New York, Oct. 18, 2016 | View as Webpage | Visit Our Boutique
This Week on Planet Waves FM
Forget Astrology -- Bob Dylan Won the Nobel Prize for Literature
Dear Friend and Reader:
OK, I don't forget the astrology, but much of this week's program is devoted to Bob Dylan, who has won the dubious distinction of the Nobel Prize for Literature. That's in tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM [play episode here].
I say dubious because the Nobel family made its wealth in weapons and explosives, and it was only at the end of Alfred Nobel's life that he tried to redeem himself and will his considerable fortune to a trust that would give out prizes for great achievements. And this year, the committee awarded Bob Dylan the prize for literature.
Hey, we all knew the guy could write. And he influenced every lyricist who ever heard one of his songs, and taught a bunch of other people what you can do when you focus your words and your ideas onto the page.
The name Planet Waves is a Dylan turn of phrase, so it's fair to say that the name of our organization was written by a Nobel laureate. If you're curious about his chart when I go over it, you may see it here.
In this edition, I focus the astrology on the conjunction of Mars and Pluto that takes place Wednesday, the day of the third presidential debate. I cover the movement of Pluto through Capricorn, the potential influence of Mars, and also look ahead at both Mars and Pluto aspecting the Uranus-Eris conjunction.
We also take a visit to Standing Rock, with some help from Amy Goodman and Democracy Now. Amy was charged first with criminal trespassing (a stretch, given that the ‘criminal' part means you intended to commit some other crime while trespassing), but that was dropped and the prosecutor decided that her TV coverage was more along the lines of rioting. The judge threw that out. We have that report, and also a check-in at the scene of the Standing Rock protest in North Dakota.
With love,
Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Thursday evening in Kingston, New York, by Planet Waves, Inc. Core community membership: $197/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Designer: Lizanne Webb. Finance: Jonathan McCarthy. Astrology Editor: Amanda Painter. Astrology Fact Checker: Len Wallick. Copy Editor and Fact Checker: Jessica Keet. Eric's Assistant: Gale Jazylo. Client Services: Amy Elliott. Media Consultant: Andrew Ellis Marshall McLuhan. Research, Writing and Editing: In addition to those listed above, Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Kelly Janes, Amanda Moreno and Carol van Strum. 
Recharge With Your 2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading
"Words fail me when I try to express my amazement at and gratitude for your incredible talent. As everyone else tells you, you are describing my life (and helping me through)." -- Joyce Smart, on a previous Scorpio reading
The Sun is preparing to enter your sign on Oct. 22. Meanwhile, your traditional and modern sign rulers (Mars and Pluto, respectively) are in a high-power conjunction in Capricorn.
Whether you’re feeling off-kilter or energized, self-protective or up for a challenge, one thing is clear: Scorpio’s inner battery pack is getting charged and ready. But ready for what, exactly?
In your 2016-17 Scorpio Birthday Reading, Eric will investigate how you can use your considerable (if discreetly hidden) resources in creative, growth-oriented ways -- covering such areas as relationships, money, spiritual healing, your career goals and more.
Pre-order your reading now to secure the lowest price we offer: $19.97 for two segments of audio astrology plus a video tarot reading. The whole package will become available in two stages, and the price will increase incrementally along the way -- early purchase gives you all of it for the best deal.

Astrology and the Inner Search for Meaning
I Have a Story To Tell You: The Book of Your Life
Dear Friend and Reader:
With the world in its state of seeming madness, you may be feeling stressed to the point of being pulled apart. So much in the world seems scattered, fragmented and like it makes no sense at all. Everything is changing so fast, it's actually impossible to keep up. There seems to be little rest for the weary.
Continue reading →
Did you miss Eric's most recent class, It's All In the Houses? You can now get the recording here, and listen to the seminar at your own pace, whenever you like.
"Warm thanks for a spectral learning experience. I really love and admire Eric's ability to deliver insightful explanations."
-- Ann Roddy, It's All in the Houses participant
For only $44 (further discounts available for Backstage Pass members), you'll receive online access to the downloadable, re-playable audio in two parts, an introductory video, charts and a webpage of class notes, plus links to additional resources.

This Week on Planet Waves
Step Back From Power Struggles
Mars has been big news all year, as it went through its retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius. Now Mars is well beyond those signs, in mid-Capricorn, and it's about to meet up with Pluto -- the longtime dweller and agent of change. Eric writes that this may encourage some people around you to go on a wee power trip.
Four Winds Report for Oct. 18, 2016
Monitor carefully the situations in your life that you want to resolve. There's probably just one. It might be professional in nature; it might involve your family; it might involve some government entity. Pay close attention and make sure you understand the way the chess board is laid out before you move another piece.
Surprise! It's a Wild-Card Full Moon
Given the planets involved, Sunday’s Aries Full Moon was a bit of a wild card. Amanda Painter noticed three of last week’s news stories that seemed to reflect both the Full Moon conjunct Uranus-Eris in Aries and other significant current astrology, such as Ceres in Aries square Vesta in Cancer, and the Mars-Pluto conjunction.
Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 17, 2016
You're burning off some of your deepest insecurities. That's a process that might make heat and smoke, meaning you might feel your fears in some raw form before you decide you don't need them anymore. Therefore I suggest being prepared for some emotional intensity -- which you would do best to be open about with people you share your living space with.
Aries Full Moon: Here Beside the Rising Tide
Writing 48 hours before the big Full Moon we just experienced conjunct Uranus-Eris, in this full issue Eric walks readers through the environment currently lit up by the Uranus-Eris conjunction; that's the sign of our times, associated with electronic media revolutions -- and, apparently, the ‘mystical longing’ Wilhem Reich describes.
Think You Can
You are not a machine. Even so, Len Wallick illustrates how a well-known children’s story about an imaginary train is tracking with the astrology to help you get over any uphill tasks you are facing this week. The key is not waiting until after the Mars-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is exact. Instead, start working that energy now.
Democracy Now! -- Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016
A North Dakota judge today refused to authorize riot charges against award-winning journalist Amy Goodman for her reporting on an attack against Native American-led anti-pipeline protesters.
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