Monday, November 28, 2005

Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis, creator of the fascinating Web magazine,

We're now in the last few days before the Sagittarius New Moon (exact Thursday), and it’s time to wrap up the affairs of the past month. I'm sure you've noticed there's been plenty happening; and some circumstances will be quicker to resolve than others. Yet the sky is right for progressing toward resolution of small things, and developing ideas that call for a wider vision and higher ideals. Small accomplishments do indeed add up to large ones.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
You may not be able to communicate about certain extremely sensitive matters today even though you really want to. If you can keep away from blaming anyone for this fact, you'll notice that you're having some deep emotions triggered by events that seem outside your control. The easiest way to work through your feelings will be to be honest with yourself. If you try to be honest with anyone else, you may well go on the offensive, which will help neither you, nor the situation. Remember that in any relationship, or for that matter any aspect of life, your own growth is your number one priority.

TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)
Since there is no accounting for the thoughts, feelings or behaviour of the people around you, I suggest you look at why you would need to have those details. My sense is that you feel something brewing; some shift on the horizon that's going to reorient your life in a significant way. But if your defences are telling you it's a threat of some kind, then you're over-reacting. What the guidance system of astrology is suggesting that it's time to refine certain goals that were obviously important earlier in the year, but which were sidelined by distractions you're finally beginning to free yourself from.

GEMINI (May 22 - Jun 22)
When people who know better get trapped on an emotional level, you're the first one to recommend that they apply a little grease-cutting logic to the equation. Now that you're the one who is focused on your feelings, you might want to do a reality check and assess whether you're making sense, and assess what your situation calls for. Your instincts are telling you one thing. Your intuition is telling you another. In the mix of it all, you may feel helpless – but you're not. When you look back on this time, you'll remember how easy it is to pull yourself back from the edge.

CANCER (Jun 23 - Jul 23)
This week's New Moon will help you get your work-life back on track, which has been through more than a few shake-ups in recent weeks. What you need to bear in mind is that for the foreseeable future, you're living with some extraordinarily powerful influences in this aspect of your life, and the choices you make have both impact and influence. Where you see problems arising, it's necessary to nip them early, and when you have a solid idea, it's worth giving it a try without a delay. But your real project is mastering the feeling that you really can make decisions that work for you.

LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23)
You're blessed to be born under one of the most optimistic, forward-thinking signs of the zodiac, which is an immense help when life is complicated. You've got a talent for going above the chaos and confusion, even if you have to work for it. That may be a little challenging now, but there's an element to the picture that you're not able to see because it's lurking in an emotional blind spot. But blindness is not the issue; dim light is. Soon enough, the lights will come on, and you'll be able to see exactly where you are, and know what you need to do.

VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
Few people understand what it means to be involved in psychological processes as deep as you go. At the moment, it seems you're more willing than ever to dive straight into the underworld to discover your personal truth. Keep going, and be as patient as you can. You're heading for a remarkable discovery that will help set you free from many of the attachments, complications and difficulties you've been working through so diligently for so long. Fast changes are not exactly your style – but they are about to become your way of life.

LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
You must be careful not to over-react to a situation that's about to work itself out, and is indeed barely a factor. If you do, you'll only create a disturbance for yourself where none is necessary. The most helpful thing you can do for now is to sort out the past from the present. If you can do this consciously, you'll see that far more is resolved than you may have imagined, though what's not quite settled is how you feel about all of it. Events today may stir up your doubts, but they can pass as quickly as they as they surface.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
Even the mere word 'Scorpio' evokes a reaction like few concepts or symbols. But you know that the world is caught up in the mystique of something that it really doesn't understand. Mercury. making a brief return to your sign, seems to be bearing the message that you're not nearly as complicated as you thought you were... or so it feels. You seem to be making an unusually important decision about a commitment or financial involvement that really does boil down to a basic question: is it worth your time and effort? Try working on that level and see if you make some progress.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21)
There are two conflicting energies working in your chart. One is hemming you in. The other is pushing you to be free. On one level, there's an obvious contradiction. On another, it's only through getting a sense of your limitations that you're going to go beyond them. So I suggest that you use each and every message that says, 'You can't' and go to work finding out a way that you actually can. In this way, the factors that seem to hold you back will be the most valuable tools in the process of moving forward. And once this process starts, there will be no stopping you.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20)
Success, in itself, does not breed security. Indeed, the more successful many people become, the more dearly they need to cling to it; and the end, the effect is the opposite of what they were planning. For you these days, the emphasis is more on being grounded and less on powerful. Indeed, success itself should be coming pretty easily while finding your inner sense of safety feels like a kind of danger zone. But risk, daring or following your passion are not necessarily dangerous; but they certainly can feel that way. It's okay hold on to your hesitation for a little while. You'll dump it exactly when the moment is right.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
There seem to be many astrological contradictions swimming around like so many sharks. But we're actually standing on the verge of momentous changes – as are you. I realise that you may not feel like you're making progress as fast as you want, but when you look back you'll be astonished at the speed at which many significant events progressed, and it's all happening right now. Why don't you feel like you're making progress? Well, you're too busy making it happen, and are rightfully focused on the future. Try slowing down and looking at the present moment of your life this week. I think you'll like what you see.

PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
A variety of unusual, factors are conspiring to push your professional life ahead by light years. These are recent developments and they're impossible to miss. You may at times feel like you're losing control of the process, but that's part of what happens at times of big change, and part of how you know you're actually there. Within the experience, you have a lot of room to make several very specific decisions about what you want to be doing and how. You may need to negotiate with certain people a little bit – but you're in the perfect position to do so.


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