritualising power that is also represented by Neptune will begin to have its effects; it may have already done so. This began, I think, with the broadcast of the images of the caskets that have returned from the battle-front. Then the whole file was released under the Freedom of Information Act. This was a close, honest look behind the bright shining lies of the war. That led the way almost immediately to the images of abuse in American prisons in Iraq. And this has come with a slow turning of the tide that I feel will not just shift our attitudes about the fraudulent war on Iraq but also our attitudes about war for our generation.

And because the question "what is real and what is not?" is always so personal, we cannot live through this without learning something significant about ourselves. Even if we forget it 10 minutes later. ++


* For more details please see chapter 13 of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, where Phaedrus gives his account of the Church of Reason lecture at the University of Montana, Bozeman.

**Neptune entered Aquarius for the first time on the 35,825th day after the beginning of the 20th century, Jan. 29, 1998. It leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces for the last time on day 40,943 or Feb. 4, 2012. The midpoint is day 38,384 or Feb. 2, 2005, when Neptune crosses into the 15th degree of Aquarius for the second time of three. There are 5,118 days total of Neptune in Aquarius era.

More Gemini Birthdays

You need to stop working so hard to establish your worth. Such is what it is. It makes much more sense at this point in your life to put your assets to use, which is another way of saying make them work for you, rather than try to convince people you are a worthy person. Let your actions do the talking and let your actions get the result.

One thing I've learned from 10 years of non-stop work with clients is that most people do not see their family patterns. Most people don't have the concept "family patterns" in their lexicon to be able to have the idea in the first place; I suggest you etch these words into your diary and thought process, because they are going to be very helpful. Family patterns involve everything from expectations about life to the way that people talk to one another. There are all the expectations of relationship to consider, including the contradictions between ideals and practical reality. Family patterns can involve religious ideas, including the ones that were not spoken. They can involve ideas about gender and sexuality, including learning from what was spoken, what was felt, and what was done when we were very small. And of course there are ideas about money.

The relationship between "family patterns" and "self worth" is that you have, it seems, picked up some truly negative tendencies, or at the very least limitations, from your elders about the value you offer to the people around you. These tend to be emotional rather than mental; how you feel about yourself rather than what you think about yourself, and the two may be in stark contradiction.

The special quality of this moment is that you have reached the point where you must do something about it. Actually, you have been getting signals for the past year, from around when Saturn left your sign last June, that it was time for a change. Saturn indicated that certain principles, proven true, had to be put into action.

If there was a crisis at that moment, it's likely to have boiled down to something on this theme. But the family connection may not have been obvious at the time and it may not be obvious today. Over the next 12 months, you will, I trust, begin to see it, and to draw empowerment from what happened in your childhood environment rather than have it be a liability. Part of this process is done through pushing past limits; and part of it is done through applying your awareness. You are for the most part in the second phase of this journey.

I want to suggest a new approach to the past. It's common to see the past as a time when things were done to us or taken from us. I suggest that you use the past as a map to what you can retrieve or recover within yourself. With Venus retrograde in your sign, this is a profound moment of reassessment. It would make sense to let no aspect of your personal history go unassessed; to let nothing be taken for granted. I've seen that most people take the past, in its entirety, for granted. That would be rather unwise. Though from an astrological standpoint Gemini would appear to have one of the most balanced views of time, there is always deeper you can go. I would propose that you are looking for things, events, emotions and most of all values you have never seen, thought of, or considered. You are not looking for anything you know about but rather for what you don't know about.

Your experiences will give you many opportunities to do this, and by experiences, I mean relationships. Each time you find yourself having a tangible "experience" -- however you define that -- I suggest you ask yourself two questions. One is: how would this be different if I fully realised my self-worth? Second is: What is the relationship between this experience and the events of my childhood?

I know it can be tiring to live your life as if it were an endless therapy session. But the extreme configuration of planets in your sign and your opposite sign, Sagittarius, suggests that there will be great personal rewards for doing so.

For last week's birthdays I gave a long set of instructions about career advancement, and I propose that these hold true for all Geminis. But I would like to explain my thinking in a bit more detail. In March 2003, Uranus left the sign Aquarius and entered Pisces. Pisces is the 10th sign from Gemini, and as such it is the celestial house that deals with your professional achievements, goals, visions, reputation and recognition.

Uranus is, however, a very difficult horse to ride. Most people experience it as something like disruption or unexpected difficulty rather than as a power they can access. Others experience Uranus as inspiration, refreshing change, or sudden events that shake up the world and bring gifts in their wake. To utilise this energy you need mainly to go beyond the confines of the past. Uranus, being about innovation, is about everything new. Since people tend to think (or rather be trapped) in the context of what has come before, you may have a challenge on your hands. Well, you do in any event; Uranus is unpredictable, exciting and gets results we were never expecting.

I suggest you use disruptions in your professional affairs to your advantage, and that you do so at every turn. Everything is an opportunity to make an improvement; everything is subject to reassessment, revision, and improvement. A little of this attitude will take you to another place entirely by the time your next birthday arrives.

