New York, May 4, 2017 | View as Webpage | Get Your 2017 Reading
Beltane: Goddess, Love and Abundance
Dear Friend and Reader:
Strange to imagine, but we're already at the mid-spring holiday. That's called Beltane. After April Fool's Day, it's my favorite 'special' day of the year, as it makes such a lovely point: of honoring the Earth and women as part of the divine feminine, which is to say, the basis of all life as we know it.
The Grandmother Land, High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis. |
Some are starting to figure out what this is about, and some always knew. Yet in Western civ, imagining the divine feminine is a little like trying to conjure sprites and faeries while you're walking around midtown Manhattan. There's a place and a time for everything, and in a forest or perhaps near the ocean is a natural place to feel how female the Earth and the cosmos are. As for the time, that would be Beltane.
This old holiday is commemorated by Druids, Pagans or us witchy types when the Sun reaches the midpoint of Taurus, one of two signs ruled by Venus, usually on May 5 (it's mostly celebrated on April 30 or May 1, and some traditions have the party all month, known as The May).
All things related to Venus have one thing in common: producing people who are astonishingly diverse in their talents. There's an inexplicable multifaceted quality to Venus, and when she gets going, there's a kind of fecundity -- that is, nourishment -- that's dripping with a fusion of creative and erotic energy. Eros and creativity feed one another, especially when you get a positive cycle going.
It would seem that humanity is far from that right now: we're in a time when fear seems to be feeding on fear, and many people are caught in the cyclone, not seeing any easy way out.
Venus has been one of the most active planets in the sky this spring. It was in retrograde motion from early March through mid-April, beginning in Aries and ending with a conjunction to Chiron in Pisces. Chiron is an agent of healing; or, you might say, activation of potential. Chiron has a cathartic effect. A lot comes up under the influence of Chiron -- really, anything can -- and this, plus its intensity, leads to plenty of confusion regarding what it's really about.
The Grandmother Land, High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis. |
Venus conjunct Chiron through mid-April was a heart-opening, heart-rending or heart-wrenching experience. Chiron activates the full potential of the other planets. The word apathy means the inability to feel pain. When you tune into a Venus-Chiron blend, you feel, and what you feel will give you guidance on what you need to heal.
Since we're talking astrology, remember that in the background of everything happening is a great conjunction, one sign over, in Aries. That would be Uranus conjunct Eris, which is demanding an inquiry into the impact of electronics on our lives. This is top-level matter of healing right now, and many people know it; they just don't know what to do about it.
The paradox is a little like this: when you're profoundly disoriented, how do you get oriented? You can't exactly get off the ride; all of society is on the same roller coaster. Or perhaps that's an inappropriate metaphor: a roller coaster is all about physicality. What's happening to us now is that we're being pushed out of our bodies in a kind of digitally-induced "ascension."
And to be sane, we must deal with this. Attention to spiritual matters is no longer a luxury. Attention to sensuality is no longer a luxury.
In the language of Beltane, the first thing to do is give yourself experiences of being in your body. That means feeling, which means awakening from the numbness induced by nonstop electric communication -- and nonstop activity.
The Grandmother Land, High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis. |
We're talking about the feminine side of experience: not mental; not driven by activity, or goals, or profits, but rather by experience itself.
Said another way, this is about all things feminine and female, and raising those aspects of consciousness. It's no coincidence that this is happening in a time when all things female and feminine (including the Earth) are under siege, be it psychic, economic or physical.
This is taking a toll on each of us; and we need to respond individually, and encourage one another to ground into our bodies and feelings. We have reached the point where that's the single most vital aspect of spiritual growth.
Psychologist Erich Fromm noted many years ago, "The more the drive toward life is thwarted, the stronger is the drive toward destruction; the more life is realized, the less is the strength of destructiveness. Destructiveness is the outcome of unlived life."
The opposite of that would be encouraging the drive to life and to experience; to choose to actually live; to participate in this great biological experience known as existence on Earth.
With love,
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core Community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Special Project Designer: Lizanne Webb. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Eric's Assistant: Ellen Dockery. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Music Director: Daniel Sternstein. Bass and Drums: Daniel Grimsland. Additional Research, Writing and Opinions: Amy Jacobs, Cindy Ragusa and Carol van Strum.
What I Noticed As Mercury Prepared to Station Direct
By Amanda Painter
Yesterday at 12:33 pm EDT (16:33 UTC), Mercury stationed direct while tucked right in the middle of the Uranus-Eris conjunction in Aries. It's an amazing opportunity to observe for yourself what Uranus-Eris means in terms of our collective consciousness: by noticing what makes the news this week, and by noticing where your own thoughts go.
