Planet Waves Monthly | By Eric Francis

Above: Mello Mendo from the Buddha series by Via Keller | Studio Psycherotica

October 2003 | Version 2.0

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Aries (March 20-April 19)
Before long, you may wonder whether the extraordinary ability you've developed to see through the layers of your perception and to gaze at the inner workings of your psyche was really real, or whether it will last. Regardless, insights of the past few months have allowed you access to depths of your humanity and to recognize the truly beautiful colors of your imagination, and this process continues. While evolving our relationship with fear seems to be high on the world agenda, it's also been at the core of your process. In psychological terms, we could say you're learning that you're not your ego, rather, you are the inner man or woman whose sense of being transcends what has been called "the hungry I." What you'll notice in the coming weeks and months is the remarkable consistency between your self-knowledge and your self-expression. These lessons will never come again quite this way -- and no, you'll never forget them.

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Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Last year at this time, there was only a slim chance you were prepared for what would unfold as the next four seasons cycled through their revelations. Had you known of the unbearable, necessary and at times frightening changes that were to work their wonders on you, you might have turned back or looked for a less dangerous option. The third greatest gift you've received is that you've learned something about the nature of your fear, that imaginary wall that separates you from everyone and everything. The next greatest gift you've received is defining in absolutely clear terms who you are not. I propose the greatest gift you're being offered is standing with authentic assurance in your own life. We may wonder what you were living before, but it would be a long, convoluted tale and, as you're about to see, that story is over, and a new one has begun.

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Gemini (May 20-June 21)
There might as well be a big sign on the wall of my counseling room that says Art = Life. One's work is rarely fulfilling, that is, truly fulfilling, unless it engages and challenges the creative aspect of the spirit. We don't often realize the extent to which we're bred like prize poodles to cleanse every modicum of the curiosity and daring that makes our daily work actually worthwhile. I bid you consider the extent to which the complications of your life have been the result of simply being afraid to take a chance on what you want. Better still, I propose that you take one significant risk this month, and see what happens, and notice how you feel as the process unfolds. You will not die, explode or cause an earthquake if you follow your heart and your hormones into a possibility that vibrates your life into that truly strange state known as being alive.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This is no chance meeting you're experiencing. None of them are, but presently certain inner doors are opening and allowing you to exceed what you have long believed were your limitations. With Saturn passing through your sign, you may think this is an odd way to interpret the chart. Yet when we are living consciously, Saturn develops character, removes obstacles and teaches us to work within limitations in such a way that we go past them. And, though few astrologers will ever acknowledge this, Saturn can bring a revolutionary spirit, and is often the bearer of the message the time has arrived. For what? Perhaps to experience a balance between your personal and professional experiences of life. Other developments this month offer you the chance to bear witness to the ways in which love makes daunting risks seem reasonable and can penetrate complications that are little more than the residue of the past.