Planet Waves Friday Horoscope
by Eric Francis
Friday May 28, 2004

NOTE Today is the 4th anniversary of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
In many respects, emotional freedom is the freedom to feel anger, though most people wouldn't exactly put this on their wish list. The other related taboo is admitting to sexual desire as an entity unto itself and not as part of a romantic or business agreement. A number of recent developments strongly suggest that you're free to feel what you actually feel and, as a result, to define yourself as you please. This is your prerogative irrespective of what others may feel, which means that if you feel like you're breaking the rules, keep going. These are important rules to break.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Those who have trampled on their commitments to you are headed for a day of reckoning; and to the extent that you have broken commitments to yourself, you are headed for such a day yourself. But they will be two very different days. In both cases, something is owed to you. In one instance, you can demand payment of the debt, or at least full acknowledgement of what happened. But in the other, you must make recompense to yourself. You are currently accumulating the resources to do this. What you need to remember, when the time comes, is simply that what is yours is yours.

Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Your emotions are your emotions; your ideas are your ideas. There is no clear dividing line between the two, but a sense of emotional exaggeration or the feeling you're losing control is evidence that you need to re-parse your data. That being said, you need the push you're getting, because it's here to help you explore your options, particularly if you haven't noticed they're there to pursue. A good indicator of whether you're feeling or thinking is whether you're working with a strategy. Such is strongly favoured right now, and that strategy needs to have the word options all over it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Saturn in your birth sign -- or, if you're reading your rising sign, in your ascendant -- is a heavy influence; there is no getting around that, and Saturn does not exactly have wings in the sign Cancer. Saturn presents what seem like problems, but other influences are suggesting that you use your head in the quest for solutions. These need to be large solutions based on large ideas, but make sure that each plugs into an immediate need. Like any inventor, you need to keep reworking your plan. Speed is less the issue than is persistence. Trust your daily effort even if you don't see the results.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23)
You're in one of those positions where turning dark to light is not a nice spiritual theory but rather a practical necessity. At the same time, you need to be careful whom you give second chances to. Others may be quite content to take their chances on you and raise the stakes of the game higher and higher, capitalising on your truly benevolent nature and abundant spirit. It may not be in your nature to see that there's a plan involved, but at the moment everything in the entire world is happening according to a plan; please don't make any assumptions.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Tap into the inspirations that others provide you and you will find yourself in the flow of some pretty awesome and priceless information. Don't worry about your tendency to be a conservative or cautious thinker. What you learn will change you, and it will change your perspective on a relationship that would benefit from a fresh approach. In these years of your life, every experience and encounter is calling you to be a different person every day. There are people who would call this hypocrisy, but forget that. You cannot be here now tomorrow.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
If you're wondering whether you've been here before, you have, to the extent you can be the same place twice. Think carefully back to the events of May 2. What's different about today is that you carry with you a distinct sense of protection, as if you're travelling with a guardian. Her message is that you have the power to negotiate even with the most powerful or daunting people. Most of the world thinks ideas are a lot more dangerous than they are, however, what's really dangerous is human gullibility. Thankfully this is for you a drug that's losing its appeal.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
You may need to finesse certain individuals into keeping up their end of the bargain, but you don't need to push. You've been factored into their plans, and their lack of self-assertion is a personal hang-up rather than something that reflects on you in any way. I suggest that polite enquiries as to their scheme or design will more than suffice for now. Have a little faith in who you are and be mindful that if there is a discussion happening at all, it's likely to work out to the mutual benefit of everyone.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
Maybe it's just because I'm a Pisces, but every time I look at Jupiter in Virgo my clothes feel too tight and I start to get a slight headache. Then I wonder what it feels like to be you; ten years of non-stop astrological practice has led me to appreciate the power and grandeur of all things Sagittarian. At the moment, however, I am aware that you are concerned with what I can only describe as the extremely minute details of success. But to quote my rather well-spoken colleague Sally Brompton, you will soon find out how many small things it takes to make a lot.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
I have been watching with some concern as a relationship situation develops in your life, and it only occurred to me today to mention that it may be a professional situation. Anyway, a relationship is a relationship and they are worth nothing if they are not truthful. You may be noticing that some people have had a tendency to bend and flex the truth, or to have two standards -- one for public consumption and a top-shelf brand exclusively for private use. As an unofficial member of your board of advisors, I suggest you discount that policy today. It's ridiculous.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
Spiritual consciousness, loving awareness, plain old goodwill: these things can be painful. This is much less because of their inherent nature but rather because the world is designed by its self-serving engineers to take advantage of those with a kind disposition. Fortunately, true kindness almost always yields abundance. Still, it's not a good idea to chaff your heart against someone's walls or irrational choices. You have yourself to take care of, and it's about time you took that seriously. That being said, I have every faith that what you need the most will come to you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
I'm sitting here in a café in London trying to think of a good message for both of us. I suggest you have a look at my readings for both Sagittarius and Aquarius, since they involve the Pisces planets Jupiter and Neptune. But a Fish is a Fish. What do Pisces want? We want to bliss out. Not being able to do that, most of us will content ourselves with being good, productive people; service offers a special kind of bliss (or at least contentment) all its own. But any substitute is a poor substitute. Stand by for a taste of the real thing.

Planet WavesInternational Edition
28 May 2004, Version 1.1

Published by Planet Waves, Inc. of Seattle, WA.
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