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A Different Facet of Experience -- and Your Moonshine Horoscopes
Dear Friend and Reader:
Tomorrow is the Capricorn Full Moon: this is when the Cancer Sun opposes the Moon in Capricorn. This year, the Capricorn Full Moon happens less than 24 hours after Venus and Jupiter make their first in a series of conjunctions (thanks to the upcoming Venus retrograde).
The Moon rising behind the Temple of Poseidon, Sounion, Greece, July 15, 2011. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis. |
Essentially, that makes the Full Moon and Venus-Jupiter one event, though it is multi-layered. Planet Waves offers several ways for you to get the feel for this astrology and work with it productively, mentioned further down this letter.
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Now, as for this week's astrology: Len Wallick has written today's Moonshine horoscopes for the Full Moon. Len writes these horoscopes for your Moon sign (there's a link on the horoscopes page to help you figure out yours), but you can also read them for your Sun and rising sign to see how they resonate.
In the Sunday night Astrology Diary, Eric described the Capricorn Full Moon / Venus-Jupiter hybrid event as "the image of opposites attracting in a wholesome and creative way." He adds that, the two aspects together "seem to be a comment on the same scenario, reminding you that different facets of experience are available."
On Planet Waves FM, Eric will cover the Capricorn Full Moon in greater depth. The Capricorn Moon is one of the most misunderstood factors in all of natal astrology, and Eric has some excellent theories. If you're curious to know more ahead of the program, don't miss his article The Emperor's Full Moon, which offers some ideas and has long been a favorite of Cap Moon natives.
As seen by Time magazine, outside the Supreme Court on Friday morning. Photo: Mladen Antonov. |
He'll also cover the perils of a sharply divided Supreme Court, discussing recent decisions on the EPA and air pollution and the death penalty -- as well as the same sex marriage issue. Eric's musical guest will be The Grateful Dead, in honor of their 50th anniversary concert this weekend in Chicago.
On the Planet Waves website this week, in support of our membership drive, we've opened up content published this week to all visitors. Among the articles you'll want to check out are:
-- Eric's discussion of the astrology of the Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage and its roots in the Stonewall riots of 1969
-- Amanda Moreno's examination of the joys and frustrations of choosing a life of service and healing, in a cultural infrastructure that seems almost to work against such things
-- Fe Bongolan and Judith Gayle parse out some of the week's advances in U.S. politics, including the landmark SCOTUS decision on same-sex mariage
-- Sarah Taylor's tarot reading for the week describes an evolution: from self-contained and isolated seeking, to the radiation of what you have found in your inner Soul travels
As usual, Len Wallick's column will appear on the Planet Waves website later today, and I'll be back on the website Thursday with a look at the late-week astrology.
Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter
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