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Leo (July 22-Aug 23)
Ever-meaningful, eerie and beautiful Scorpio time begins toward the end of the month, but calls for an advance discussion now. It promises to be one of those "see everything you've been missing" eras of your emotional and home life -- and the effects of the distant past upon your quest for fulfillment today. You have, over an extended period of time, made a stunning, inspiring effort to resolve so much that has hurt you and held you back. The issues have involved how messed up certain people in your family are, or were. Tales of unresolved grief, of addiction and compulsion, and of a long struggle for liberation from the insecurities and failures of the past were all dropped in your lap, long ago, long before you can remember. Part of why these issues are so difficult to resolve is because they are simply invisible. Not for long, and not forever.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22)
Recent events have offered you the opportunity for a crowning achievement in forgiveness. Yet only the condemned can condemn, which is to say that the only person you can forgive is yourself. The laws of this world are designed to protect the few, not the many. Your vision is wider, more compassionate, and strives to live the truth that people are equal to one another. Thus everyone who comes into your life must be free, and you get to be the one who reminds them of that by allowing space for what I'll politely call their experiments into reality. This is about more than honoring a spiritual principle. It's about living a life you can really be in, and correct me if I'm wrong: what you're learning about relationships offers you that much more space to be yourself every day. Now you just need to take it.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)
What's truly important to you has been an exceptionally difficult field of inquiry for the past four seasons. Now a new solar year is upon you, and what you hold to be the highest truth and the greatest good are more obvious. There remains the question of why you have been plagued with what I can only call false lack of confidence, and you're likely to make important discoveries on this issue as you pursue what really matters to you. Loss of faith in oneself is not something that can be easily accounted for, though usually it's a belief rooted on the emotional level and not the mental level. While you cannot just change your mind about this, you can feel your way through your most intimate exchanges and observe where you've been unnecessarily afraid of giving too much of yourself and, worse, of receiving too much from others. Therein lies deep healing.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
While "the difference between sex and love" is a common topic among those striving for enlightenment and maturity, I propose the discussion is meaningless unless we conduct it in both directions. That would mean considering the possibility that sex and what we often call love are the same thing. Why is one viewpoint seemingly more controversial or more pure than the other? The dicier side of any issue can be such because an element of truth spurs a reaction. Now that a nagging sense of psychological injury has resolved itself for you, discussions of sexuality in all its forms shift to front-and-center. Your friends reading this may be inclined to laugh; you rarely shy away from sex talk. But I suggest you pursue the subject in ways that would captivate Rasputin, invoke the ghost of Freud and make a hooker blush. Everyone will benefit -- even your mother.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)
You need to question all your own presumptions and make an effort to persuade people with facts and data rather than opinions. You're in the role of teacher, and that requires patience. Teaching is an investment in your reputation, but it's also part of a refinement process for your mind, your communication skills and the fundamental way you relate to people. You are embarking on a time of momentous achievement, but as it turns out, for the foreseeable future this is going to come through reaching people in ways, and in language, they can understand clearly. That will require practice. Yet I think you'll have the confirmation you're seeking that your efforts are actually worth every drop of energy you put into them, or closer to the heart, that the people toward whom those efforts are devoted are worth it.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
It is rare that we receive direct affirmation of who we are, in a way we can actually hear it, in a moment when we need it the very most. To have this occur when we're in a space that renders us capable of receiving it is more rare still, possibly an experience that few have in their lifetime. Work on the openness that would allow you to receive, because the affirmation is being offered. In truth you will be able to find it anywhere and everywhere. But it will be the gift of one person who touches your inner world and reminds you of your long-forgotten memory of who you really are that you're likely to treasure the most. Try not to judge the meeting. There is no need to present yourself any differently than you feel, which is another way of saying try not to judge yourself. Just let the healing happen.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
Focus on a health issue and everything else will become clear. It may involve a nutritional or digestive situation, bone or connective tissue, but could go beyond that short list. Seek professional help, using both traditional and alternative methods, if you remotely suggest you need it. Aspects are as close to perfect as they're going to get to effect a full cure, mainly because the cause of the problem, its effects and the action of your chosen course of healing are aligning exactly as these weeks progress. You don't need to worry about a professional matter that may have you concerned; information is forthcoming in ways you never could have foreseen, and with a level of accuracy you can bank on. If you take care of yourself, very little in this world will be out of your grasp or understanding.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
My sense is you'll soon realize it was worth the wait. Not that you've been passively waiting, or taking the long Mars retrograde that ended Sept. 27 as an excuse to go backwards. Rather, it was an opportunity to gather strength, power and clarity, which it's now your time to express. You will need to trust that the ties you severed and the preparations you made have been well-conceived and adequate to prepare you for what you are now going to encounter, experience and express. You've learned to calculate your risks as well as you've learned to take them willingly. While you may be considered one of the more chaotic people among your friends and family, on the deepest levels you actually sense and work with the hidden order of the universe. Or is it simply, as your Pisces cousin Albert Einstein reminded us, that imagination is more powerful than knowledge?

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