Monica Lewinsky, delivering her 2015 TED talk. |
What's catching your attention right now (and for the last couple days), and how are you thinking about it?
I write this column a day before it publishes, which means I'm right in the station-direct zone as I type.
I couldn't be bothered with listening to James Comey defend the FBI on the Clinton email inquiry, significant as it might be. But what's really captured my attention was something I heard on the radio Tuesday night while driving: a broadcast of the TED Radio Hour on NPR.
Specifically, I heard a segment of a program called "To Endure" -- a segment featuring Monica Lewinsky being interviewed about surviving shame and trauma, and including clips from her previous TED talk about it. Lewinsky's TED talk first aired in 2015; the TED Radio Hour episode aired in February of this year. But my mind (which Mercury represents) encountered it Tuesday night, and its themes and timing were not lost on me in terms of their relevance to Mercury stationing conjunct Uranus and Eris in Aries.
Continue reading →

Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
I don't say this out loud often, but the world is a scary place right now. While many spiritual traditions say that fear is never an appropriate response to life, it's certainly understandable. It's so intense that I have to talk myself down from the tree every now and then, and put myself back on solid ground.
Here's what I think is the most frightening thing: the dim recognition that we cannot really do anything about the world's problems. Even when you get to a place where you feel somewhat confident and stable, the crises of the planet -- psychological, environmental, political, economic, all of it -- are always right outside the front door. And people seem frozen, struggling even for the concept of solutions.
Uranus, the planet of revolution. |
Think of it. Aware, sensitive people know there are problems, and we also feel the seeming paralysis. Not only that, we're inundated with influences to shut down our awareness and sensitivity; and consciousness-raising tools are difficult to find, and they're not usually so world-savvy: that is, they're rarely grounded in actual experience.
Really, I'm amazed anyone finds any peace of mind at all. It is a struggle if not impossible, and it takes experience. And as Lou Reed said, a busload of faith.
My job these days is to fashion tools. Using astrology, spiritual paths, and everything I've learned both in therapy and working with people, I make resources that will help you learn, seek self-understanding, and meet the world around you eye to eye. I don't provide answers. I'm good at something much better, and more relevant: which is helping you to ask the right questions.
I reckon that with the world as overly complicated and insane as it is, astrology is one of the few tools capable of embracing both problem and solution, both private and collective. This is the gift we have, which we need like never before.
My approach to astrology is designed to point you inward, in a way that feels safe, sane and loving. Right now I'm working on a new project, timed for spring 2017: INVOLUTION: The Revolution is Within.

As far as I can tell, our only option is to grow. That means that the revolution won't be in the streets -- or at least it won't start there. For us, in our time, the revolution must be within. That's the thing that's been lacking -- and it's the cause of most of the problem.
In this 12-sign reading (which covers your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and those of your loved ones), I will look at the last seasons of Chiron in Pisces and Uranus in Aries. We'll tap into Uranus conjunct Eris in a whole new way.
Yet the most helpful thing in this reading will be my first interpretation of the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 -- which will streak across the entire United States from coast to coast. That eclipse will change life as we know it in the United States, and you'll want to have your surf board positioned correctly when the wave comes in.
Beltane is, in part, a celebration of nature -- its fertility, our own, and the beautiful way that the life force can express through sexuality and creativity. And although Adam Pritchett's embroideries of natural subjects are not blatantly sexual, they do showcase an appreciation for "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower," as poet Dylan Thomas put it. The pieces in Pritchett's spider series, in which he uses holes in the cloth to create their webs, are particularly unique.

Loreena McKennitt and all her Aquarius planets.
This Week on Planet Waves FM
The Beltane Edition with Loreena McKennitt
Dear Friend and Listener:
This week's edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here] focuses on Beltane, though first I describe the current, highly and deeply unusual Mercury station direct in Aries. That took place Wednesday [view chart here].
Mercury stationed direct conjunct the Uranus-Eris conjunction -- a kind of historic event, and I was curious to see what Wednesday's news would hold.
The triple conjunction of Mercury, Uranus and Eris will hold clear through Beltane weekend. For those curious about my class, here is a link describing it.
The Grandmother Land in High Falls, NY (near New Paltz, in the County of Ulster), where I've spent many a Beltane. |
In the second section, I talk about Beltane and the cross-quarter days, and describe my take on the significance of this holiday.
