Sagittarius First Quarter Moon, Sept. 3, 2003, natural houses (whole sign houses with 00 Aries in the ascendant). Chart cast in Io's Star-Sprite animation program.

Note Mars (the "male" symbol, in red) in Pisces, above the horizontal line on the left side of the wheel; Uranus is the "H" planet above it. Both are retrograde, indicated by the little red Rx. Opposite these planets are four planets together in Virgo -- Jupiter in pink, Sun in yellow, Venus ("female" symbol) in blue and Mercury in lighter blue. Note that Mercury is retrograde. This is the full activation of the Virgo/Pisces axis. These planets are or will be squared -- met at approximately 90 degrees -- by Pluto in Sagittarius, which on this particular day will be joined by the moon (top of chart, right of center). This increases the intensity of the opposition across Virgo-Pisces. Back to current week's edition.