I also tell the story in this section of "Red Pill" culture and the recent revelation that a New Hampshire state legislator who is credited with founding this area of Reddit. I give a refresher on the Waking Life coffee guys [play that episode here] and then talk about the environmental background that I believe leads to this kind of thing.
In the third section, I look at Loreena McKennitt's natal chart, and play a few minutes of a 1994 interview with her from KCRW-Santa Monica. (You can find more information on Loreena and her music here and here.) And finally in Tantra Corner, I talk about houses 5, 8 and 12, which I think give us three excellent options for discussing sexuality.
This week's section breaks are:
00 Minutes -- Section 1, intro and Mercury direct
37 Minutes -- Section 2, Beltane and Red Pill culture
1:28 Minutes -- Section 3, Loreena McKennitt chart and interview
2:03 Minutes -- Section 4, Tantra Corner on houses 5, 8 and 12
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, Inc., a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation. This program has one corporate sponsor, Planet Waves, which is in turn supported exclusively by your contributions, memberships and product purchases.
Thank you for being part of our broadcasting adventure.
With love,
Photo by Steve Guettermann, taken Tuesday in Renne Library at Montana State University, Bozeman. |
Two Corrections from Last Week
During last week's program about Robert M. Pirsig, featuring Yes, I made two factual errors. Firstly, Pirsig taught at Montana State University at Bozeman (not University of Montana).
One of our listeners, Steve Guettermann, teaches on that campus, and took the photo above and pointed out the error. Pirsig, like many famous people involved with small towns, has not been fully appreciated for his contributions. Yet there is at least an acknowledgement in Renne Library on that campus, including a plaque made by some students fairly recently, and a framed map of the motorcycle journey with a photo of Pirsig and his son Chris.
Second, Greg Cedarbeard of Portland, OR, wrote in:
Tales From Topographic Oceans was one of my favorite albums in my recovery from a heavy metal only phase of my teens. Thanks for including it! The album the other three came from is called Fragile, not "Roundabout."
"The Fish" was Chris Squire's composition, and "Mood For A Day" was by Steve Howe. Jon Anderson was not always the lead composer in Yes. That being said it was refreshing to hear about your experience with their music.
Steve, Greg, thanks for the additional info. It's easy to make mistakes on the radio since I'm never quite sure where I'm going to go. Anyone with corrections to Planet Waves FM may write to me at Thank you.
Your Monthly Horoscopes -- and our Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for May on Thursday, April 20. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for April on Thursday, March 23. Your Moonshine horoscope for the Aries New Moon were published on Thursday, March 30. We published your Moonshine horoscope for the Virgo Full Moon on Thursday, March 9. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Thursday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2017, #1150 | By Eric Francis
Aries (March 20-April 19) -- You deserve to have more confidence than you currently do, where a relationship is concerned. What you've experienced recently has taken you deep into your self-awareness; now you must use what you know. The potential snag: people change, and relationships change. Sometimes that transformation makes it impossible to relate to someone on previous terms. When both partners are aware, flexible and willing to evolve, then and only then can the relationship grow. The only program you have to get with is that the universe and all of its people are in nonstop motion. One way or another, progress is inevitable. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
"I am always surprised and stimulated by the topics you touch on and value them precisely because they are things I would not have come up with by my usual ways of thinking. Bring it on!"
-- Phyllis Capanna
Attention Taurus Sun, Rising and Moon folks: Have you listened to this short audio sample of your 2017 Taurus Birthday Reading yet? How about this other sample? The two astrology segments of your birthday reading are available for instant access (the tarot portion will follow along shortly), and you can get it all for only $24.24.
Recorded at the Taurus New Moon, Eric covers recent big events in your chart such as Venus retrograde; how Mars in Gemini relates to reconciling your innermost values and needs with those of people you relate to; the way that your professional ambitions are being energized by Saturn on the Galactic Core -- and more. You also get access to last year's reading, and an extended sign description. In all, your Taurus Birthday Reading is as close to a personal reading from Eric as you can get, at a fraction of the cost.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) -- You may have to lose yourself before you find yourself. You seem to be swimming from one perspective to another, though don't take this too seriously. You always know where you are; at the minimum, you're alive and in your body. If you're feeling even vaguely lost, come back to what your body needs: is it food, companionship, fresh air, rest, or a little time alone? These are not abstractions. The secret to being happy as a Taurus is to take care of the physical level first. If you drink water, eat nourishing food and sleep at night, your life tends to go well. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) -- Mars in your sign is pushing you to take sides. Yet you seem to see one side as valid, then see the other as equally valid. Consider that both viewpoints complement one another, and that they work together. Take that a little further and see them as part of the same solution. Life is rarely a question of one side or the other being right. It's almost always a question of being able to adapt and create a way of thinking, and of working, that actually serves you and your goals. Take a step back and look at the wider landscape. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) -- You're about to experience a breakthrough on a question involving your career or profession. Yet once you have this information, you'll need to apply consistent discipline to make it useful. This is the obvious statement that we all need to write on the bathroom mirror. You have all the ambition and all the ideas that you need; you must play shepherd and sheepdog to yourself, and keep your herd of responsibilities grouped together and maintained on a daily and hourly basis. Then when the big idea arrives, you'll have a system functioning that can help you bring it to fruition. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) -- You may feel the need to be more honest with others about who you are, and that's a healthy impulse. Consider all that you don't talk about. Notice all that you have not mentioned to close partners and friends. You might question your motives for remaining silent. You can also simply be more forthright and let people into your desires, your thoughts and your feelings, and see what happens. Most people fear disaster would ensue if they told the truth about themselves, though the actual results are usually much more liberating and energizing. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) -- If you've got an idea for an investment or business enterprise, follow your instinct; though don't gamble everything. Make sure you set enough cash and resources aside to have what you need to cover the basics, and then take a reasonable risk with the rest. If a partner is involved, ensure that the collaboration is balanced, and that both parties make comparable investments of commitment, time and money. Make sure that the terms of any agreement are clear, in writing, from the outset, especially where money is concerned. This is an important aspect of planning for success. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) -- The conduct of a close partner may be perplexing to you, though if you look closely you will see the logic. You've gone through a rapid series of changes and a phase of, "Give me some room; I've got to figure this out." At this stage of your life, you would be wise to live your relationships in the moment, rather than being distracted by past events or future plans. Is your experience fulfilling to you now? Are you growing and is your situation improving? If you've answered no to any of those questions, you need to think carefully about what you're doing there -- and what you really want. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) -- Proceed with caution this month where financial matters are concerned. You could easily get caught up in your own excitement or wishful thinking and make a costly error. You may, however, feel like you're proceeding with the utmost confidence that everything is excellent. You need to reality-check yourself regularly. It would help if you consult with someone who is intelligent and not directly involved in your plans, someone whom you actually respect, and run your financial plans past them at every stage of the game. Listen carefully to what they tell you. And overall, for the next few weeks, when in doubt ask for proof. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) -- Your own insecurities may be getting the best of you. You need to get the best of them, first by recognizing how you actually feel. With Mars in your opposite sign Gemini all month, you may feel like others are pressuring you or are being verbally aggressive. You may be confident but you're also sensitive. Certain comments may go right into you and not seem to come out. Recognizing that, you must hold your boundaries and choose your company carefully. Holding your boundaries means standing up for yourself, and learning to say, and mean, "This is not acceptable." For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) -- While it may seem that a relationship is changing, what's really evolving is your concept of what a relationship should be. Nearly all the prevailing notions of relationship lack clear expectations, and most lack dependable role models. It's time to raise your awareness about these matters, and take a step in the direction that follows your other advances in maturity. The bottom line in any successful relationship is that people share the same spiritual goals, and agree how they plan to get there. Then, life happens -- though at least you have those underlying principles as your foundation. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- You're going through a kind of initiation: the emergence from one distinct phase of your life to another, in the most positive sense. Initiation is a concept that's all but missing from Western culture. Think of it as a graduation: emerging to a higher level of growth and challenge. Now you must be your own master: of ethics, of keeping the promises you make, and of focusing on the higher purpose of your life. Higher purpose means knowing why you're doing something rather than just doing it. Opening up that topic might seem overwhelming, but it's time to ask real questions, so you get real answers. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -- The price one pays for success is responsibility. Once you accept that, success will be all the sweeter. It will push you to be a better person, more confident in yourself, more reliable and more honest with yourself and others. The image of doing well is rather different from the reality. We are constantly confronted by celebrities who seem not to have a care in the world. For you, three parts service to one part glory is the ideal formula. Wake up every morning and remind yourself that you have a job to do, so you may as well do the best job you can. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
The Book of Your Life, many months in the making, is now available for instant access. This includes extended readings for all 12 Sun signs and rising signs. You can get access to all 12 signs here, or you can get your individual sign here.
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